Welcome back to The Think Bigger Real Estate Show. I am your host Justin Stoddart, here during uncertain times to give you some certainty, I have with me a very good friend who’s going to talk about what you should be seen as a real estate agent right now. Let me just begin, before I introduce this amazing friend, gentlemen, let me describe to you something very important about the purpose why I do this show. And it’s really even, especially in uncertain times is to help you recognize your own potential to wake you up to that potential, and then to inspire you and help you to live in pursuit of that potential. That is my mission. That’s why this show exists. And I’m thrilled to have with me today, someone who’s not only a friend, but someone who’s who’s a very trusted mortgage advisor, this industry, David Chandler, David, you’ve been in business for 15 years. You’ve owned businesses, you’ve been a business consultant, you’ve owned marketing companies, you understand business as good as any, thank you so much for coming on the show today to share your wisdom.
David Chandler
I appreciate it. Thanks for having me, man. And I appreciate you. You know, I don’t I don’t watch the show every single time you’re doing it, but you know, I think every guest should should give a shout out and a pat on the back to you for what you’re doing in our industry, for realtors for title companies for mortgage lenders, you are a valued voice in the Portland market for sure. And I think soon to be probably nationally. So anyway, I appreciate you my friend.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, you bet. You bet. I appreciate that as well. All right. Let’s get into this. First of all, right now, you know, there’s plenty of news telling us what’s not going well, right? You can turn any time of day and we hear more illnesses. We see more economic halts, we hear more deaths. Like we’re not gonna talk about that today. Because the reality is billions of people right now. Billions are not infected with Covid. You know, like most people are going about their life probably actually having a better quality of life than maybe they’ve had in a long time. Right. So there’s tons going well, and I’m a firm believer, as I know you are as well, that what you focus on expands. And yes. If you look around at all the opportunities, if you look around about everything that’s going well, you’ll start to realize, hey, the sky is not falling. Yes, we need to adapt. Yes, there are some people going through some hard times. However, a lot of that is because people are buying into the media and causing this herd like frenzy. Yes, we need to take precautions. Yes, yes, yes. And yes, we need to be safe. And yes, we need to pray for those that are that are that are suffering. But I’m a firm believer that a lot of the suffering that’s going on is unnecessary. Would you agree with that?
David Chandler
Ah, I think unnecessary, necessary. I think it really comes down to a matter of perspective. And do we appreciate the fact that we still live in the greatest country on earth? Do we appreciate that the inconveniences that have been thrust upon us to a certain extent, not have our own doing, still present us with some opportunities, whether it’s time to reconnect with family, whether it’s time to get some yard work done, be out in nature? You know, there’s, it really just comes down to, again, like you said, what you focus on is what expands. We didn’t ask for this. But can we find things to take out of it that we can appreciate and learn from and grow from? I know that in our industry, I can tell you that this will force innovation, it will force change. There were already I think, at the end of this quarter, you know, Finance of America. You know, we’re going to push the button on E-signing for everything except the things that have to be wet signed. So that when you come into the closing, the majority of everything’s already been signed with the exception of the things that probably have to be recorded with the county and, and a few other things. So will this industry or business interruption accelerate those things? Will that force realtors to look at innovation in technology, doing Facebook live videos or video presentations, or things that maybe people have resisted that now go, you know, I think that’s gonna have to be a part of my business moving forward. And the thing I was afraid of doing now is not as intimidating as it was maybe a month ago. So I think if we look at this as an opportunity to grow and expand and push ourselves out of our comfort zones, even though we’re probably all sitting at home in our pajamas right now. You know, it’s a good opportunity.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah. Great stuff, man. It’s a great perspective. So let’s talk about right now, when it comes to the real estate industry. Let’s start off by, before we get into and I know this is why a lot of people are tuning in, is to hear like what you should be saying to buyers, what you should be saying to sellers. Before we go there, I want you to talk to us a little bit about what’s going well, right now I know we talked about rates and the vericut, verification of employment to appraisals. Talk to us a little bit about kind of what you’re seeing out there that’s actually going really well.
