There’s no debate: Real estate agents that bring real value to their clients and their community win.

Coni ​​helps to identify the consequences when people and a community are not prepared for personal disasters and/or natural disasters.

​​With that in mind, consider this: Fear dissipates in the face of preparation and clarity. Coni will share her simple formula that will allow you to be personally prepared as well as bring real value to your Upstream Referral Partners as well as your community at large.

Coni Meyers, a 5-time Best-Selling Author, with her latest book nearing the NYT best-seller list.​

​​​Be sure and get Coni’s free download called “Make a Plan! Do the Plan!” It gives you checklists of what you need to be prepared for your life and business at:

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Justin Stoddart
So the big question is this. How do we those of us in the real estate industry with crazy amounts of ambition? How do we think bigger than the building of our own empires? How do we simultaneously seek success and significance, income and impact? My name is Justin Stoddart. And this is the Think Bigger Real Estate Show.

Justin Stoddart
Welcome back to The Think Bigger Real Estate Show. My name is Justin Stoddart, and I am your host. And I am thrilled today to bring you value that you’re going to be able to implement into your own business, and then you’re going to be able to take it to your community. You and I both know that the real estate agent that brings the most amount of value, and lets that value be known wins at today’s guests has a very tactical checklist that you can take to mentally prepare your business for crisis to where you’re prepared, but to where your other business owner, upstream partners, as well as your community at large, is prepared for what’s coming.

Justin Stoddart
Before I fully introduce today’s guests. Let me remind you that inside of the Think Bigger Real Estate Group on Facebook, we go deeper on these topics. We introduce you to the hosts or sorry to the guests, you know the host to the guests, so that you have the ability to get more information from them and apply these things into your life. So again, if you’re not yet a member of the Think Bigger Real Estate Group on Facebook, go there and allow this learning to go deeper into your mind and integrate it into your business. Again, today’s guest Her name is Coni Meyers, she’s a very well known speaker, teacher trainer throughout the real estate industry is taken several businesses to the national stage has written five best selling books, such an impressive person, Coni Meyers, thank you for coming on to the Think Bigger Real Estate Show today.

Coni Meyers
I’m thrilled to be here, Justin, thank you for having me.

Justin Stoddart
Yes, my pleasure, Connie. They were introduced what it’s been a couple months ago from another well known name in the real estate industry. And it’s been really fun getting to know Coni and what what she does what you do, I should say, Connie, I’m excited to bring this about, you know, where I live right kind of the Portland, Oregon last year, right? We had a massive ice storm. That kind of shut things down for over a week. We had fire storms where we were evacuated from our home. And then you see other parts of the country that have whether it be hurricanes, tornadoes, getting forest fires, droughts

Justin Stoddart
I think is probably maybe queued up for our next one. Like, there’s no shortage of natural disasters and alone just personal, right? Maybe like a, like the loss of a loved one, or a health like. And I think sometimes people like well, what you focus on expands if you focus on disasters and crises, that’s you’re going to get I don’t, I don’t think that’s the way that it actually works. When it I think if you are prepared, you shall not fear. If you’re prepared for this, then you don’t have to focus on it, especially when it comes you have a plan in place. And that’s what I love about what you bring to the table. Connie, talk to us a little bit about how you got into this passion for really being a crisis management specialists.

Coni Meyers
Well, I was actually a FEMA inspector and trainer for about seven years. And I everything I’ve done, let me just suffice to say that every I used to think I was like a cat with nine lives, I had nine different careers. But in reality, everything I’ve done since my early 20s was in training for what I’m doing today. And I always had this thought throughout my life. I bet on a life coach. I’m, as you mentioned an author. And I really, I always had this thought, what does that famous stuff have to do with anything I’m doing today.

Coni Meyers
And then in 2019, the California Association of Realtors send out an email saying these are topics that we’re looking for I already had some other courses up on their site. And one of them was disaster. So I wrote it back and I said nobody gets that one. But me. Now this was just before the pandemic. So the pandemic was actually a real blessing for me because I was sitting writing courses, it’s a four core certification. So it took a little time to write. But really, my entire life brought me to what I’m doing today. And my vision is to help 30 million people be better prepared for both their personal lives as well as their businesses over the next five years.

Justin Stoddart
That was one that I didn’t mention, right the pandemic. Now for those in the real estate industry, it wasn’t necessarily a setback, it was more of a setup to the craziest market we’ve ever experienced. However, one thing that I want to I want to institute in here quickly into our conversation is whether or not you need this in your business. And I would argue that we all do. One thing that I preach, as you know from my book, Connie, the Upstream Model is that you can actually shift your focus from my massive database of people to a few key referral partners that give you referrals on a monthly weekly basis.

