Have you ever thought about knocking doors to get more real estate deals?
Some have and have found great success.
Others can’t even fathom doing that.
Regardless of what camp you’re in, this episode doesn’t have to do with knocking doors specifically but rather gives you a framework to deal with the uncertainty and seeming randomness of real estate.
The cyclical nature of real estate often leaves people with the following problems (and more):
No time off – always on-call
Being stressed about where the next commission check is coming from
Working really hard but not getting to where you think you should be
Being Overwhelmed – there is too much to do
Worrying about things outside of your control
Real estate can take people by the horns and toss them around
Today we talk about wrestling control back so that you can leave chaos and uncertainty behind, creating a business and a life that brings joy and fulfillment.
Podcast Audio Timestamps:
1:26 – All the reasons why Steven would make a terrible real estate agent
3:20- What led Steven into this industry anyway
5:11- The moment of decision that any successful person is faced with
7:01- The truth about adversity
10:25- What Steven has learned by knocking on 125,000 doors
13:37- the correct answer to “how should I generate leads?”
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Justin Stoddart
So the big question is this.: How do we those of us in the real estate industry, with crazy amounts of ambition, how do we Think Bigger than the building of our own empires? How do we simultaneously seek success and significance, income and impact? My name is Justin Stoddart. And this is the Think Bigger Real Estate Show.
Justin Stoddart
Welcome back to Think Bigger Real Estate Show. I’m your host, Justin Stoddart. How do you overcome the uncertainty of real estate? I hear so many people tell me Justin, this would be the best career ever, if there were not the uncertainty. Today’s guest is going to go into how he has overcome the uncertainty and how he helps other agents do the same.
Justin Stoddart
Before we introduce him, let me remind you that inside of the Think Bigger Real Estate Group on Facebook, is where you’re gonna find a community of big thinkers and high achievers, people who are interested in not just taking the concepts that we talked about here in the episode and having them lightly fall upon their ears, but but people that are interested in applying these things and actually doing something with them to better their situation and really be on the path of significance.
Justin Stoddart
Again, today’s guest, his name is Steven Ross, quick background on him. But before I do that, let me just say, Steve, thanks for being on the show today, my friend. My pleasure, thanks for having me. Yeah, I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna talk a little bit about your bio, cuz I think this is super relevant to kind of what we’re talking about here today. So you obviously have built, I should say, two real estate businesses, or one very successful real estate businesses in two separate locations, one in California, one in Denver, Colorado, right?
Steven Ross
That’s right.
Justin Stoddart
I think it’s interesting here, as I’m looking at some of your notes, the past 12 years, you’ve been really kind of focusing on and kind of really refining how you did what you did, where now you can serve other people, right? And I, I love this concept of like, for anybody listening out there today, like you are the worst person to be a real estate agent. Now, those are not my words. Those are Steven’s words, like self proclaimed. Like, I’m not online. I don’t do client events. I’m an introvert. Like, I don’t work weekends, like you take if you were to, like, go see like a career counselor in high school and say this is all the things, the last thing that they would ever have you do Stephen would be a real estate agent. Right?
Steven Ross
The last thing right, you forgot you left off. I’m antisocial. You forget that part.
Justin Stoddart
And he’s antisocial. Right? So despite all of that now, if you maybe you’re listening to this thinking like I thought, I thought I was out of place in this industry, I thought I didn’t have some of the innate necessary qualities and or skill sets or talents or even kind of willingness, right to do certain things. Like, you are not alone. Right, Steve is gonna help us today. In fact, he’s actually the author of a book. In fact, it’s it’s Doors Open When You Knock- a Realtor’s Handbook for Boundless Opportunity and Freedom. Steven, thank you so much, again, for coming on the show today. I’m excited to get into this because again, how you build your business, that’s not necessarily what we’re teaching or preaching today. But we’re going to teach the principles of how to overcome uncertainty. So again, excited to have you here. Right? Yeah,
Steven Ross
No, happy to be here. Thanks for having me on. So where should we start? We have so much we’ve talked about where shall we begin?
Justin Stoddart
You know, let’s go Steven, all the way to the point, knowing what you know about yourself. And knowing what you know about what it takes to be a quote unquote, successful real estate agent? Why did you even ever get your license? Like, how did you ever overcome all of that to say, like, yeah, I think this would be a good fit for me.
