“As a real estate agent, how do I grow my confidence?”
That is a question that everyone has considered at one point or another.
The key is in finding a niche that you are interested in and passionate about in which you can gain expertise.
In this episode with super-connector and agent, Jessica Peterson shares her story of quickly gaining confidence by using this strategy.
Audio Timestamps:
3:46- Why not you?
8:20- What your clients care about and don’t care about
10:37- Your job gets easier when you find a niche and start focusing on educating people
13:57- How to decide on your niche
15:36- What methods YOU should choose to grow your real estate business
19:38- What Jessica does to continue to be a big thinker and expand her possibilities
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Justin Stoddart
So the big question is this: How do those of us in the real estate industry, with crazy amounts of ambition, how do we think bigger than the building of our own empires? How do we simultaneously seek success and significance, income and impact? My name is Justin Stoddart and this is the Think Bigger Real Estate Show.
Justin Stoddart
Welcome back to Think Bigger Real Estate Show. I’m your host, Justin Stoddart. We’re gonna have some fun today, I’ve got a friend here with me, who’s a big thinker and a massive influencer within the real estate industry and we’re gonna be talking all about value. She started off in the luxury industry in her first year of the business, and today, she’s going to offer you what she did, and continues to do to add big value to the customer helping you to stand out amongst all the competition.
Justin Stoddart
Before I fully introduce her, let me remind you that inside the Think Bigger Real Estate Group on Facebook is where we go deeper. We help you implement what we talked about today. So be sure and join us there.
Justin Stoddart
Back to today’s guests, Jessica Peterson, what a pleasure to have you on the show today. I’m super excited to be here. And What a small world it is.
Jessica Peterson
Right? I know. Right?
Justin Stoddart
And we got talking. So Jessica and I were introduced, what probably a month a couple months ago. And we start talking about like the common roads back we grew up essentially the small in the same small city. And anyway, yeah, small world. Very small world. But so fun to have you here. Tell me what part of the country are you out of now Jessica? Where you are right now?
Jessica Peterson
Right now I’m over in Florida on the Gulf Coast sides a lot of people know of Siesta Key Sarasota, St. Pete area, I’m over there. Love it. Love it.
Justin Stoddart
That sounds probably a little warm this time of year, but like lovely every other part of the year.
Jessica Peterson
I love it. A lot of people say oh, isn’t it so humid? It’s not that humid. I absolutely love it. But you know, I do love going to the beach, you get that cool breeze and crystal clear blue water. You know, it’s pretty cool.
Justin Stoddart
Sounds pretty awesome. Actually, we had 116 degree weather here yesterday. So Oregon’s kind of in a whole new spot. So let’s jump right in. Jessica, you again in your first year in the business started selling luxury real estate? What was your mindset? Again, this is the Think Bigger Real Estate Show. Some people are like, I just don’t have the experience to talk to people that are uber wealthy, that have these big homes, or I’m not worthy of the commission to have that kind of commission check yet. How did you get over that?
Jessica Peterson
Well, that’s a great question. So just to give you a little bit, a little bit more brief of the background that maybe people might find relatable is back in 1994. Yes, I’m dating myself, I started in the banking industry and exelled pretty quick and fast. And then I opened up, it’s now been 10 years, my consulting marketing agency. And sure enough, you know, I fell in love. I’m sure people have heard of it, the eXp Realty model, and, you know, signed up and that journey. And originally it was just to be a part of the coaching process for other real estate agents to continue doing that. And I still do that. What happened though, Justin, is people started begging me to do the real estate. I would say, Oh, no, no, I know, I have my license. I’ll connect you with so and so and so and so. And people started getting really mad. And it totally took me back and they say we are upset. We know other real estate agents, you have a license, why will you not help us?
Jessica Peterson
And I thought, Okay, well, why not? Right. So I started that journey. And I started to realize how much I loved it. And then a confession, I went to my coach and I said, I don’t understand what’s happening to me. So we went this, you know, whole personality analysis, everything he says, really your purpose and calling is both to do a combination of both. And so today we’re going to talk about think bigger, which I absolutely love. And we’re also going to talk about value. When I say value. It’s not like, you know, I’m going to give you money or do anything of this nature, obviously.
