Real estate agents like helping people. And if given a model to help even more people, they would gladly do it.
What if you were able to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars every year to charitable causes that are important to your community.
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Justin Stoddart 0:01
So the big question is this. How do we those of us in the real estate industry with crazy amounts of ambition? How do we think bigger than the building of our own empires? How do we simultaneously see success and significance, income and impact? My name is Justin Stoddard. And this is the Think Bigger Real Estate Show. Have you ever wanted to be very philanthropic, like give away a lot of money, all the while building a very successful real estate business. If you’ve ever aspired to do that, today is your day I have the foremost expert in the country potential in the world on this topic. I believe that to be true. Before I go there, let me just do a quick quick intro and I’m gonna come back and I’m gonna introduce this beautiful lady who has mastered something that you are gonna want to hear more about.
Welcome back to the Think Bigger Real Estate Show. I’m your host Justin Stoddart, thrilled to be with you here today and have a very special guest Ginger Walker out of the Northern Virginia market from the GiveBack theme. Ginger, thank you so much for coming. And joining us on the show today.
Ginger Walker 1:20
Thank you, I’m super excited to be here. I am so excited to be here. Thank you so much.
Justin Stoddart 1:25
So for those that don’t know, Ginger, and I are in a very high level mastermind, the individual who leads the mastermind, is quite the impressive individual. And we all get the good fortune of learning from him, and learning from each other. And I’ve been deeply impressed by the little pieces that ginger has brought to the table and shared with all of us. And I just knew at some point, I had to highlight her on this because I work very closely with agents helping them to build a relationship based business yet one that scales right, oftentimes people will see, okay, I have goals here and my warm referral shut off here. So what do I do? Do I fill that gap with cold market stuff, most of them don’t want to do that, nor do they want to lower their goals. Again, I teach agents, specifically how to scale a referral business and what you teach ginger, it’s all about relationships. It’s all about really contributing to people in big ways. So I’m thrilled to get into this how you’ve so perfectly welded together, your philanthropic desires, and passions with real estate and selling a lot. So tell us a little bit about how long you been in the business, and maybe how you kind of went down this path.
Ginger Walker 2:34
So I started in real estate in 2008. And if you know anything about what the market was like, then it was it was definitely interesting. But it was a great time for me to to learn. And that’s really what ended up you know, happening that first couple of years. I’ve always believed in giving back and that stems really, honestly from my mom. So it was something that was ingrained in me and everything that I did, it didn’t matter what job what profession that I that I did it in. So when I started in real estate, I started out as a solo agent. I had a friend who actually had started a charity in Fredericksburg, Virginia called the fairy godmother project. It’s supported local families with pediatric cancer really small, just kind of very homegrown kind of charity. It started from a need, and it grew into something quite massive today. But at that time, she had said, you know, I asked her how could I help? That’s just kind of how I come from that, that mindset, how can I help you? How can I help the community? And so she said, you know, we’re going to try and do a little fundraiser, could you put a basket together. And I started just helping, it led to me being on their board of directors and being forward facing with some of the activities that I was doing to support this one particular charity. And the funny thing was, someone actually gave me the nickname, The give back girl. And it just stopped.
It wasn’t, it wasn’t a marketing thing. It wasn’t, somebody just started calling you that. And I became known as ginger to get back girl. And so at some point, when I got to the level of my business where I didn’t want to stop, I did want to scale, I wanted to make more of an impact in the community and help more clients. And I wanted to continue the ripple effect. And so I started the team, and the natural name for the team was I dropped the girl I added the team. And here we are. So that’s that’s basically kind of in a nutshell, you know, from start to where I am right now very quickly, how things progress and the giving back was always something that I did. I didn’t talk about it, which was a struggle for me to have a team right now do talk about it, but the impact of what it’s doing is so amazing that I want to talk about even more I don’t sometimes I talk about houses, sometimes I talk about charities, sometimes I talk about you know what’s going on in my family life and all that stuff. But ultimately everything thing, the common thread that shone through is all three. And that’s really what’s exponentially taken our business to the next level also, which is pretty awesome.