Steven Ross
You know, it’s funny, because in 2000, the end of 2004, I was the Chief Technology Officer for a medical startup. And we the company was being sold. And I didn’t want to go back into the corporate world, and I didn’t want to consulting him was kind of in the toilet. And at that time, and I and in Southern California, where I live, the real estate market was like today out of control, right? And if you were breathing, you were making money. And I looked around and I’m thinking there are some real knuckleheads, no offense, but you know, some of these people are not so bright, and they were making good money. And I thought how hard you know, as most people say, when they get in real estate, how hard can this be really, right? These guys can do it, I can certainly do it. And but that’s we all know, that’s not what happens because then you get in you get your license, I got my license, March 15 2005. And my daughter My third child was born six weeks later so I have three kids under the age of five in a commission only business and then I soon discovered that right Holy cow, this is not easy. And I am not the person right? I am not the mold for this business. Right? I don’t want to do any of the things that quote these people are doing to be successful. And, and yet I had three kids to feed and right so there I was in the beginning. So no one told me that I wasn’t cut out for it. I just discovered once I was in it, and then I had nowhere to go. But you know, persevere,
Justin Stoddart
talk with Steven about that feeling because again, I’m interested in hearing kind of what you were experiencing if you were like an outsider describing kind of what you are going through, right but I’m also interested in kind of the the thinking and the even the feeling Have you experienced at that moment? Was it like, Oh crap, now what should I pivot and get out of this? Or what else kind of went through your mind? And even kind of what? What were you feeling at the time that maybe others can really relate to right now?
Steven Ross
You know, this is we could do the whole podcast on this one, this one piece here, because I’ve thought a lot about this. Because it’s a, it’s a feeling that’s familiar. That’s with me today, right? So from the moment I got into real estate, to the moment where I am today, right, I wrote a book, I’m out promoting the book. And the same, it’s the same hurdles, I don’t want to pick up the phone, I don’t want to call people, I don’t want to do anything to promote myself, where I can be, you know, it’s the fear, the fear of being rejected, the fear of being found out the fear, and whatever fear everyone can fill in their favorite fear. Those are my fears, fear of looking stupid. And so whether it was the beginning of real estate, or even now, 17 years later, promoting my book, and you know, I still sell real estate. The fear is real. It’s a very familiar feeling where i, where i swear, I get this panic feeling of like, Oh, my God, what am I going to do? And it really does feel like there’s this choice I have to make in that moment. Will I push through? Or will I quit? It really, it really does occur that way. And usually, the first feeling is, I should just quit. That is usually the first feeling. But then I realize, yeah, you can quit, like, that’s a temporary relief, okay, I’ve quit, but then you still got to go deal with life. So quitting really isn’t an option. So then it becomes, well, maybe I should just try whatever I said I was going to do anyway, maybe I won’t die from it. And so whether that’s the doors or, you know, writing the book, or promoting the book, or take it, you know, going on a difficult listing appointment, or whatever those things are, they’re all essentially the same to me, right? It’s a very familiar feeling that comes it never goes away.
Justin Stoddart
You know, I think, interesting, you say that, just this morning, I sent an email to my kind of friends and followers about this concept of adversity. I had a friend Tell me years ago, hey, let’s do something really hard with our kids. And I was kinda like, like, what are you mean, he’s like, he said, I’ve worked with the young women, young women in my church for four years. And I found that a lot of them don’t get exposed to difficult things. And when it comes time to do difficult things, they don’t like they’re really averse to it. And he said, I’ve watched these same kids go through life, and they tend to have a lot of challenges about life. And he said, so I’ve made the decision that I’m going to be very intentional about be sure that my kids get exposed to difficult things so that they can cope so that they can deal so they can deal with that feeling that you just described right there, Stephen. And, anyway, it was an interesting thought pattern to go back and review and just yesterday with my two boys up at the crack of dawn, and we were away for the holiday, and it took them on a four mile hike 1500 feet in elevation back down. It was difficult, it was challenging. They both had different kinds of challenges at different times. And so did I want to be like, what am I doing, I should be back in bed, this is crazy. And that adversity, that challenge made me stronger. And I know what made them stronger. And so that I just wanted to kind of hone in on that feeling that that feeling that you described, every one of us it’s ever tried to do something new, has felt out of place. At some point. We’ve all felt that. And that’s not necessarily a negative thing. I think that’s where we all have to recognize that that’s, like sometimes that feeling is to warn us that we’re in danger. And other times, it’s to warn us that hey, we’re growing, right? And growth is a good thing. So I digress. Keep going?
