Justin Stoddart 0:00
Hey, welcome back to the Think Bigger Real Estate Show. I’m your host Justin Stoddart. I’ve got Robby T back today because the reality is the fortune is in the follow-up. And that is the reason why most real estate agents have not yet found their fortune. This is an important topic that I’ve got Robby T. back to announce an event that he’s doing tomorrow, June 18. And Robby is going to tell us all about it. Robby, first and foremost, the man the myth, the legend. Sells over 650 homes a year. And then coaches, what, 20 some teams? Dozens?

Robby Trefethren 0:34

Justin Stoddart 0:35
You on average sell between three and 400 homes a year. This guy knows to follow up because he teaches it and does it all day long at a super high level. So good to have you back. Robby. Thanks for coming on.

Robby Trefethren 0:45
Absolutely, brother. It’s funny because you asked me like how do I view myself and I’m just like this lead conversion nerd and I don’t know if you guys can see this or not, but I’m wearing a Star Wars schematic shirt. So I’m just being authentic, man.

Justin Stoddart 0:59
I love it. This is a guy you want to learn from right? This isn’t a playboy. This isn’t someone looking for a show, this is a guy here to do work.

Robby Trefethren 1:05
Exactly. I’d be the guy hiding behind the curtain inside and really believe it and having these conversations.

Justin Stoddart 1:11
You know if the guy behind the curtain can help people sell that many homes, it is not a bad life. Speaking of not a bad life, Robby and me before we came live, he asked me how my father’s day went. Because those that are watching this life will know that Father’s Day was yesterday. And I told him, Robby, I got a nap. It was for two hours. Nobody bugged me. I got a few people to bug me, but it was still pretty dang good. So Robby then proceeded to tell me about a little life hack, little productivity pack. Yeah, I’m going to use to have the signature question that I usually make everybody wait till the end of the episode. Today, we’re going to bring it right up front. And I’m going to make you wait for the details on the lead conversion event. So So Robby, tell us quickly what you’ve learned about brief naps to reset the brain.

Robby Trefethren 1:56
Yeah. So as I said, I’m a total nerd. And I was reading a book by Dan Pink. And Dan is one of my favorite authors. And he wrote a book called “When”. And if you haven’t read Dan Pink, and you work in any form of sales and business, go buy all his books to sell us human is great drive is great. And then “When” is really good. But one of the things he talks about in “When” is he talks about the ideal nap. And basically long story short, the hack is this is that the ideal nap that you can take to reset your brain is something between about 15 and 26 minutes long. And basically, the science behind it is this is if you nap for less than 15 minutes. First off, you’re probably not going to nap. And it’s not going to do anything for you. But I think that for longer than 26 minutes, what happened is your brain thinks it’s going to sleep. And what happens is you actually come out of your nap feeling groggy, and I’ve done this right. And instead of feeling refreshed, like I just took a nap, why am I more tired? It’s because their brain thought it was bedtime. So the 15 to 26 six minute nap is used by the military, he talks about it in “When”. And it’s a really great way, if you’re feeling a little tired, go take 15-20 minutes. And what happens is for me, in my experience is everyone’s number kind of changes, you’ll come out of it feeling really fresh recharged, because your brain is feeling a little bit reset, and a little bit rested. And it’s kind of like meditating for your brain except you’re napping. But you’re not going to come out of it groggy because you didn’t sleep for longer than 26 minutes. And for some reason, it’s 26 minutes I forget the exact science behind that. But military uses it and I was like if you’re going to do it and those high stakes environments to refresh, refresh the brain. I want to do it in business.

Justin Stoddart 3:39
You know what that reminds me of, I’m a tech genius. And here’s how I all tech problems I took turn the computer off, turn it back on. Works. Obviously. You know it’s interesting what you just said, makes me think that like our brains oftentimes just have they’ve got so much going on or this is just tiring us we need to just like whew, power down. Hundred percent power backup, and amazing life hack, man. Thank you for sharing that.