Unknown Speaker
Let me talk to you again, I’m going to cover touch on the bad stuff and get to the good stuff really quickly. So obviously, this month has been a huge disruption. And a month ago, you know, you couldn’t open up Facebook without seeing a realtor or a mortgage lender, just screaming about now’s the time to buy the rates to the best that they’ve ever been and and all that was kind of it was was really true. And then what you saw is lenders who are just we don’t have the capacity. You know, in America, there’s 11 trillion dollars worth of mortgages, any given year, about 2 trillion of those. We the industry does about $2 trillion in mortgages, about a million in purchase million and refi. In the month of February, there is about $2 trillion in applications, you’re trying to shove a year’s worth of a business into a month. So you saw rates go up, and people thought, Oh, it’s a capacity issue. And then, two weeks ago, the stock market kind of craters, and that forced people who had bought stocks, institutional investors, not individuals, like you and I, that when the stock market craters, all these institutional investors who have bought stock on margin, meaning they’ve borrowed half the money to buy the stock, have to meet a margin call, which means they have to raise capital. So they dump all these mortgage backed securities onto the market to raise cash to pay their margin call because they don’t want to sell the stock at not a 50% loss, a 75% loss if they bought it on margin. So now all of a sudden, there’s excess supply of not enough demand and rates go way up. And so this thing that we experienced a couple weeks before now it doesn’t exist. Well, the Fed comes in a week ago and says, Hey, we’re going to backstop this and we’re gonna or the stimulus package. But for a stimulus package to work, you have to raise money. Well, how do you raise money? You know, you have to sell treasury bills and mortgage backed securities. And now all of a sudden there’s excess more excess supply, the market didn’t react well. Interest rates last week are the most volatile I’ve ever seen it in 15 years. I mean, day swings of 100 to 200 basis points. So that brings us to today. So this is a two week period of time and on Sunday, so here’s the good. The Fed comes out and says, kind of unlimited QE, qualitative, quantitative easing, and basically says we’re just going to not be a seller of mortgage backed securities now. We’re going to buy them and so instead selling them and letting them come off of our balance sheet, the ones that we’ve bought in the past, we’re going to keep them and we’re going to keep buying. And so mortgage rates yesterday and even this morning were up pretty significantly have gotten really, really good again, not to where they were maybe a month ago because again, I think lenders are holding on to some pricing holding on to some where they probably could lower their rate a bit based on what the real rate is. But they’re still trying to shove all that business from February through the pipeline. I think once they get through that pipeline, we’re going to see rates come down here in the next week, two weeks even more than they have but just so you know, we’re back down in the mid threes again. I think we’re going to hit the low threes for sure. So that’s the good and that’s good news for your buyers if you’re a realtor, because when rates Josh, you don’t have to for a couple weeks ago or last week, buyers were like tapping the brakes. Yeah, wait a second. Oh, no, no, no. I got pre approved or pre qualified at three and a quarter, three and a half. I’m not even approved at now four and a half or four and a quarter, much less, do I really want to buy something even if I am approved? I think I’ll just wait. So I would tell your buyers Hey, now is the time to get off the sidelines and look so. So that’s, you know, some good that the Fed has jumped in and given a lot of confidence to investors that we’re going to buy mortgage backed securities rates are down and I think rates are going to continue to go down. The other thing Fannie came out yesterday with their lender letter and they do a lender letter, you know, periodically. And this lender letter basically said, Hey, we kind of get it we understand that if everybody’s working from home. You can’t do a verbal verification of employment over it. Like nobody said to me, there’s nobody answering the phone at these offices. So they said, Hey, you know what, we’ll take a written VOE. You know, so as long as it’s coming from a work email address, You know, we’re good with that. And so that’s a huge deal. I think a bigger deal in this particular as it relates to as it relates to appraisals is, right now, Fannie has said, Hey, you know what, in this period of time, you can do a desktop appraisal. And what all that means is that the appraiser doesn’t have to walk through the house, the appraiser doesn’t have to go in. He can use
David Chandler
public record MLS data, verify this information through third parties. basically take photographs. So what I would say, you know, we’ve all been on Redfin and seen that picture and went, man, that house looks gorgeous, or those rooms look huge, and you show up and it’s like, and that’s a really tiny room. It was a really good photo. It’s a great photographer. So I would encourage realtors keep taking phenomenal photography, you know, invest in the photography for right now for sure. and invest invest in, in, in video because the appraiser is going to rely on that to be able to go Okay, what’s this house? Wait, what’s this house appraised for?
Justin Stoddart
You know, it’s super interesting, David, because people are going to be looking at how do I cut costs right now, right? I’m gonna go to tog refer that might actually cause to where your property does not appraise. Who would have ever thought that that your photography could actually influence appraisal?