Justin Stoddart
And oftentimes, what I get real estate agents asking me is like what value do I bring to these upstream partners? Right? And I’m not saying this is a one size fits all but it’s very interesting to be able to say we have a you know, crisis management system implemented into our business. And we teach that to our clients so that they’re prepared. And you should do the same. Can I help you do that? Right? This is an amazing value offering for anybody that wants to implement the upstream model and have a value item that could be very interesting to the professionals that you’re courting. And that you’re looking to add significant value so that they bring you into their client experience.

Coni Meyers
Absolutely. The whole design was around, how can I help others help people in their communities? How can I bring light to what they need to do? And how can I help them be more visible in their business? So it’s really, it’s twofold. You’re giving back and you’re making a difference? And yet you are? Who are they going to go to when they’re looking for your services? If you’re the one out there helping others and making a difference, and you can use they’re going to come to you so it is a win? It’s a win win win win scenario, when you do it that way, like what you talked about in your book?

Justin Stoddart
Yeah, well, I love that. I’m curious. You’ve been on the ground in in female relationships, right? Where the the federal government has had to step in, to give people the basic necessities of life food shelter. I think maybe when you live down kind of Tornado Alley, or you live along the coast, like the Gulf Coast, you might like be a little more prepared for that. But would you say that most people are ill prepared for for for disaster? Yes.

Coni Meyers
So the was the Association for the Certified Public Accountants that did a survey last year. And 61% of Americans believe that they’re going to be affected by some kind of a disaster, either natural or manmade, or some of the kind of crisis over the next three to five years. Only 15 to 35% of those had any kind of preparation. And even that one, that’s 35%, they said they had an emergency kit, I can guarantee you, they don’t have four emergency kits like they need to have. And second of all, if you look within that emergency kit, it’s probably not complete. So there’s a dire need out there. And I look at it as you don’t want to focus on the disaster, you want to focus on what being prepared is going to do for you, what it’s gonna do for your clients, what it’s going to do for your business. That’s how I look at this, I look at this as an incredible opportunity to make a difference and to improve your business while at the same time.

Justin Stoddart
You know, going back to my kind of initial comment of like, like, if you start focusing on this, Will these things show up more, more and more frequently in your life? Right. Can I clarify something here? Is that I believe that in the back of all of our minds, there’s always kind of a what if scenario, right, even for those of us so that the most most ambitious optimistic people that you’ll find, there’s still that little voice of like, what if the, what if the economy fell apart today, right? Maybe that’s part of PTSD from having lived through as a homebuilder, right, the 2007 to 2009 debacle. And I think all of us to some degree have this parachute mindset, like in the back of our minds, if if, if all, if everything goes to hell in a handbasket, excuse my language, what now what? Right? And I think again, the more that you can, like when I grew up, mentors taught me this, he said, like worry and insecurity lies in not being clear. Once you have clarity, once you have a plan, you have it written down, like the fear and the worry goes away. Because you know what you’re going to do, it doesn’t mean it still won’t be a little bit uncomfortable, and it’s not ideal, but at least Okay, now we go to hear another example, I’ve interviewed a gentleman by the name of Ari mysel. And this is just validating everything that you’re saying. And for us, he’s known as the most efficient man alive, fantastic, individual. I stay close to Ari. He’s, again a international best seller, he, he talks about how he visited IKEA and they had a what, like, he walked his walk to the bathroom. And he saw a checklist on the wall that said, what happens if there’s a bomb? Like, here’s what we do? And it’s kind of like, oh, my goodness, like, is that something that happens often here? And he said, No. And but yet, if it ever does, employees, rest assured, they know what to do if there’s ever a bomb threat in the building. And he kind of talked about this and like, oftentimes, we need checklists for things that we don’t actually think are going to happen to us. And that’s what actually whether or not we ever use it. It gives us the peace of mind to not have to worry about it. It actually gives you a stronger mentality, not a weaker mentality.

Coni Meyers
Absolutely. So I talk a lot about in my training, I talk a lot about resilient mindset and resilience. The word resilience is used a lot in emergency circles. They use it for infrastructure, they they use it for resilience of our community, our businesses, if we and first responders and people that have been through a disaster will tell you, the number one thing you need to have is there. resilient mindset. And we always see the difference between those when you’re watching TV, and there’s been some kind of a disaster. There’s the one victim is like, Oh my god, what am I going to do and oh, I don’t know, everything is gone and the dot, you have the other one that says everything is gone. But I have my health. And I can rebuild. That is a resilient mindset. And what planning does is gives you that resilient mindset. So too, you know, if something happens, your mind goes into automatic pilot where you go out, you just go forward, and you see it over and over again, even with the slightest bit of preparation, even, there’s just one little piece of preparation that you do that it helps you to move into that resiliency, and helps you to move forward, it helps you to survive and helps you to recover.