Robby Trefethren 4:05
Yeah, hey, if you don’t mind, I think one of the coolest things is if you’re feeling exhausted, like there are so many times where I’m feeling that, and I go take that little 15-20 minute reset, and literally, the way I see the world and the way I see problems is no longer as a problem. Oftentimes, just by resetting my brain and taking a moment, I see the problem completely differently. And now’s an opportunity. So if you’re feeling that exhaustion, you’re feeling down. I’m telling you, I’m the king of the 15-20 minute nap. I’ll do it inside our office on the couch all the time is this kind of

Justin Stoddart 4:37
love it, you’ll get grief from anybody because they know you’re a beast. They’re like dude living alone.

Robby Trefethren 4:43

Justin Stoddart 4:45
So, um, Robby and I are both very proud dads, we love fatherhood. And it’s interesting how I can oftentimes see that in my kids that they’re like, totally irrational, right? And I’m like, you just need to go to sleep. I promise this will not be a big deal tomorrow. I don’t think us as adults have a hard time realizing what you just said, which is like men, problems become mountain size when our brains aren’t properly rested. And that what you’ve just shared right there super valuable for any of us that are high achievers that want to be Uber productive, and have a lot going on at any given time. So super valuable, and really appreciate it.

Robby Trefethren 5:22
Yeah, sure.

Justin Stoddart 5:23
Let’s get into helping real estate agents find their fortune through follow up.

Robby Trefethren 5:26
I like it

Justin Stoddart 5:27
you and I both know that there’s you know, there’s oftentimes an abundance of opportunities that people will you know, whether it be online, or whether it be in person, people will bring something up. And oftentimes the follow through is not there due to maybe some limiting belief in their head where they actually purposely don’t reach out to people and or they’re disorganized. Talk to us a little bit about this event that you’re doing tomorrow, and how it’s going to help people solve these major problems that are keeping real estate agent from having their fortune.

Robby Trefethren 5:52
Sure. So I’ll first I’ll talk some numbers because I know people like to know numbers. In our world, we’ve lived literally made hundreds of thousands of phone calls, collectively between me and my eyes says, By the way, I’m co-hosting this event with Jim who is the best I say in the country. For years straight. Now he consistently brings in 150 plus deals and even brought in 200, before he moved into a leadership role. And he’s co-hosting it. So you’re going to hear not just from me, but from Jim as well. And then Eric, the founder and owner g of hash realty is going to be on there as well. So we got a lot of good people. But realistically, what we’re bringing to the table is this is we wanted to create an event that was low costs, that created some interaction, but honestly just allowed us to share our secrets on how we have conversations with leads. So we’re very clever and hash Realty and hash coaching. So we call this lead conversion live master the conversation. So super great of the whole point is this, we’re going to be sharing a lot of the insights that we’ve learned, not just through peeking out learning, reading, but also through a lot of failures. And we’re going to share those. with you guys, we’re going to talk about some of the biggest pitfalls to avoid on phone calls. I don’t like the term scripts, but I’m going to manually use that we’re going to be sharing some of the scripts that we use. And as I think I talked about last time I was on the best script in the book is just tell me more, and getting the other person to talk. But that’s such an abstract idea for people, we’re going to be sharing a lot of pieces like that on how do you get someone to tell more, telling you more. And we’re going to be sharing up between Jim, myself and Eric.

Justin Stoddart 7:41
good stuff, man. So everything from like you said, the scripts and the mentality? What do you think it is Robby, that people actually hesitate in following up when they know there’s an opportunity there. You know, if you kind of got into the psychology of why people would do that,