Justin Stoddart 5:10
Now your team has given away if I’ve got the number, right $150,000 security, like, this isn’t some small little contribution, like you guys have really figured out a way to do this at scale, and you’re just getting started, right. And this is so fun to hear. And I hope that this becomes a template for agents all around the country to say, there’s a lot of nonprofits and charitable organizations out there that I love, and how cool would it be, to have it when people do business with me, I also get the opportunity to contribute to these charities, right draws in more business in a very natural, heartfelt way.
Ginger Walker 5:47
Exactly. And those are the people that I want to work with to you know, it’s it’s one of those things where the people on my team, you know, we all come from a giving heart. And I think that that’s the important, that’s the important factor and the domination, you know, the common denominator within everyone within the group that works with us. And it’s not just the teammates, but it’s also the clients. So the way that I look at is everyone has a something that’s what I always say, there’s a something that impacted your life, right? It could be, you know, you ran a race, and you were impacted by you know, the, the team that ran for a charitable organization, or a family member had a disease or you adopted a pet from a certain shelter.
When you think about it, everyone sort of has that one or two or five, Heartstrings that that leads you to something where they feel compassion and want to give back. And so that’s that’s kind of where the, I guess the glue that binds us all together as humans, is that compassionate and wanting to help and support each other? So for us, you know, it’s kind of cool. We, we started off as far as the the amount of money. When I first started by myself, I had no idea what I was doing, I decided that I was going to give 10% back of what I earned to the charity of the clients choice. I didn’t know what that looked like. And then it was was it, you know, the total amount I earned or after taxes, or it got too in the weeds for me. And the thing that I didn’t like, was that, and I realized was that someone who purchased a home, that was $300,000, that commission was x. But if someone purchased a $3 million house, that commission was x times something, right? And in my mind, no, no charity is less deserving of another. And so when we started the team, we actually formalize it to a flat amount for every charity to receive the same thing. So it didn’t matter what the commission was. Every charity was equally as important, which is kind of cool.
Justin Stoddart 7:58
A couple stories that come to mind as you’re as you’re sharing this, I actually had a conversation with somebody today who was looking to me for some mentorship, they suggested, I’ve got two career opportunities in front of me, one of them, I don’t love that much. I don’t love the day to day work, but they just offered me like a $35,000 bonus to stay. And this other one has potential to probably do that without you know too much work. But it’s, it’s not right in my lap today. But actually like the work and I said like, at the end of the day. The only thing that’s going to work for you long term is something that you’re willing to do consistently consistently is, is the X Factor, if you’re willing to do something consistently, I said, if you don’t love it, you don’t love the people that you’re around. Ultimately, at some point you’re going to wear out and you’re going to do something else, you’re not gonna get the results you hope. So choose the thing that you love being around the people that you love.
And what I just heard you say Ginger’s absolutely brilliant is that this attracts to you, people who have a heart for charity organizations for giving, like you naturally get the show up every day. And many if not all, the people that you work with are there because of who you are, because they’re like you like so typically listen to this, whether this is your thing or not be the the truest version of yourself through your branding and your marketing. And allow that and know that as you put that out there, you’re gonna attract people just like you. So if you don’t like the people that you’re attracting, you might go back and look at your marketing your messaging, and be like, Oh, okay, that’s why these people are showing up, right? I’m the discount broker, I’m the whatever. So like, like, what does everyone try and like get my fees on all the time? What what are you putting out there that is attracting those people to you, right? You’re attracting people who want to give who who want a portion of their real estate sales that go towards a, you know, something that they care about is absolutely brilliant, and what a great lesson for all of us. So thanks for being that and then kind of showing that lesson in real life. Well, and
Ginger Walker 9:51
it’s you know, for us, it’s always always a work in progress we’re trying to figure out and I love the words the ripple effect, because that’s really what we want to do. We want to throw us stone in a giant ocean and cause the wave to only get bigger as it hits closer to the shore. And so what I mean by that is, you know, if we’ve given money back to, I don’t know, Stafford County Animal Shelter, which is near and dear to my heart and I adopt for babies every time I walk in there but you know, we do the clear the shelters for them, we sponsor the entire thing, we buy everyone the shirts were there to help. We pay for all the adoptions, we actually adopt a cat room for the entire year anyway, we pay for everything there.