Jessica Peterson
And so people always asked how did you tap in the luxury market right away I did for penthouse sales was approached about national TV show. And a big part of that is the might, it is the mindset, because I’ve had people call me and say, Hey, Jessica, I don’t think I deserve it. I don’t think I’m more and it totally takes me back. Sometimes these people who think think this, I mean, they’re they’re pretty big names out there. And you’re right, Justin, if you think you can’t, you won’t. If you think you can you will, and here’s my question is “Why not you? Why not you?”
Justin Stoddart
Right? It’s a great point. You know, one of my mentors, he said that people when they choose you, they’re paying for your confidence to solve their problems. Yeah. And I think when we kind of internalize that, it’s very much what you adopted. They’re like, why not me? If there’s a question that comes up, you bet I’ve got other people that have more experienced than I do, that can help me to get that that question solved. But ultimately, they want someone who’s confidently going to step in and step up to the negotiation table, step up to how we’re going to price this thing. And, again, I think that’s what people want. First and foremost, they want people to trust somebody, all this all the statistics pointed that you had that establish that you had these, these relationships in place. And then number two, you just have the confidence to say of course I can help you with that. Yeah, right.
Jessica Peterson
And a lot of people ask, Well, what helped you on that journey up the confidence? And yes, my background, I marketed the most expensive real estate in the world development. So I did have that expertise, right. And that background. And you know, it’s so funny, I actually went got certified in luxury, real estate. And everything I learned, I thought, wow, this is everything I already knew I was implementing. The reason why I share that though, is because I wanted that little boost of confidence in myself to have that certification. Right. The certification, most people out there may not even really care about it. It was more of that confidence factor for myself. So anyone listening, invest in yourself, number one, hands down whatever niche or industry you want to be in, definitely go ahead and invest in yourself.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, I love that. You’re right, there is absolutely some value in the personal development of say, Okay, what do I want to be? And then what skill set Do I need to learn and add, but part of it, like you identified is where people actually just, they just need someone else to say, okay, you’re ready. Right? It’s like, wow, I couldn’t, I was ready. Like, I don’t know that I gained that much from this class. Other than that, like, somebody kind of put their finger on my nose and said, okay, you’re ready. Right? Like, do you think sometimes that’s maybe not necessary that that? No, the personal growth always necessary, right? But do you feel like oftentimes people kind of wait till they have those initials behind their name for their own confidence as opposed to what their clients actually care about?
Jessica Peterson
Absolutely. I definitely found that to be the case. And all of you listening, have your own superpowers, right? All of you have your own strengths. And really start digging into that start asking people I’ve actually coached real estate agents, I said, start asking people what they love about you, they trust about you. And it’s so amazing, you know, one real estate agent, you know, I coached her and now she’s Top Producing agent. And she really found her value was a certain community, she is passionate in that community. And everybody comes her I think she just sold 10 homes this year already here today. And only one homeowner didn’t use her right. So she is dominating that area, that community, start providing value, though, start educating people, this is what’s happening this area and when people know that you’ve got that value, add that data, that information, that education part of it, they’re going to start coming to you. What’s so ironic Justin is just half an hour ago, before the show, this woman reached out to me. And she goes, I have to tell you, we’re using a family member as a real estate agent, like okay, and she goes, but we know you have the value. Is there any way that you could still work with us? Or coach us or help us? I got Unfortunately, I can’t, you’ve committed, you’re locked out of that family member. But the good news is, I’m happy to on top of that family member, because what’s really sad is the family is looking at their own family member like there’s really no value, right? Yeah. And it’s just kind of sad. And I created this program and other real estate agents love to utilize my tools. And it’s all about creating a lifestyle to home and finding the right home, avoiding the wrong home, maximize profits, and there’s a well known football coach, I just went to his home, I said, This is what we need to do to maximize profits sell it quick. We sold it 10 days where we’re asking they’re on cloud 9 telling all their friends about me, right? So really what sets you apart, and I have those different things about me. And your strengths may be totally a weakness of mine, right?