Robby Trefethren 7:58
I think there’s nothing. People do two things wrong. I’m almost always saying two things. One is people don’t follow up at all. That’s one major problem. And then the second major problem is actually follow up too often. That sounds crazy, right? But here’s what it is, is there’s a phrase out there that buyers are liars. And honestly, if you’re going to learn one thing, on our lead conversion live tomorrow, it’s not that buyers are liars, it’s that you aren’t asking good questions. So just little things like this. Justin, if you say that you’re thinking about buying a place in a year, what too many real estate agents do is they take that surface level answer and they run with it. And now what you’re going to do is this, you’re going to follow up every month because you’re like you said a year or and a half if you ever heard of that rule to say you’re cut it in half. All it is is that you didn’t ask the question on the phone with them to get more clarity. And I always ask this, I’ll say okay, Justin, maybe I’ll ask why are you thinking a year? And that alone would be a lot of insight. But I think you’d even a step further. And we’re going to go in depth in this tomorrow with something I called to challenge their thinking. So I’ll say all right, Justin. So I know that you said you’re thinking about potentially buying in a year, but let’s say the ideal home came on the market in the next month or two? Is that something you’d consider purchasing? Or what do you pass on that opportunity? And oftentimes, right, just like that, there’s a script, right? Just by asking a question like that, it brings a lot more clarity to the situation, and that person is going to do both? No, no chance. I’m not by no chance at all, or, you know, I would absolutely consider that. And now what’s happened is that the person is no longer a one year buyer. They’re a two month third now buyer, I’m just going to ask the question to unearth it. And here’s the thing, these people don’t trust you. You’re a random person traditionally, even if they’re your good friend. Everybody knows eight realtors, it seems like. And the reality is, is that you gotta ask questions that allow people to process information, that the simplest way I’ve described the rules and is a is you’re almost like a counselor. And what happens is, is just because somebody was thinking of some information, in the beginning, it doesn’t mean it’s entirely accurate. And if you’re doing your job, well, the story actually changes because their thought processes are changing throughout the conversation. So if you’re an agent, or you know, if you’re doing consultations with people, if you’re working with any clients, that this isn’t just for is, as-as I’m sure you can tell, this is for anyone that is having conversations with anybody in real estate, that way you help people make better decisions and get to the root of what they want to do. And you know, you can see things a little more clear

Justin Stoddart 10:43
Interesting. Now, when you see this concept of following up too much. Yeah. The talk was briefly about that. And then we’re probably going to end the show that will actually go find this. What I don’t want them to think is that all the answers are going to be here on the think bigger real estate show. This is your mentor really wet people’s appetite. Because the stuff that you’re gonna share isn’t, it’s going to be helpful, but what you’re going to be sharing tomorrow is gonna be wildly health, like it’s going to be career changing. Yeah. So let’s, let’s get to that question. And then we’ll wrap up.

Robby Trefethren 11:11

Justin Stoddart 11:12
But when you say that people follow up too much, does it go back to the fact that, like, it’s like, someone who you just met, and all of a sudden, they’re all over you? I mean, think of it as a friend as you meet them once at a party, and all of a sudden, they want to do like everything with you. I mean, could you make like a similar comparison? You’re like, wait a minute, I just met you. Right? I don’t know. I don’t know if we want to be best friends, because we met at a party and you were nice, doesn’t mean we’re gonna be best friends.

Robby Trefethren 11:35

Justin Stoddart 11:37
I mean, is it kind of that, like, people just need their space to be able to trust you? And how do you not be forgotten? Yeah, well, too much, right? There’s got to be a balance their kind of happy medium.

Robby Trefethren 11:45
I think people follow up too much because they hear one year out. And in the past, they’ve been burned so many times when they follow up when you’re out and they’re like, already bought a house. So what we do is we go like this, I’m going to call every month who’s going to reach out every month. And there are two problems with that one. If you have a really good conversation, you get clarity on that, on that follow-up. If you were to if you and I were to talk and I tell you I’m a year up not doing anything for a year to call me back in a month, and ask if you know something, basically call me and have this conversation again. I’m going to be sitting there thinking, what was the point of our last conversation? Did you not hear what I said? So I think it violates trust, and it makes the person feel like you don’t trust them. But the biggest thing is you can’t scale. If you’re calling everyone in your database back once a month. If you can’t scale it, the reality is you don’t need to be calling every single lead back once a month. And what we’ve learned to do and of course, there are some opportunities that we miss on it’s just that’s the game right? sometimes happens. But we use text to reengage as basically our insurance policy, not just phone calls because of everyone’s most valuable asset. I don’t care if you’re an ISA an agent Rainmaker, it’s your time, and you have to basically make bets, I used to play a lot of Texas Hold’em, right. And you got to be placing bets every single day. And the reality is, is that if you’re making a bet on a lead, that is actually a year to out, and you’re making the call investing that energy, that’s a loss of energy going to someone that could actually be calling in the next month. So it’s just, you know, in my brain, I’m always thinking of scalability. And when we’re playing the lead conversion game, we’re not, you know, chasing 100 200 leads were chasing thousands upon thousands of leads, we have about 1400 to 1500 incoming leads per month that are coming in combination of organic, as well as paid leads, property inquiries. So it’s a little bit of everything. But if you want to scale your follow up, you got to get a little more targeted. And I don’t need to call them Justin back every month if he and I have a really good conversation. And now I get to the depth of why he’s waiting here. Now I can call back in seven, eight months, you know, use your intuition. Use your judgment. Yeah, I don’t need to call you back seven times. Because those seven calls could be going to someone that’s actually a month out. So we’re not saying following up too much. That’s probably what I’m getting.