And that’s just one of the things that we do. But that is has nothing to do with the, you know, donation with regards to a closing, right, that’s just being in the community and doing something good. And it’s interesting, because doing things like that, where I would want to do that, anyway, I love playing with dogs and cats, and I have a bunch at my house along with some kids and, and we actually did it the kids and I did it as a family along with the team. And when you’re in the public that way, people are naturally attracted to want to work with you, because you’re in the public, they’re seeing you and they’re seeing something a side of you, that’s not necessarily like the suit and the tie and the, you know, the business, but they’re actually seeing the compassion, which is a pretty cool thing also. So it doesn’t always have to be monetarily based. It can be, you know, volunteering your time, it could be taking up a collection,
I mean, we do that too. We we help with the local schools, they have the back to school, backpack drive, where you’re filling the backpacks for, you know, the kids that don’t have the ability to pay for the supplies, or the schools that don’t have the ability to, you know, stock everything that they need. There’s all different types of things that you can do. And I think, for me, by doing things like this and talking about it, the key for me is it doesn’t have to be monetary, it could be your time, or it could be even spreading the word about a local organization. And that causes the ripple effect to even get bigger and involve the community. And they’re seeing you being involved too. And I think that that’s the key.
Justin Stoddart 12:01
So I love that, again, you’re opening our eyes to a new form of giving that it’s not always stroking a check, right sometimes the platform that you’ve built, right, which is your audience, the people that receive your correspondence, see on social media, by giving of that platform towards a good cause you’re bringing attention to it, which has value, right. I love that it’s a great point. You know, all of this ginger reminds me of a story of her just last week it was it was very impactful to me. There’s a gentleman by the name of John Huntsman, he’s a billionaire. I don’t think he’s since passed. But he very famous man, out of out of Utah, he, when he and his wife were newly married, they were not billionaires, they were very poor. Like most of us when we start off and kind of do married life, and they’d given themselves each a budget of $50 per month as their own personal spending money. And, you know, his wife would spend it on like, whatever. And going back.
She was like, I don’t really know what John was spending his $50 on, like, he never really show anything. And one day during like a church service, a lady stood up. And she said, I want to thank whoever it is, that has been given me $50 a month for the past two years, anonymously. I want to thank that person. I don’t know who you are. But I want you to know that it means a lot. And she looked over her husband, and he didn’t even look at her. He just his eyes big straightforward. And she said long before he was wealthy, he was a philanthropist. I think maybe there’s something to that, right, that if you believe in a higher power, maybe that higher power sees those that are philanthropic before and says let’s give them a lot more, because they’re going to do a lot of good with that. Right? There may be something to that. But I love the fact that before you had this big, successful team, you had a heart for being philanthropic. And I think there’s people in the audience right now that have thought like, I really just love to, like, give money away. Like I’d really love to be that person. And again, going back to this lesson of you’ve really figured out how to make a very successful profitable business, while at the same time having this this powerful outreach, right, whether it be in in money, whether it be in just time, whether it be in just a tension on a cause. It’s it’s absolutely beautiful. It’s absolutely beautiful. I commend you for it.