Justin Stoddart
Yeah, it’s brilliant. Let’s talk a little bit about what that looks like, what that checklist looks like. And I know, let’s just jump to it here really quickly, Connie, that you have a checklist that people can go and download right now. Right? I’m gonna, I’m gonna post if you look in the comments here, I’ve just posted a link to Connie’s website. Keep in mind, this is for your business. Right? It’s for yourself personally. And it’s also for you to share in your community. And with upstream partners. This is a value add she’s giving to you, to allow you to be more valuable to yourself, as well as to be to be more prepared more clear, as well as to offer that value to other people. It’s it’s a it’s a it’s a splendid gift. It’s awesome. I’m grateful that you did that. Now, would you mind kind of wedding our appetite a little bit on to kind of talking to sue, Connie? What is in there? And like what should people be kind of looking for?

Coni Meyers
Well, I think everybody’s heard they need to have water and food. Everybody’s heard that most people don’t have it, that they’ve all heard that you have to have that. But I think number one, the number one things you need to keep in mind. And the checklist is called make a plan to a plan. So it covers all the things that go into all different types of emergency kits. It goes into what kind of plans communication plans, evacuation plans, if you have somebody with disability, a plan for them, kit, a plan for your kids. But I think the most important thing that people don’t think about for their emergency kit is cash. You don’t see it on any of the lists. But what happens if the power is out, and you need to go to the store or you need to rent a room, and there’s no electricity and you can’t use your card? You can’t go to the ATM machine. What are you going to do? So the number one thing is cash. And then depending upon the type of risks you have in your area, there’s your general preparedness kit, then there’s a kit depending on like for example in Portland flooding, fire, tornadoes, we didn’t have that much but some tornadoes. winter storms,

Justin Stoddart
earthquake, right? We’re overdue for a massive Right,

Coni Meyers
exactly. So what do you need, particularly in that kit for those kinds of disasters? So I go through a lot of that, but I have a whole list of things that you could check off that you need for your general plan, and then you take a look at your risk. There’s also a plan for your business, what do you need for your business. And let me give you one very important tip, you need to have two different crisis centers for your business. And I don’t care if you’re a one person business, or you’ve got 1000 employees, you need two crisis centers, one in your office where you have alternatives to cell phones, alternatives to home lines, how are you going to communicate alternatives, an alternative email, those are all critically important things. And you need to have that same in a location that is not in your office, that’s far enough away, that it probably will not be hit by the same kind of disasters you’re being hit with.

Justin Stoddart
So that’s one of the most important tips I can give for people with businesses. It, you know reminds me to in any sort of war setting. Alright, the strategy is to take out communication first, of course, Mother Nature doesn’t have that intent to do that to us. But that’s what happens. But as communication goes down, you have a hard time getting the services that you need, because you can’t communicate loved ones are worried about you because they can’t communicate with you. I love that it’s a great, great concept. So have the plan and the ability to communicate in two separate locations.

Coni Meyers
Well, and we look at this so that in the last year, how many cyber attacks have taken out communication, and cyber tech, how critical is that to your business? I mean, you don’t have to be a great big, huge business to be attacked. And and it’s more and more they’re going after small to medium sized businesses. So you need to be prepared on what you’re going to do about that and how you’re going to protect yourself, your staff. If there’s, there’s, I mean, I know personally three people that have been in the proximity of a mass shooting. I mean, they’re it’s no longer, you know, it’s not going to happen to me. It’s more like okay, what am I going to do if it does happen to me and being prepared? So I think it’s really critically important that we look at our risk factors and figure out what we’re going to do.

Justin Stoddart
And again, the key to a strong mind, or we’re talking about thinking bigger On this episode, right of helping people to have the confidence And the perspective and the proper pursuit. And if in the back of your mind, you’ve got fear because you’re unprepared, right? Or you get blindsided because you didn’t think it would ever happen to you, that can be extremely disruptive to your business. I would imagine, Connie that you’ve seen both real estate businesses as well as so many others, some her were completely unprepared, right? You talked about kind of personal resilience. But there’s this business side as well, isn’t there, like businesses that were ready, prepared, had had cash reserves, whatever, had to have that same plan in place for the business, and those that that had none and like how disruptive that is to someone’s income, when either they’re not prepared, or not expecting something to come in and hit them, right.