Unknown Speaker
Well, and I think it could, because when you’re just relying on public data, and you’re just relying on pictures, because again, an appraiser goes in and goes, you know, is it average? Is it above average, below average? You know, I mean, you look at a house, it’s a three bedroom, two bath, 1700 square feet, and the appraiser doesn’t know if there’s granite countertops yet. He doesn’t know if there’s, you know, hardwood floors, or the quality of, you know, trim work. So I would even invest And taking pictures of the things that are going to set your property apart and really highlight the difference between your property and another property to say, I would like zoom in on that crown molding, I would zoom in on the granite and if there are certain high end appliances or high end you know again like the the knobs and the fixtures and things like that. I would even put the brand names in the description in the listing as you’re as you’re building out your listing, because those are the things that if the appraiser is doing a desktop appraisal, he’s going to rely on what’s in that house. And again, to the degree that your house doesn’t have those things, I would probably not focus still take great pictures make maybe the house look bigger than it is or better than it is. But you know, focus on accentuate the positives. Make your houses look as great as they can. And again, I and things in them quoted in the description.
Justin Stoddart
Alright, let’s get into. So awesome, right? That’s what you shouldn’t have to ever say about what’s going well right now and some great advice as well about about appraisal. So let’s let’s talk a little bit about point number two is going to be telling what what real estate agent should be telling buyers right now point number three is what? What you can be telling sellers right now, I know this is from your perspective, I’m sure there’s all kinds of things that I would even encourage those that are chiming in. If you have other ideas that you are as an agent, if you’re listening to this and you have a recommendation, put it in the notes like I think this is a fantastic place for people to go look to get this information. David’s also going to be sharing from a lender perspective and what he’s gleaned from his 15 years in the business is great business sense. Even the realtors he’s working with if you if you have things in here that’s working. Let’s Let’s open sources. Let’s share this. I encourage anybody that’s listening to be sure put those put that in, put in that information so that we can all be helped. So, David, tell us what should we tell the buyers right now?
David Chandler
Well, and again, I love the feedback in the comments and you’re it’s just my opinion. It’s not Finance of America’s opinion. And, you know, you’re welcome to tell me I’m crazy. And and first and foremost, like you indicated in the in the opening of the show or even before it’s the number one thing the paramount thing is just being diligent being village village agent, I guess. And being safe, protect yourself. So what I would tell a buyer right now is, is you know rates have they’ve come back down, they’ve settled. I think while we’re looking here over the next few weeks for home rates are going to continue to settle because of what the Fed has done. Now’s a great time time to look. I’m going to tell you why isn’t now’s a great time to look because a lot of people are sitting on the sidelines, a lot of people have withdrawn. And so you have to keep in mind that if a seller is selling their home right now, okay? If they’re willing to let someone come through and touch all the doorknobs, you know, and I’m not saying you should, I’m saying you should I’m saying you should glove up, you should sanitize and like crazy. And I wouldn’t go into somebody’s home right now without having a glove on. But I’m saying the psychology if somebody’s willing to allow you to do that. They are not a casual seller. They’re very serious seller, they want to sell their home. Because if they didn’t need to, they pull it off the market right now and just sit tight and wait. So as a buyer, you I think you have a unique opportunity to take advantage of this particular moment. And from a seller’s perspective, I think you have a little bit of leverage. I think you know what, because there’s not as many buyers out there Right now, there’s not as many people willing to write offers. And so if a seller gets an offer, I think that you’re in a position to ask for a greater discount or ask for closing cost credit. I think sellers are also probably leery and I don’t think this is founded in any way, shape or form. Well, I take that back. It may be a little bit founded, but I don’t see a real estate crash coming like the 2008/2009. I see maybe a slowing down. But the real estate market is not going to crater the way it did then when it was really the underlying fundamentals related to failures in the real estate valuation piece and the lending piece of giving loans to anybody and everybody who could state their income state perhaps agree. It doesn’t exist.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah. funded, worse, worse. Strong wiser now.