Steven Ross
Yeah, well, I mean, that’s the perfect thing. I don’t really care if you’re in year one or year 40 of your real estate, you know, anyone who’s listening if your real estate career, it never gets easy. I mean, you just get new problems, right? I know a lot of 40 year veterans and like amazing for the year veterans like people who the best of the best, and it’s not any easier, right? It’s just different challenges and and the thing that they’re good at is not giving into them. And so if I think the first thing to get is if we’re sitting there thinking that they’re going to go away, right that we will arrive Yeah, we’re gonna be waiting a long time because there is no arriving.
Justin Stoddart
I love that you’re right that there is no kind of Promised Land of adversity free life. If it is you’re gonna be extremely unhappy because it tells me you’re not growing right. So once you made it through these feelings kind of out the out the other side because there is no other side. Right? Right. But once you kind of came together So the fact of like, Okay, I’m not going to quit. What was your next step?
Steven Ross
You know, let’s go back. I mean, I know this is not a show about door knocking, and I’m not here to promote that. But the reason I wrote the book and the reason I use door knocking is the simplicity. The metaphor, I think resonates, you know, because most people aren’t gonna go out knock on 125,000 doors. So you don’t have to, but you can learn from the experience, and people can take the the analogy. And, you know, when I got into real estate, I had a coach, and he said, it’s a simple business, knock on heads, knock on doors, pick one. And I’m thinking, dude, UCLA grad worked on Wall Street done in startups, like, I’m not knocking on doors. But then I realized, right, this is a contact sport. And I don’t want to do any of those other things, right, any of the other social things. So let me try the knocking on door thing. And right, I was terrible. Like I to use a technical term soft, like I was not good at all, like, not good, terrible for a long time. And the one thing is I didn’t do is I didn’t quit. And so I think, you know, the first thing that we need to remember when we’re when we’re talking about this adversity, and even you know, we talked, we’re talking about overcoming uncertainty is to pick a path, and be willing to be bad, but be willing and open to improving and that and that, we still may suck for some amount of time before we get better. And, you know, I think we all want that instant gratification. And the instant gratification has only gotten more real, right? Every year, there’s more things we can get instantly, where the real joy and fulfillment is not instant.
Justin Stoddart
It’s just, it’s not something interesting here, you know, pick a path and stick with it, right? Because kind of what I hear you say, and there’s, you know, for anybody that doesn’t love the kind of social interaction of real estate lead generation, and might be the lesser of two evils, like which thing do I dislike the least, you know, it sounds like for you, it was like, well, I could throw social parties with my friends. For some people, that’d be like, I get paid for that. That sounds amazing for you. It’s like, Don’t make me do that. Alright, for you, it was, I’m willing to get up and actually go talk to strangers at their doorstep, in order to find listing appointments. And even though that was probably extremely uncomfortable for you, at least at the beginning, you found it to be Hey, I can get up and do this every day. Like if I did this every day, I’m like, something’s gonna happen from this.
Steven Ross
Yeah, and perfect, right? Here’s what I in that choice. In that moment. I’m right, I’m in control of my life, right? I’m not a victim to my circumstances, right? I have a say on how my life goes, because I can’t control you know, none of us can control when someone buys themselves, right. You can’t make someone buy a house, you can’t make someone Sell house, you can make yourself get out and go talk to people, you can make yourself go out. And you know, do open house, you can make yourself go out and do parties, right? I could make myself go out and knock on doors. And I knew that if I talk to enough people, right, even a blind squirrel finds a few nuts, right? Even you know, and which is what happened, right? I was not very good, and yet still somehow stumbled into business. And then because I was paying attention I was I was willing and open to learning. Right? I did eventually get better. But it is it is it is the process of sticking with it.
Justin Stoddart
It’s an interesting concept. Again, I’ve heard agents ask me the question, right? It’s kind of a coach consultant, they’ll say, what should I do to generate more leads? And I say, I think the better question is, what is it like a proven method? And there are I could probably think of a dozen, right? That you’re willing to get up and do every single day and not quit? And if you’ll do that thing, then that is the right answer. Right? Tell us a story. If you wouldn’t mind you were no consulting with with somebody recently about their what they should be doing here over the next little bit, right kind of similar conversation I often have. And they kind of their story about kind of what you advise them, you know what I’m talking about?