Jessica Peterson
So knowing that value of yours and then communicating it. You don’t want to go to someone and say, Hey, I’m number one, Hey, I just sold another home. People don’t really care about that a whole lot. They want to know, what can you tell me and educate me?
Justin Stoddart
You know, I think you bring up a really valid point is that, oftentimes, we tend to be a little bit lazy, right? Where it doesn’t take that much additional effort to really become an expert in an area, you don’t have to live in an area for 20 years to figure out like what the great restaurants like the lifestyle that’s there. But oftentimes, I see agents just either kind of taking pre produced stuff and not doing their own research. And my guess is that oftentimes what people need is just a framework, a framework into which they can put what makes them unique, and to what makes that particular area unique. And if they simply had it kind of lined out, right of like, Okay, I need to find out this information, this information, this information about the area, and the input, this information, this information is information about me, then all of a sudden, I would feel very confident stepping that situation to say, here’s how I’m different. I’m actually an area expert, right? Is that kind of what you’ve built? Is that what you’ve designed is this framework to help people do that.
Jessica Peterson
Yeah, well, I actually do have some tools. So just to give you an idea, as I mentioned, I gave you a little bit of sneak peek. I teach people on that journey, how to create the perfect lifestyle in your home, and how to find the right home, avoid the wrong home, maximize profits, you sell your home, I had this whole formula. So for example, one real estate agent, she started reach out to her sphere and said, Hey, I’m going to have a VIP course. I’m going to teach people all of this she’s just plugged into my tools. She was Justin I can’t believe I reached out to three people. I have 10 people who want to be on this list. They’re telling all of their friends, right? And she was this is so exciting. And that’s what excites me. Because at the end of the day, not only is her business gonna increase, she’s going to make a difference in people’s lives in the community. So, you know, there’s definitely my tools I have, and there’s many others out there if people keep coming to me, for short term rentals. I personally I own myself, so I know that market, I know that industry, right. So when you are perceived as the expert is seen as the expert, some people will start coming to you just start educating, educating, educating. So the luxury is my other one as well. And you know, I definitely know how to market luxury real estate.
Jessica Peterson
And really just having those conversations and communicating your value in a way that you are there to educate people. That’s what I want people to really take away from this is you really are an expert and you are here to educate people, no matter what your niche is. I have a friend, she’s a rock star versus charitable real estate. She’s attracting financial advisors, philanthropists, there’s just so many I actually have a list, I call it riches and niches, I have so many different niches, just pick your niches, be really immersed in it and the expert and go out there and start teaching and educating people and then asking for the referrals. So for example, short term rentals, right? I had a guy come to me, he says, What are you going to do a class on short term rentals, you know, the market, you know what you’re doing here for that? He’s like, I’m gonna refer all my friends to it, right? So when you create something, and everyone start telling their friends, it naturally becomes this whole process of building up your community?
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, well, what you’ve said is interesting. And I’m gonna highlight one thing you said, you said, People keep coming to me and asking, whenever I think that should be a trigger action, is it anytime people, repeatedly people come to you and say, Hey, please help me understand this. Please help answer this for me. Like, whenever that happens, we all have to say, okay, the markets telling me that there’s a lack of knowledge in this area, and whether you know the answer or the you just need to go get the answer. You need to become that that’s a great way to choose a niche, right? Is it people keep coming to me asking about, right short term rentals. Okay, then guess what, there’s probably if there’s a set from this small sample of the people that you know, or feel comfortable reaching out to you, two of them are saying, I’ve got questions about this, you can extrapolate that out to how many people probably have those same questions that you don’t know what a great way to meet new people. And this other component of like, give away great information, become the expert, and really give people what they need to succeed. And people will come and find you because you’re the expert, right?