Ginger Walker 14:19
Thank you. I mean, it’s, it’s, you know, it’s one of those things where if you don’t like, to your point before, if you don’t love what you do, you know, the money is great. But you have to like what you’re doing too. And so, for me, you know, being able to do this is just it’s always been ingrained in me my mom, as a kid, you know, we would at Christmas and I do this with my kids to at Christmas time, we would take toys that were in really good shape. And we gave them we were donating them to another child because we were done with them and we need to make room for the next toy. And so every year I mean my my kids know that if they knew I was talking about this, they’d kill me but they’re 18 and 16. And yes, Santa still comes in but they do the same thing, even to this day, you know, it’s, they, they give three things and I hope that they bring that to their children and their families, as they, you know, get older and move on with their, their lives. But so that was something that just came, it came from my mom. And so the pivot in my business, which was kind of interesting, because my backgrounds, actually, pharmaceuticals, I did pharmaceutical sales for a very long time, climbed the corporate ladder, and ended up running an entire region of sales professional, so sales and, and marketing was always in, you know, ingrained in me from that perspective of a professional person.
But the giving was always the personal thing. And I, I wanted to be able to do something with my life that I could put both of them together the professional thing that I really enjoyed doing, and the personal thing that that my mom really made me who I am from that perspective. So when I started in real estate, you know, it was not by design, none of this was by design, it was all by accident. And so, you know, I would say you can live your life by design and make your business by design, and maybe learn a little bit of how I did it without making the stumbling blocks that I did. But I think the key thing is, is that if you want to find a way to give, there’s definitely something that you can do. And if you don’t know where to start, start with your community and ask who needs help, because that’s really the first place that you’re going to make the biggest impact is if the community is actually asking, and they have a need, and you can help fill it.
Justin Stoddart 16:35
There’s the cool thing about a real estate is businesses is oftentimes very geographically located right, very, very geographic center. And so you have the ability, using the model that you’ve described, of being able to contribute in a very local way and not have it be a detour from your business, right? It’s very much aligned with your business. Like it’s a really, really cool thing.
Ginger Walker 16:56
So I can give you Yeah, I can give you an example, too. You know, we do, I’m on the radio for a local radio station, and they do a big fundraiser for Children’s National Hospital in DC. And then there’s also a satellite in Fredericksburg. And so, you know, it was something that I didn’t even think about, but they were doing the they were getting ready for the drive for the the monetary the biggest drive that they haven’t in the year. And I was sitting down with some of the radio station people and they were saying, you know, okay, well, this is what we’re gonna do. And I was looking at the website of the hospital, and they had a collection list, Dr. Beers closet was is what it’s called. And it’s for the kids, when they go in there, and they’re not expected to be in there. They’re there for a birthday or a holiday or something. And it’s something it’s a toy, or it’s something. And so I said, Does anyone collect for this? And they said, No, they’ve never had a drive before? Well, now they do. And they and that’s the cool thing, it started off as something very small, we announced it, when we were on the I was on the radio, I said, Listen, you know, I need help, I’m going to put a box at my, at my office, my real estate office, and I would love to be able to put five more boxes somewhere out in the community.
Well, that five boxes turned into 10, all the local bus drivers got involved, and it just kind of blew up. And it came to the fact of where I thought maybe we would be driving, you know, maybe a trunk full of toys and stuff to the you know, to the hospital to two vans worth of stuff going to the hospital and just kept coming in. And that was that’s the community. So you can be the catalyst even, you know, in your own community where you see a need, and then you you you draw the attention and to the to the need, and then you’re the one that helps facilitate everyone being a part of it, which is kind of a really cool thing to be able to do as well.
So, so yeah, I mean, so there’s so many ways that you can get involved in giving back. I mean, you know, so for, like I mentioned before, for us, we do a flat amount of money per transaction. And in addition to that, because Children’s National is something that’s near and dear to us, we actually do we do donate an additional $25 per transaction to Children’s National with every deal we do, it goes to them as well. So there’s actually two charities that win, which is kind of a pretty amazing thing. So there’s so many things you can do, though, there’s just so many things.