Steven Ross
Yeah, yeah. So yeah, you know, so here we are. We’re recording this here at the beginning of July. I don’t know when I’m there. But you know, so we’re looking out, you know, it’s made your point and we’re looking at over the next 90 days, and I was with a group of agents and one of them raised her hand and you know, younger women not long out of college smart, the energy great to be around. No wonder then that he has, you know, something like 5000 Instagram followers. And she because she’s new in the business she had generated a lot of open house and other doing leases and stuff. So she had all these leads and She says to me, the most important thing I need to do for the next 90 days is I just have all these leads, I can’t keep track of them. There’s too many. It’s driving me crazy. And so I’m just going to spend the next 90 days just organizing all these leads. And I said, super. Now, where did the last five transactions come from? And she said, I don’t remember exactly what it was like, you know, three came referrals. And two came from Instagram or vice versa. It doesn’t really matter, right? They they came not from the lead pile. I said, She’s, like I said, and how many of those leads if he closed in the last year? She’s like, maybe one. Great. So what? So you’re telling me, you’re going to spend the next 90 days on the thing that has generated almost no business? Just like well, it doesn’t make any sense, does it? No, it doesn’t. What you should be doing is what gets is the thing you love and are great at doing which is talking to people and you know, your referrals and your Instagram following don’t do that. Who cares about the other leads? area is just so classic, right? Let me get let me distract myself away from the thing that’s most important.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, funny how, again, some people will say, door knocking is the way Instagram is the way right door knocking is outdated. It doesn’t work anymore. Right? And the people don’t I can say, and those people are wasting their time. They’re free to talk to people. It’s all about, like, it’s about prospecting, not branding. Right? And, clearly there are there’s plenty of evidence that it works on both sides. And the question is, if the plan works is if you will work the plan. And I love the clarity with which you gave that particular agent of like, it’s quite simple. What are the last five deals you closed? Where do they come from? And let’s double down on that. Let’s be more focused on those things that actually work cuz that tells us something, number one, it validates it that it works for you. And number two, it validates that you will actually do it, right. I mean, there’s there’s so much evidence already, like history is a great teacher of the future. And if we can just do what you just described it there, you know, for everybody that’s listening to this, it like whatever point you’re listening to this, ask yourself that question, like, Where did my last five deals come from? And is that where I’m spending my next 90 days is focusing on that? And if you’re not, you might have to ask yourself the question, why not? Why not? Is it because my margins are super slim on doing that? And so I’ve got to create something new. That may be okay. But if simply because like, well, I feel like I need to organize this over here. I feel like I need to do this. There’s no feeling, you know, you feel it’s simply about let’s look at the data and make intelligent decisions about where we should be spending our time.
Steven Ross
Yeah. And you know, I’ll just take that a step further. Because, you know, here I am much longer, you know, I’m not new anymore. And I’m not new to Colorado, and I’m pretty established. And over the last few years, one of the things I realized, right, even it will I’ll say it this way, even as we get more senior or Yeah, in our businesses, right, it doesn’t mean well, we still have to be paying attention. Because what I what I was, I was still treating every door the same many years into the business. So maybe 567 years ago, I started working in the same neighborhoods. And so I would see people that, you know, I’d be at their door two or three times here it At which point, I was still treating every door the same. And when I started to realize is, no, not ever once I’ve met people, it’s pretty clear which people are going to work with me and which people are not going to work with me, and wishing the people that were not going to work with me would is an enormous waste of my time. And so not being willing, you know, no, I gotta treat everyone the same. They might change their mind, I’m really smart. I’m really good. I’m going to convince them. No, I’m not. It’s never happened. And so to keep acting as if it would, is silly, right? It’s just complete fantasy. And, you know, for many of us that we got to look at the data, as you were just saying, you know, it took me a long time to look at my own data to say, yeah, Steven that, like, it’s not changing the people who you mean, connect with are the people who do business with you, and refer you to people who are nice and wave their hand, but you have no connection, they never call you never. And so why are you wasting your time with them? And again, that’s my example for my business. But everyone’s got to look for themselves, right? It’s just as you said, Justin, will be going back to the woman that I started the example with, we have data by which we can make the decisions if we’re open and willing to look objectively and get our own biases out of the way.