Jessica Peterson
Absolutely. And it’s so fascinating to bring that up. Because I’ve signed NDA for many companies, I can’t go into too many details. But there are companies out there who believe real estate agents lenders will all be extinct. I don’t ever believe that’s going to happen. The point is, is they’re looking at ways to get in front of people before we do. So when you start beating that game ahead of time. And you have this value proposition and start inviting people and they start inviting their friends. It just starts growing when people know like and trust you the way that people are going to choose you over the internet is your expertise. They know they like they trust you, right. I mean, it’s just that whole formula. And so I encourage you, I met another guy who was so so cool. He’s like, I teach people how to buy one piece of real estate every year, in 10 years, they own 10 homes. I thought what an awesome niche. He said, Jessica, I’m actually an introvert. And now I’m top three real estate agents here. And it was just not that niche. Another one was just foreclosures. You know, he goes, I started having conversations with people said, Hey, do you want to know how to purchase a home in foreclosure and get a deal? And they’re like, yes, and start inviting their friends. And so I’m sharing all these other different experiences and people to really think about your value because it is there. I know it’s there. And just expand on it. I love it.
Justin Stoddart
So really, I mean, if you were to go back and list out some very simple steps for people, right, it would be what is a way in which you’ve helped a client recently, that you enjoyed that you liked that it would be fun for you to help more people like that, like whatever that has been past client. Right? Some somebody even just come to you with questions, and they left feeling like their question was answered. Like once you know what that is, then choose that as a niche and go deep on it with the intent to be able to learn or to teach, and share and give value and answer more people’s questions and teach classes on it and offer to speak for free different places. And I think if somebody just adopted that strategy alone, to really choose a niche, and then become an expert in that you could really just from that alone create a great business Am I right?
Jessica Peterson
Absolutely. So like that one gentleman foreclosures he got so excited. So he started having conversations with people. I’m so excited. I am buying foreclosures. I’m helping my friends who are you interested? Who do you know, and the other one about buying one piece of real estate every year in 10 years? Right? So those are not my niches. Those were their niches they did really well. So mine being the short term rental, I just get so excited, right? Like the other day I’m having conversations on, like, I just picked up this home for under 300,000, by the beach, we’re looking at $4000 to $6,000 monthly income, I’m super stoked are like, What? How did you do that? I’m like, Oh, I’m so excited. I want to teach all my friends how to do and invite your friends. And I’m so I love what you said, Justin, it was so true. Think think of something that you enjoyed doing? Because at the end of the day, why do something that isn’t fun, people are going to pick up if you’re just dragging your feet, you’re not really enjoying it.
Justin Stoddart
And I found that just because it often is I’ll get questions from from from agents saying, you know, what’s the best way to build? Like my real estate business? Right? Like, what do you see out there? And I said, it’s not about looking out there. I said, there’s dozens of ways for you to build a great real estate business, and they’ve been proven. The question is, what do you love enough to get up and do every single day without resentment with excitement with energy? Pick that whether it’s open houses, whether it’s geographic farming, whether it’s like loving atmosphere, whether it’s the upstream model, which is a book that I wrote, like, pick something that’s like, man, I could, I could do that every day, and then actually do it every day. And bam, like, it really is that simple. It’s what when people get in trouble, I think, is when they’re, they’re always looking at the shiny object, because it’s working for that person. It’s working for that person, because they get up and do it every day. So if you’re not going to get them to do it every day, then don’t start. It’s not gonna work for you. It only works if you get up and do it every day.
Justin Stoddart
I totally agree and do it every day with passion. I love what I do. I love hearing people, you change my life, whether it be real estate agents, I work with my customers I work with, that’s what excites me, I tell them my purpose, for my purpose is to be the best wife, Mom, servant of God, to wow 1 person a day. That’s it. And it’s so much fun to find other people who want to go on that same journey with that I also want to make money while I sleep and make an impact. So how do you make money while you sleep? Right? It is through the real estate, how do you make an impact? You’re changing other’s lives. And it’s not always about real estate to, right?. It’s just genuinely care and take an interest in people which you do an amazing job at that, Justin.
Justin Stoddart
Oh, you’re sweet. Thank you.