Justin Stoddart 19:21
What I mean, how many people come to you, I mean, how many new clients you think you get a year from this strategy right now, that’s why you do it. But we like taking a business case for it. I have to think that like there’s people who do business with you that would not have known about you. Right or or they would they would not be doing business with you. But the fact that they can contribute part of the proceeds to a charity of their choice. Is there. Is there any numbers on that that would really quantify this for people,
Ginger Walker 19:49
so I can give you perspective on last year. So we did over 100 There was over 100 transactions that were done. And I can I can actually A thread back 22 of them to charitable organizations that we’ve worked with. But with that, there came referrals. So it’s one of those things where, you know, the, the charity might have referred someone to us because they’re moving into the area. And, you know, they’re hoping that maybe we would give the donation back to them. But there’s been many cases, because I’ve been doing this for a while, where, you know, it’s, and I do track all this, where it starts with one person, you know, the recommendation to come to us as a result of our partnership, or our, you know, charitable work with another organization, but then they come and they live here, and then they recommend us.
So, you know, obviously, we had to have done a good job for someone to recommend us, it’s not all about just the money, but so you know, I can actually see and I kind of tree, trace it, which is kind of cool, where it started, and then how it spread out. So, but that’s just for last year, I mean, that’s how many people have come as a result of just working with charitable organizations, which is pretty cool. And then when they’re here, you know, we learn more about certain charities too. So that, that the script is a little bit flipped in some of these cases where there’s charities in my own backyard that I knew nothing about. And I’ve lived here since 2001. So there’s one that was three miles down the road from my house, and I never heard of the charity before. Why, because it wasn’t in the lane of my life. Right?
It didn’t, it didn’t directly impact me. But that didn’t mean it didn’t impact the community. And so even from that perspective, I’m learning about charities that are in my own backyard. And they’re coming to me because they, you know, they hear that we’re, you know, good with our what we do as far as a business, but that we’re going to also directly impact a charity that we don’t we don’t even know anything about which is kind of pretty cool. So I know, I launched something new we talked about in our mastermind, which is a bigger project that we’re working on right now. And my goal, our team’s goal is to impact at least 36 local charities just within the Stafford, Fredericksburg, Northern Virginia bubble. And part of the components of that is it has nothing to do with sales. But it has everything to do with highlighting the charities that maybe I don’t know about still. But the community is actually nominating them. And every month, there are three charities up for voting. And so the community is voting for the charity of their choice. When we highlight three, we blog about them. So you know, everyone learns, learns about charities that they might not necessarily know anything about.
We promote them on social media. And then the GiveBack team, for whoever wins for each month is making a charitable contribution to that charity. But the cool thing is at the end, everyone’s gonna win, because in November, I’m going to announce something that’s going to impact the other 24 charities that didn’t necessarily get the number one spot for the month. So it’s just it’s one of those things where we’re just trying to produce, you know, more knowledge and awareness. But with that, you know, I’m sure we’ll get more clients and customers because they’re also hearing us and seeing us. And we’re out there promoting these other organizations. So it’s not for the business. It’s, it helps the business. And that’s how I look at it, because I’m very sensitive to the fact that it’s kind of a hard thing when you’re being charitable that you don’t want to be like it’s all about me. It’s not it’s all about them. And that’s the key thing. If you put the spotlight on the right, on the right, you know, look through the right lens and put the shine the light in the right direction, the business will come. So those 20 plus people from last year, I mean, I’m I’m hoping that it’s 40 plus people this year, because our goals are much bigger, we want to donate more money back, and we want to impact more charities and help more clients move into our area or work leave if they have to move. So. So I just think that there’s a huge opportunity for a lot of different things that people can do. But it’s definitely impacted our business. There’s no doubt about it.