Justin Stoddart
I had an interesting conversation with a very successful Keller Williams team leader, I’ll oftentimes get approached and asked, hey, who do you know, we’re looking for somebody great. In your role, you come in contact a lot of agents. Is there somebody that you think would fit this particular role that we’re looking for? And I and they described what they’re looking for, and I said, you know, probably somebody who’s willing to like prospector reached out. And he said yes, but here’s my interpretation of prospecting is somebody who’s willing to enter into new relationships regularly. That’s a great way to put it. Right. And I think it aligns with what you just described, when it comes to should somebody say like, door knocking, it doesn’t mean you keep knocking on doors that people point a pistol at you for say, no soliciting, do not come back from sticking my dog on you, right? But you’re simply looking for who’s interested in, in, in being in a relationship around real estate. And I think it maybe helps open people’s eyes a little bit to like, we’re simply looking for those people that are looking for our help. So for anybody out there, right, that’s kind of at this point where it’s like, you know, what, I’d love to learn from a guy that’s knocked on 125,000 doors, and built two very successful businesses, you know, over, you know, well over a decade, you know, going on two decades of successful business doing that methodology, it sounds like it’s worth for you to be able to, to be true to yourself of being an introvert, right, of not wanting to be super social, yet still. And I would say most importantly, eliminate the uncertainty for you. Right? It’s taken that out of it kind of and and the after hours, stuff I would have sounds like a lot of that’s going away. Talk to us about not, not just some of the key benefits, right? Because I think I can outline some of those Feel free to kind of fill in the gaps on any more of those. But like, what are some what’s a tactical guideline that people could follow? If they’re saying like, I think I’d be okay with that. I think like, I think I could, like I might be able to do that. If the upside was I could take the uncertainty out of real estate.
Steven Ross
Well, you know, this is great, because it doesn’t apply, again, does not apply just to the doors, right? So for many, many, many, many, many, many, many years, I knocked on doors between 11 and two. I know many agents, mostly in Southern California, because it’s the weather’s a little better. They started at 930. I just don’t, I’m doing other things at 930. I’m not knocking on doors, but I’d love to knock on doors. And then you know what i do after 2pm? If I don’t have an appointment, I do nothing, or take a nap or I go play with my kids, right? It’s unscheduled free time, because I’ve already done what’s most important. And people can translate that to open house, or they can translate it to if they are social. I know I know, agents who built their business through referral networks, right. They spend their time finding key referral partners, whether they be attorneys, accountants, right. So they spend their quality time, you know, finding those key partners, you know, I don’t really care, you know, I have no attachment to what people do. But whatever that thing is, you do that time there, you don’t need to do anything else. I mean, you’re welcome to but you don’t need to. And I can say with absolute certainty, right, I don’t need to do anything else besides knock on doors. But I knocked on doors, and then I there was nothing I had to do. Therefore it gave me the freedom to be. And I knew that if I talked to enough people, I would do business. And I don’t think that’s unique to me. I’m no, I’m nothing special. So it’s not like it works for Steven, it wouldn’t work for me. No, it would work pretty much for anyone, right? As long as they do the thing. for them.
Justin Stoddart
It’s really three hours a day, five days a week, is that how you lay out me I
Steven Ross
would shoot for five min. I averaged 150 days a year up until the you know, before the pandemic, okay, for many, many, many, many, many, many years.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah. Is there some and again, we don’t need to get entirely into this. But is there like one key lesson that you learn when you’re approaching somebody the door? What’s the first thing you said that maybe kind of broke the ice that caused people to warm up a little bit? Could you give us just a little bit of tactical insight as to how somebody might get started?
Steven Ross
Yeah, I mean, I think the first place to start is where is where you’re where, you know, we’re where we’re coming from the person coming to the door. In other words, here’s, you know, be willing to get out of ourselves from let’s assess the situation, what’s happening when I come knock on the door, so I’m coming to knock on Justin’s door. Here’s what’s true. Number one, I’m trespassing on Justin’s property. Number two, I was not invited. So he’s not expecting me. So I’m now on someone’s Prost property, and they were not expecting me. So when I go to the door, I get that right. I understand who’s coming to door under what circumstances therefore my first intention when they come to the door, is to leave them better off than when I found them. Not like I’m some Messiah, but like, Hey, I can just wish someone a great day even if they don’t have the time or space to talk. And then the second thing is I am looking for now business. And since the odds of someone moving the day I knock on the door is unbelievably low. The third intention is can I leave people better off than when I found them? You know, in other words, is there any way I can be of service whether it’s with a contractor I mean, look, I’ve helped people get jobs I’ve connected all sorts of people. So with that, that’s a that’s an that comes from up here it’s nothing I’m it is what I’m saying but it’s it’s it’s who I’m being at the door that makes the biggest difference.