David Chandler
Yeah. And the economy will it may take a while to rebound but at the same time The underlying fundamentals in the economy are strong as well. This is virus related not, man, we got a real problem in our economy related, you know, so, but at the same time, that seller may fear that okay, if I hold on to this house for another three months, four months, five months, six months, man, it could go down the economy could really crater. And I’m not saying it’s going to I’m just saying that psychologically I think that’s what a seller may be thinking. So I need to sell now. So even if you present them with a reasonable discount or a reasonable reduction in price, as a buyer, you’re saying, Hey, I know you’ve got it listed for 400 I’m gonna give you 375 and I want you to pay my closing costs. I’m a big believer that you don’t get what you don’t ask for. So I think you just put that out there and allow the seller to say yes or no. And but I think there are opportunities for buyers who are willing to again, get out and look at some properties and with interest rates where they are. I think it’s a great time.
Justin Stoddart
Well, you brought up a good point prior David is that, you know, the greatest investor probably of all time, Warren Buffett. The reason and why he has had been so successful is because he recognizes the herd mentality. He recognized that when there’s fear in the market, everybody acts irrationally prices drop beyond what they should. Yes, he’s able to step in and with a voice of reason and calm, be able to make wise decisions, despite the turmoil. And I think that a buyer in this market that can come in and have that mentality of like, I’m not going to overpay for something, right? I’m not going to make a and I’m not going to panic and stay on the sideline. But I’m going to see that there’s there’s Pete there sellers right now that are that are going to buy into that the world is ending. I gotta unload my property today now. Yeah. And so I think again, not not taking advantage of people but there’s people that literally want out and I think you’ve been a wise and aware and seen that now can be a great tend to buy I think is awesome advice I appreciate you sharing that.
David Chandler
Well, I think again, getting back to Warren Buffett, you know, you know, he’s rarely a seller. I mean, he is a long he is the definition of a long term buy and hold investor. And he looks for opportunities to buy when others are selling. And I think if, as a buyer, you take that same tack, that same approach, and go, you know what, this is my opportunity, this is my time to dip my toe in the water and move forward. Right now, when people are fearful. And, again, you’re still gonna buy a home in the neighborhood that you want to live in or in the school district that your kids want to go to school in or things like that, but within that boundary of where you’re going to buy a home, I just believe that there are opportunities if you’re a buyer right now, because like you said, people behave irrationally and I think you just don’t know if, again, if the seller has their home on the market right now. There are serious seller who wants to buy? Just don’t know who’s gonna make an irrational decision and sell their home for less money than they probably should. Yeah.
Justin Stoddart
Great advice. All right, let’s talk about sellers right now, David, that’s the kind of other side of the coin here. You’re working with sellers. You know, what, what can a real estate agent be telling the seller right now?
David Chandler
Well, kind of the exact opposite. So it feels like you’re we’re working two sides of the same coin or one side of two coins. Because, you know, on the one hand, I’m telling a buyer, hey, if you’re willing, now’s the time, there’s fear in the marketplace, go buy a home. Get out there. The flip side of that, if you’re a listing agent, is tell your seller to just take a deep breath, calm themselves and recognize that now is an excellent opportunity because there’s a lot of people who have a pulled their home off the market, because they don’t want people walking through their house who could potentially be in They don’t want people touching the doorknobs walking through, you know, things like that they want to stay healthy. And in their mind, that’s the way to do it. So we’re not going to sell right now. It’s like, Okay, so, or you have the, you know, the, the seller who is, I don’t know, somewhere in between. But I think just tell the sellers to just, again, you know what, this is a great opportunity right now. And it’s a great opportunity right now because there are less homes on the market. So we’re not competing with, you know, let’s say you’re normally competing with 50 homes, in that school district price range, whatever. Now we might be competing with 20. So we have a great opportunity because again, there are still way more buyers than there are sellers. And if we just took a chunk of those sellers out of the marketplace, that means we have access to more buyers. And if there’s buyers in the marketplace right now, I’d say the same thing to the seller. There are buyers in the marketplace. Right now willing to go out and walk through homes, they are a serious buyer they want to buy, okay? So then it’s just a function of getting your seller to go, you know what, we’re not desperate. We don’t need to sell, we’d like to sell we want to sell. But it doesn’t mean we’re going to take any offer that comes through, you still want to make sure it’s a good offer, it’s not going to destroy the value in the neighborhood. You’re not going to make all your neighbors angry because your house is worth 400. And you took 320. So it’s about defending the value based on comps based on recent sales and understanding and in reiterating to your seller, as well as to the buyer’s agent that hey, you know what, this is a temporary Blip. I mean, it’s gonna be maybe a month or two or three until we’re back up on our feet and people are back to work. But this isn’t the underlying challenges in the housing market that existed, you know, in a way to notice We don’t think we’re going to see a deterioration of value. So we’re willing to give a little bit of a discount or willing to come off that price a little bit. But we’re not, we’re not gonna, we’re not, we’re not going to behave irrationally. So, again, it’s, I feel like I’m, I’m sending competing messages. But again, it just depends on who you’re representing, and who your fiduciary responsibilities to.
