Wouldn’t it be amazing if somebody were to come up with the idea to have continuing education classes for real estate agents hosted for free online and available on-demand?
It would be like Netflix for CE classes.
You could go to any time of day and choose the classes that were most interesting to you.
Do you know how much “opportunity cost” you’d save by not having to go to and from different locations … or by attending classes you didn’t want to attend but did so anyway just to get the CE credits? 
Wouldn’t that be awesome?!
I’ve got some good news: Someone has thought of that idea and his name is Eric Rodriguez.
Eric runs Thrive CE. Tune in to learn all about it as well as lessons of “opportunity cost” that will help you innovate and excel as an agent.
And be sure and go to AlwaysFreeCE.com.

When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you…

Join my free mastermind group: Think Bigger | Real Estate. You will become the sum average of the five people with whom you spend the most time. Raise your sum average by being present with other big thinkers and high achievers. —> Click here.

2. Subscribe to the Think Bigger Real Estate Show:
Don’t miss my interviews with the industry’s biggest thinkers and highest achievers. —Click here.

3. Get the Audiobook + bonuses of my best-selling book, “The Upstream Model”:
Replace your pursuit of golden eggs (commissions) with a systematic approach to attracting golden geese (professional partners that send you monthly recurring warm referrals).—> Click here.    

4. Schedule a 15-minute call to explore joining my Significant Life Mastermind:
I help top professionals create a 7-Figure-Funded Significant Life, growing a wildly successful enterprise without losing focus on what matters most (body, mind, heart, spirit and legacy). —> Click here.