Justin Stoddart 24:12
I think that there are agents out there who would love to do this, but there’s a little bit of a scarcity mentality that plagues everybody, right? Like, I don’t know if I can commit to that because I tend to need like every dollar I make great one so hopefully what you just shared right there helps people to have a little bit more of an abundant mentality that takes me back to a lesson I learned my mom she said, the tighter you hold on to money, the harder like your hand is closed to get any more of it. But the second that you start to open up your hand and and be be liberal and giving away of things. Your hand is open ready to receive more she said there’s there’s plenty of money out there in the world. We have to go make more I gotta release her. Her feedback was it’s just money. There’s plenty of money out there. We’re just gonna make more and it was just refreshing. Like, like load off of our family shoulders all the time of like, what are you If something didn’t go right, and it was costly, she was like, You know what? It’s okay. Let’s go make more. And she had that mentality of like, there’s an abundance out there, if you can open your eyes and your hands to see it. I love how you’re really demonstrating what that looks like in real life.
Ginger Walker 25:16
I like your mom’s mentality too, though. I like that. That’s a great story.
Justin Stoddart 25:20
Thank you. Yes, she’s a She’s a phenomenal lady, for sure. Let me let me ask you this, are there any challenges somebody that said, Oh, I love this, this is me is totally speaking to me. I want to, I want to do something like this. And you know that there’s maybe a pitfall that you had to work around or a challenge is there like anything that you’ve had to point out to say like, Okay, be careful of this. Because this could kind of trip you up or deter you when I don’t want you to be the target, right.
Ginger Walker 25:47
So I would suggest that you really come with intentionality about how you’re going to promote it. And, and like I said before, the key thing is, you don’t want to, you don’t want to come from a perspective of trying to get business as a result of it. You want to come from a business of abundance, like you said before, and I think that that’s the key thing in, there’s a lot of things that we do that we don’t talk about, we don’t promote on social media. And that’s okay, we, we still do it in the community, and we’re making the impact, and the people who are seeing us are the ones that are talking about us. So I would say that that would probably be one of the things that I’d be, you know, just watch, watch how you’re, you’re putting it into the community, because you want to make sure that it’s received the right way. And that’s, that’s something that I always struggle with, because I don’t want people to think one thing when the intention is the other.
So I would just be cautious of that, and then actually really look at, you know, to your point, if you don’t have the money, right, and you are kind of holding it like this, look at the different business models, because the way that I structured everything was probably not the best way in the beginning, when, like I said, Before, I was giving a percentage, and, you know, that meant that this one did better than that one. But maybe you just really kind of map it out. And, and, and be specific in what you think you really could afford to give away. And then you can build that. So if it’s, you know, $50 per transaction, I’m just throwing a number out and it’s gonna go to one specific charity.
Do you do you personally want to impact one charity? Or do you want to personally impact multiple charities or with your client, multiple charities. So I would say just find the way that you’re going to be consistent, and how you feel that you can make the biggest impact. And if you’re concerned about the money part, start small because you know what? $5, to some someone is a big deal. You know, it’s someone $5 is a big deal, small charities. $5 is a big deal. $50 could be you know, what changes how many meals a kid could have at lunch that’s doesn’t have lunch $500 to do you know, so you don’t have to do 1000s of dollars, you don’t have to make that big of a commitment, but start somewhere. And I would say that that could be the thing that maybe sets people back too is that they over they over commit something and then they can’t, they can’t complete it. And with the charitable part, if it’s if it is financial Look, just really look at what you think that you comfortably can work with.
But I like you said, I come from abundance. So if you tell me I can you know, to give 50 I’ll give 100 You know, that’s just, that’s just the way that I’m kind of built. But I would say that that could be a tripping point that you you know, make sure that you understand that you’re coming from the perspective of marketing something. It’s not about you, it’s always about the charity, and then the financial component. If you go that direction, just kind of come up with a plan and try and be consistent. And then you can always increase whatever that is. So if it’s a percentage or a flat amount per transaction, or whatever the structure is, those would probably be the two things I would say that you can get tripped up on.