Justin Stoddart
Sorry. I mean, I’m a big proponent David, that sales is leadership. And yet, like never before that’s coming, you know, that’s being put on display is that people are being led by their fears, by their anxieties by what’s happening in the news. And keep in mind, I shared this yesterday that the news is their job is to inform us, it’s also a business, their job is to take the most dramatic scenes in society and bring them to us so that we stay glued to their network so they can sell advertising, like it’s a very simple, you know, business model and we have to realize that most people are spending A lot of time right now on listening to the news and buying into that. And so as a result, you have people making decisions based on a very small sample in our society, as opposed to what’s really happening in their specific marketplace. And so you being a real estate agent, how important is it? You know how important it becomes, in order to have a situation where you’re speaking, calm and reasoned into the lives of both your buyers and your sellers and helping them make grounded decisions based on real data based on real rates as opposed to what they’re seeing on CNN or Fox News. Like it’s, it’s just, it’s an opportunity for you to lead and get your clients into a situation based on reality as opposed to, you know, what they’re thinking or feeling or worst case scenario that they’re bringing into their life right now.
David Chandler
And I think that that’s just I don’t want to say sales one on one because I don’t think everybody does it. It’s not the thing that they do. teach you and you know, features, benefits, things like that. But I do think the role of a good mortgage lender as well, and as well as a realtor is to sit down with your client and just say, Well, you know, what scares you about this? Or what’s, you know, what are you most afraid of about buying a home? What are you most afraid of about selling your home? What, what, what keeps you up at night? And, and I think a lot of our job, and probably more so right now than in other times, is alleviating fear to addressing concerns. It’s addressing real things not glossing over it or pretending like they don’t exist, and then providing a solution to it. And so if the solution is hand sanitizer, and gloves and masks, and then that’s the solution for right now. Yeah, and, but that doesn’t mean that business doesn’t, can’t go on it just, it’s going to go on and it’s going to go on a little bit differently. But how do we adapt? Because you know what, I just got transferred here. I still need To buy a home, or Hey, I got transferred, I gotta sell my home, or, hey, our kids are going into high school next year, we want to be in a different school district. And it’s time to sell. I mean, so I think just addressing people’s legitimate concerns and fears is just part of being a good salesperson. And making sure that you do all that you can to alleviate.
Justin Stoddart
And I love that, David, that you write that there’s a lot of times if you can just get people to talk to speak it out loud. Like what Tell me. Tell me what you’re concerned about. they’ll realize they’ll open up the closet door and realize that there’s not really a monster in there. Yeah, there’s something you need to be worried about, or there’s some things that you need to be concerned about or navigate around. But it doesn’t necessarily well get once they verbalize it. They’re going to realize that okay, we can deal with this right this thing that’s been causing me absolute paralysis. Yeah, I can deal with it. There’s, like you said there’s ways around this. There’s ways to work through This, but oftentimes there’s not if people don’t vocalize. And I love what you said is that as a leader, our job is to get people to, to talk right and to and to listen and really, you know, help manage their real concerns, versus ones that aren’t real and shouldn’t be a concern.