Justin Stoddart
Great stuff. Jessica. My goodness, I’ve absolutely enjoyed this conversation and kind of the conversation that ensued. Let me just ask one question. What’s the best way for people if they’re like, man, I want to do that. What she just described there of choosing a niche, and being able to be so excited about it, that I can that I like, I want to tell all my friends about it because it’s working right? How do people learn more from you? What’s the best for them to get in contact with you and really understand how to add more value by doing what you just described?
Jessica Peterson
Well, that’s a great question. And they can go ahead and reach out to me on social media or my website. My website is simplywowagency.com. Go ahead and reach out to me and let me know what interests the most as far as connecting, I absolutely love that. Same people go after their purpose, right? Because you could always make more money, not more time. And that time everyone invested today, I want to say thank you. Because part of also that passion is finding that story, Justin, and every person has a story out there. My story was with my husband and ICU, and how he lived. And then I realize how precious life is, why are we not living it to our fullest? And that’s where I came on this whole journey of my Lux, your lifestyle training, creating this lifestyle around your home and your business. And I’m training other real estate agents to get out in their communities. Right. So whether that may be a passion, or if not, it might be something else. I’m just excited to see people go after their passion.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, so great. So find you on social media is that the best way or your website is the best way for them to get get in contact with you to say how do I learn more about this?
Jessica Peterson
Absolutely. So simplywowagency.com or Jessica Peterson, especially Facebook, a lot of people like to go and connect with me, Jessica Peterson, Lux, Your Lifestyle. They plug that in, and they can go ahead and find me. So it’s now Whatever’s easiest for everyone.
Justin Stoddart
Love it. So the final question here that I want to ask you, Jessica, is that you’re a big thinker. I’ve been so impressed from the day that I met you you begin making very valuable introductions, and I don’t mean to steer your answer. But I oftentimes ask people what’s How do they continue to be a big thinker? How do they continue to expand their possibilities? I know one way that I’ve, I’ve personally experienced is the way in which you add value to other people by connecting them. So I don’t know if you want to speak to that. Or if you’ve got some other thing that’s like, this is really how I continue to expand my future possibilities. But I’d love to hear again, what does that look like for you? How do you continue to grow yourself and your possibilities?
Jessica Peterson
Oh, that’s a very loaded question. It’s a great question though. I’m always learning I can I always immerse myself I actually got addicted to it for a little bit. And my coach says, Okay, you got to stop you know, learning learning and take action right? So anyone listening out there, it’s it’s that balance between the two. And I really do love connecting people. It doesn’t mean I’m the right fit. I’ve actually told people Hey, you know what, I’m not the right real estate coach, agent, leader, for you to be what, and they’re like what? I know this person is a better fit. And I love to ask people, what’s a good connection for you. Because at the end of the day, we all should be there to support each other and connect people with the right people. I don’t want to waste people’s time or my time. I really love connecting to people and good things happen. I’ve noticed when that happens.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, you’re fantastic at it. I think part of what I’ve realized about great people who produce at a high level that create that Lux lifestyle you’re talking about, is that they’re very intentional about curating their own network about giving value to them, and then connecting that value to where their value extends beyond just what they can offer, but their value, their network becomes an extension of the value that they offer to the rest of their network. And again, I don’t know that I’ve met anybody better at that than you. So well done, my friend. And
Jessica Peterson
Justin Stoddart
For real. Anyway, I want to thank you again, for coming on today. sharing this concept of like choosing a niche, going deep on it, getting passionate about it and teaching it teaching and teaching is awesome. So thank you for that. Thank you for coming on today. And for all those listening today. You know what my final request is, it’s always the same and it’s so important and it talks about the message behind what I’m about to say is stop just pursuing success. It’s time to pursue significance. And we do that by going and thinking bigger. Thank you, Jessica, for being with us.
Justin Stoddart
I want to thank you for tuning in to this episode of the thick bigger real estate show. If you found value here, I asked three things. Number one, give us a review. Number two, go to Facebook and in groups search, think bigger real estate and apply to join. Here you will find a community of big thinking professionals that will help you grow your income, your independence and your impact. And my third request is go think bigger