by Justin Stoddart | Aug 22, 2019 | Business Development
When I read the book “Blue Ocean Strategy” years ago, I didn’t realize a couple of things: How much more relevant the principles would be in an increasingly fast-innovating and highly disruptive industry and world Once you understand the difference... by Justin Stoddart | Aug 21, 2019 | Personal Development, Business Development
As we begin to think bigger we start to want to put up with less of the life we don’t want. We start to realize that more of the life we do want is actually within reach. According to Tony Robbins, standards are simply what you’re willing to put up with.... by Justin Stoddart | Aug 21, 2019 | Business Development, Personal Development
Today’s episode of the Think Bigger Real Estate Show with Tanya Beeler reminded me of how how much momentum matters. She shared that she’s often struggled to implement the 66-Day Challenge of developing a new habit as taught in Gary Keller and Jay... by Justin Stoddart | May 2, 2019 | Personal Development, Business Development
One of my greatest mentors is a guy by the name of Russell Brunson, founder of Clickfunnels. Russell tells the following story that has powerful implications for all of us. When he was in high school he was a state champion wrestler. Each day at practice he would... by Justin Stoddart | Apr 30, 2019 | Business Development, Personal Development
We live in a world full of disagreement. Yet one of the few things that people, specifically high achievers, do agree upon is the impact that a solid morning routine can be on creating a successful and a significant business, career, family and life. I have been...