David Chandler
Well, it’s interesting. I mean, I’ve got people who, you know, have 700 plus credit scores, and they’re putting down, you know, more than enough money, they qualify fine. And if you ask them, you know, hey, what’s Tell me what you’re most scared about? Or, you know, what’s your fear on this transaction? Or they’ll tell you, and I really hope I can close like, I don’t want to like, and it’s like, they should have zero fear, they should have zero, you no worries whatsoever. But again, people get into the middle of a real estate transaction and it’s emotional, I mean, it’s very emotional, whether you’re a seller or a buyer, and people have legitimate fears. And I think just such Dressing them being open about it not making a bigger deal of them than they need to be. But just saying, Okay, well, you know, this is an issue for you. Let me throw out an idea that might help deal with that. And but if you have something better you think there’s a way that we can alleviate that or work around that. Just let me know, we’ll incorporate that. And we’ll do that. So that, you know, you make sure that we make sure that your needs are being Yeah. And I think when you do it in a really calm, relational way, so that people feel heard, and people feel like, Oh, yeah, this guy’s cool. Or this woman’s cool. Like, she heard me, and she didn’t ignore me. She’s actually, you know, doing the things that I asked in order to make me feel comfortable, then. You know, I think it gives people the courage or the confidence is a better word with the confidence to move forward.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah. I agree. I think just you being calm as a real estate agent is probably the most important thing is for you to in a calm voice. Yeah, have that conversation with people. David this has been amazing, my friend, even even better than I expected not to say that I wasn’t expecting it to be great, but you’ve really added much more value than even what we’ve promised.
David Chandler
Thanks for lowering the bar, my friend.
Justin Stoddart
Let’s say we just went into more topics than I expected. So let’s, let’s discuss this final question, David, which is you’re a big thinker. What does a guy like you do to continue to be a big thinker to continue to expand your own possibilities? Teach us.
David Chandler
You know, I don’t know. It’s interesting. I’ve been pretty upfront with you about my depression and with things that I really struggled with for a long time and, and I turned the corner, I don’t know on my depression probably about three years ago, and we’re talking depression or suicidal type depression. And a lot of that was just, it’s, it’s genetics. It’s biochemistry from from my dad who was bipolar and manic and some of it’s situational, you make bad choices in life and went through a divorce a few years ago that that really crushed me and but at the same time I made a decision and to kind of stay crushed for a whole lot longer than I probably stood, it should have stayed crushed. And, and you start to see yourself in a certain way. And this year, you know, my production has ramped up and, and, you know, just crushed 2017 crush 2018 on pace for my, probably maybe one of my best years ever and, and I and my boss asked me a couple weeks ago, he said, Hey, David, what, what’s changed? Are you doing this are you doing that are you doing? And I said, You know what, Joe? Not really. I said Honestly, I said it’s just about mindset. And I said I just woke up late last year and decided you know what, I’m tired of being crushed. I’m tired of like living in a space not depressed anymore. But living in a space where maybe viewed myself as less than or it wasn’t deserving of x. And and we’ve talked about 10 x Grant Cardone and I read that book last year and and I continue to reread it to just go Okay, where do I have to set my goals to push myself further and further out of my comfort zone? How many calls do I need to make? How many prospects Do I need to talk to? What do I need to do in order to change and shift my mindset? So might be more than you bargained for and that answer but you know, it’s just again, I think mindset is so critical, really examining how you see yourself how you view yourself, what you believe about yourself, and, and then asking yourself, is any of this true? Or it’s just what I’ve chosen to believe, but none of it’s really true, and, and then just choosing to have a different belief system. So for me, I mean, that’s, that’s what I would offer up today, man,
Justin Stoddart
You know, David, I appreciate you sharing that. You know what, what an authentic even vulnerable thing you just did there. And I think it gives hope to a lot of people because people look at you and be like, man, that guy has it figured out like he’s dialed, he’s confident he’s smart. And I wouldn’t say he’s got some, some Sean Connery looks to him. And, but but to say like, Look, I’ve struggled with, you know, with depression or in a deep way, and he’s, here’s how I, you know, here’s how I’ve come out of it, I think, you know, it endears a lot of people to you, and you’re gonna inspire a lot of people by doing that sort of thank you for that. And I agree. I mean, that’s, that’s, again, kind of the the purpose behind this is that it all begins with what’s going on in our own heads, and that then transpires into the world in which we live. And so 100% agree with you. I want to thank you for everything that you’ve contributed today to help us think bigger and to help us really see what we should be saying how we should be seeing the marketplace, both the opportunities, things we should be telling buyers and sellers it’s been it’s been truly awesome. I knew that it would be let me just emphasize that point. I knew that it would. I want to just remind everybody, this charge that now more than ever you are needed to lead you are needed to step up. And we need you to do these three simple words to live them. And they are to GO THINK BIGGER. Thank you so much, David, I appreciate you helping us think bigger than Cova 19 helping us to see beyond the challenges we’re currently in and create the world today. That’s that’s possible for so appreciate you verymuch friend.
David Chandler
And you as well my friend. Take care