Justin Stoddart 29:17
I love it. So good. Couple more questions. I hope you’re okay with time session. I’m loving this. Let’s fast forward five years from now. And you are thrilled about what to give back team has been able to do and the ripple effect of your ripple effects if you will. remain with me a little bit like what what would you like to have this do if you could if you could say look back into it. This is a legacy I want to leave upon our industry or business in general. Any thoughts and ideas about kind of big picture what what you’d hope this goes even beyond the massive impact you’re already having.
Ginger Walker 29:53
I would love someone else to take this and I’d love giveback team to be in other places like that’s really what I would like to be able to do. If I can inspire someone to do that, that’s really where the that’s the goal. I mean, that’s the goal because you don’t realize what you’re able to do and the impact that you can have until you open your eyes and really look and for me in five years, I mean, I still want to be in real estate, I love what I do, I do it because I love it. And, and I have a lot of fun with the people that I work with. I’m very lucky that way. And I would love in five years just for this to be a bigger impact. I mean, not necessarily that I’ve grown a mega team, that’s I like my family feeling team.
So I don’t necessarily want to be, you know, a 50 agent team. But I would love for more than 50 agents to be part of the GiveBack world and in different areas, because I think that it could cause such a great, such a great thing that people don’t necessarily always consider and, you know, real estate’s one of those things that people don’t necessarily look at us as, you know, they look more transactional, not necessarily always part of the community. And I think that this is a great way to blend the two. So in five years, I still want to be selling real estate, I still want to be making an impact, I just want to make it on a much bigger scale. And so if I can do that, and bring it to other areas, that’s truly my goal in five years.
Justin Stoddart 31:18
Ginger, I’d love to help you do that. I’m passionate about what you’ve done here. I think it’s so good for the industry, so good for the community, so good for the soul. Just it’s awesome. I commend you so much. Final question is this, every big thinker that that steps foot on the stage gets the opportunity to answer this question. And it’s this that you are a big thinker, you’re somebody who’s who’s making an impact. What does Ginger Walker do to continue to be a big thinker to continue to expand your possibilities does that look like
Ginger Walker 31:48
so my world there is no box everyone says think out of the box, my role, there has never been a box. So I, what I do to think bigger is I look above, at people that I want to be like, and I work with them. So that’s how you and I met to think bigger I have to work with people who think bigger than I am who have that mindset of abundance and that can teach me and I can learn from in other directions to which I’ve never thought to explore. And so that’s the key for me, I mean you and I met because of one of the big thinkers in my world and I and I have three I have three mentors for three different three different avenues of my business and and my branding and things like that. And so that is the key is to working with people who are bigger thinkers than I am because I’ve learned so much from them and I continue to and people like you to
Justin Stoddart 32:43
have it so good ginger thank you so much for for all you’ve contributed I’m a big fan even a bigger fan now than I was before I learn more about what you’ve done and your your five year vision is so beautiful. So thank you again for that and I want to thank those that are listening live as well as those that will be listening after the fact be sure to look ginger up if you’re looking for somebody to refer business to in Northern Virginia ginger, what’s the best way for them to get a hold of you for that and or anything else that you have, that would be valuable for these people.
Ginger Walker 33:11
So you can go to give back to calm that’s our website and you can send me a message there. Or you can find me on Instagram and I’m even on Tik Tok as the real ginger Walker so you can send me a message there as well.
Justin Stoddart 33:22
I love it. Look this wonderful lady up, take inspiration from from the road that she’s paving for everybody. And if you have Northern Virginia, real estate, I recommend you you reach out to this, this person who’s who you know, the the proceeds will go not only to taking care of clients well, but also things for the community. It’s great stuff to do. And my final request of everybody listening here today are these three simple words and they are go think bigger. Ginger, thanks for helping us do that today, my friend.
Ginger Walker 33:53
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Justin Stoddart 33:57
I want to thank you for tuning in to this episode of The Think Bigger Real Estate Show. If you found value here, I asked three things number one, give us a review. Number two, go to Facebook groups search Think bigger real estate and apply to join. Here you will find a community of big thinking professionals that will help you grow your income, your independence and your impact. And my third request is go Think Bigger!