Coni Meyers
It’s one person in particular, she owns a real estate office in Malibu, and she was born and raised in Malibu. When the Malibu fires came through, it took out her family home and her mom was still living in. And several of the agents that are office got damaged, or either damaged or destroyed. And in the middle of the night, she got a knock on the door, the fire has shifted direction. And she was told she has 15 minutes to get out. And she said she took half of that time spinning around in a circle trying to figure out what to take, when they got to the shelter. She has two little girls, I think they were four and six at the time. And she had brought nothing for her kids nothing. And when it came back to really assessing your business, they they were out of business for I don’t remember exactly how long, she said. But it was a period of time. And their ages are trying to learn how to get ahold of their clients and they’ve got escrows and things are supposed to close it. It just caused mass confusion because there was not a plan in place.

Justin Stoddart
You can only go back to this point, I know your vision, Connie is to help 30 million people to have a plan in place, right to be prepared to be touched by your content. I want real estate agents to recognize that you can be a part of that not for Connie’s sake, I think she’s an amazing individual. And you would be well served by by doing it for sake. But but for your sake. Again, you’re always trying to stay relevant. You’re always trying to stay valuable to your clients and your community. I know an agent who I work very closely with. And she had a a preparation clients event, right? Sometimes a client of ours, let’s get together. Let’s let’s you know, let’s have some appetizers and some drinks and have fun together. Nothing wrong with that. But wouldn’t it be interesting to also parlay in something that actually helps people at the end of the day, have like some preparation in place like take what Connie is teaching you here, bring some of your top clients together and help them get a plan in place. What a great way for you to be extremely valuable to your client base. And then thinking another layer up, think about to your upstream partners of taking that same concept and saying, hello, Mister financial advisor, I have a great idea. We just did this with our clients. I’d love to help you execute it with your clients. Like how valuable would that be to have almost a client experience in a box with all the templates, all the checklists, everything that you learn that went well and and tweaking the things that didn’t? How cool would that be for you to be able to step in and offer that value to people who can be a significant referral source into your business. I just love what you’re doing. Connie, I think it’s it’s not just entertainment and has marketing pizzazz, there’s deep meaning and significance behind what you’re doing here. I love it.

Coni Meyers
One thing I’d like to add is each month, I put out a mini course or a mini video training that you can as a seachem advisor you have access to and you can either take it, and you need to get the slide deck, you can do it yourself. Or you can just use the one that I’ve put together and you can email that out. And every single month, there is something new that you can offer to your community. The book that I’m coming out with when the unthinkable happens, be prepared, be ready, I’m gonna make it a number one bestseller. And I’m determined. And when it is, you’ll be able to put a chapter in that book about why you went to become a CME advisor, why you want to get back to your community and why you love the work that you do.

Justin Stoddart
I love it. Connie. I’m going to move down to the signature question of the show, Connie, which is you’re a big thinker, you’ve been doing it for a long time adding value to other people. What is it that Connie does to continue to be a big thinker to continue to expand your own possibilities? Teach us how you grow Connie,

Coni Meyers
I I am constantly listening to shows like this. I am constantly I’ve got a definite following. I do interviews like you’re doing here. And I can’t tell you I learned so much. And the relationships that I’ve developed over the years have really pushed me forward. And one thing about working with disasters and other types of crisis. There’s always something new to learn and something new to expand on some. I’m not for lack of being able to take my brain and move it forward a little bit more.

Justin Stoddart
Yeah, I’m gonna I’m gonna I just remembered we have a group of people who are listening to this And not watching this. So I’m going to I’m going to restate the website where you go to learn more about this, it’s c k solutions, you know, Ck MCKM. I should probably restate that here folks. See k m solutions. Group group Comm. Okay wants to go back and correct that in two places. That is where you will find access to this free checklist, download and learn more about what Connie has to offer. Connie, thank you so much for being here on the show today for teaching us how to be a big thinker. I’m excited to be learning from you. I know we share a mastermind together and from what you’re always grateful for what you bring to the table. And for all those listening here today. Thank you for tuning in. And my final request of all of everybody of all of us is to go think bigger. Connie, thanks for helping us do that today, my friend. Thank you. Thank you for having me. I want to thank you for tuning into this episode of The think bigger real estate show. If you found value here, I asked three things. Number one, give us a review. Number two, go to Facebook and in groups search, think bigger real estate and apply to join. Here you will find a community of big thinking professionals that will help you grow your income, your independence and your impact. And my third request is go think bigger