Justin Stoddart
What’s kind of what you’re feeling about them. Know that people feel energy, right? And if you’re there, and I’m here to get something quick from you, yeah. Versus I’m here to serve you people feel that?
Steven Ross
Oh, totally. I think that yeah. I mean, they get it the moment they open the door, they can, you know, they’re, they’re reading you in three seconds. Yeah. And so, you know, where are you coming from? And from that point of view,
Justin Stoddart
I love the lessons. I’m sure we could go on and on about these specific tactics. Is there anything else you want to share before we start to wrap up here, Steven?
Steven Ross
I mean, I will just say, like, yes, I’m the guy that’s knocked on a lot of doors. And, yes, I’ve booked it’s not about door knocking. But the thing that I see most and I know, you probably see it with the people you work with is just people willing to give themselves a little grace and a little patience, right for things to just settle into the process. So if you’re sitting here thinking, Why don’t want to knock on doors, don’t want to do open house, don’t worry, that’s okay. You know, just take, be willing to take the time to find what your thing is that you are willing to do. And if if you found your thing, and it’s not working, give yourself a little grace to have a little patience to give yourself a little more time for yourself to work it all out. It just takes time. Patience. Everyone just have a little more patience.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah. Amen. time on task, it really does solve most things. Steven, where can people get a hold of your book, I can’t wait to get a copy of myself, fascinated by this concept that really helps. Those of us that are easily distracted. Those of us that, that maybe jumped to the next thing to quickly talk to us about where we go to find that.
Steven Ross
It’s I made it super simple, like go into the doors, its doors open when you knock calm. So go to doors open when you knock calm, you can also go to Amazon, but you go to doors open when you knock calm.
Justin Stoddart
Love it. Doors open when you knock calm, I just put it in the show notes here for everybody. Go get a copy of Stephens book. That’s probably the best place is through that website. Steven, I really appreciate this. I want to only ask you one more question as we wrap up here, which is you’re a big thinker. That’s why you’ve been invited to be on the think bigger real estate show. What does Stephen do to continue to grow? What does Stephen do to continue to be a big thinker? and continue to expand your personal possibilities? What’s it look like for you?
Steven Ross
I mean, obviously, it’s reading. I mean, that’s nothing new. But I would say the thing I have to remind myself, you know, well, you say it this way, I love to be around other people. Even though I said I’m an antisocial introvert, I do know that my growth comes from other people. And it comes from being open, being willing, being open to hearing what other people have to say instead of having to be right. That is the thing I’m always trying to catch myself on. Right? I’m not going to grow if I already know
Justin Stoddart
Boy I love that answer. So good. So good. Oftentimes, ego does get in the way of so much. And if we can just be open, teachable, it’s amazing what can happen. Steven, then it’s such a pleasure to get to know you. over our several calls, now, it’s been fun to kind of hear what you’ve done by really finding your niche and just owning it and just being okay with the fact that like, Hey, this is my thing. And I’m gonna do it. And it really has, as we promised it would to the audience. It’s really helped take the uncertainty out of real estate for you, which I know for many, who would be the biggest request they’d have like, I love this industry if we just take away the uncertainty. So thank you for being an example of that. Thank you for being a big thinker. And for coming on the show today and sharing so much. We appreciate it.
Steven Ross
My pleasure.
Justin Stoddart
And to everybody listening here today, my final request is this. Go think bigger. Steven, appreciate you helping us do that today.
Justin Stoddart
I want to thank you for tuning into this episode of the Think Bigger Real Estate Show. If you found value here, I asked three things. Number one, give us a review. Number two, go to Facebook and in groups search, Think Bigger Real Estate and apply to join. Here you will find a community of big thinking professionals that will help you grow your income, your independence and your impact. And my third request is GO THINK BIGGER!