Justin Stoddart 14:20
What’s super powerful, what you’ve said, Because going back to the example that you said, let’s say for example, you know, the role play that you kind of we started where, you know, you say, you know, are you interested in moving, I say, you know, not for a year, we like great, I’ll follow up in a year or every month to try and convince you otherwise. Whereas you ask a question, which is, tell me more Tell me why. Yeah, let’s say you know, my last child is graduating high school. And so once graduation is done that at that point, I’ve really enjoyed, you know, her senior year, and we’re really going to be able to start to look, right now you that look like there’s a real reason why. But if you ask the question, where’s the perfect home came along between now and the end? And I said, You know, I get it. Like, we have a pretty unique flavor of what we’re looking for. and unique comment, the right thing came along, let’s say, four months before we be interested. Now, sudden, right, your conversations with me can start to be around, like, what is that perfect? Like? What is that unique flavor? What is it that you’re looking for? And when you interact with me, it’s relevant. And I think what a lot of lead generation follow up systems do is that they’re one size fits, all right, it’s super vanilla. It’s like, the buyer, as opposed to what you said, which is, the more data you can gather about this person, every time you connect with them, the more relevant you can be, I find that in my own role in my own world, that if I show up, like vanilla, people don’t do that today. Whereas if I can pinpoint about them, and show up taking care of that thing that they’re concerned about, or that opportunity they want to take advantage of. Now, they want me to be a part of their world because they believe that I can get them to where they want to go, as opposed to like, get this guy out of here. I already answered. I’ve seen it. Listen, why would I want somebody that doesn’t listen. Right?

Robby Trefethren 16:04
Exactly. And I think that’s the biggest fear I have for so many people in this ballgame. And it’s why we created the event tomorrow is I firmly believe the best lead generators, lead converters are agents and if you don’t have an is that you are the is a reality is simply this is that you’re probably doing way too much talking and too little listening. And it for some reason, I just go by the 80-20 rule, and we should be doing 20% of the talking and 80% of the listening. And the funny part is is that that 20% of talking is almost all exclusively rephrasing reflecting and digging deeper their answers. And it’s literally just taking is using Stephen Covey Stephen Covey’s ideas and taking what somebody said, rephrasing it back. And so somebody says, You know, I think I want to get a bigger home, I’d say are Justin, so I know you’re saying you want a bigger home, give me some more insight into that. And it’s when I do that I remind you of you, and nobody likes anybody else more than themselves. And people will talk about all different personalities. I think one of the cool things we’re going to start with tomorrow is mirroring and matching because I say the best we can burgers are chameleons. And what I’ve taught people to do is when you’re talking to a Heidi, you’ve got to stand up and you know, take up more space. Yeah, because a lion will eat a sheep alive. But the other piece is this that sheep are scared to death of lions. And we’re going to talk about that in depth, we’re going to be talking about mirroring and matching that way people can see some easy, simple ways to better mirror match people. That way they don’t scare people is really the big thing. So there’s a lot of little insights will be three hours, I promise. I’ve been calling it the Robby T Guarantee. It kind of sounds cool. If you sign up for it, you participate. It’s basically three hours of the right content. And then our q&a, as long as we have you know enough questions, which I think we will. I’ve been guaranteeing I guarantee we were $200 it’s $200. And I would dare say it’s probably best $200 that you spent for sure this this this quarter. But I think for the year, man.

Justin Stoddart 18:20
that’s exciting stuff, man, totally affordable. Or, you know, the fact that people are gonna walk out with the ability to close not just one leads, but leads for the rest of their career. Obviously highly valuable in the real estate industry. So great stuff, man, I’m going to put up here on the screen where people can go to learn more about this leads the coaching company that Robby is a big part of hatchcoaching.com, and then in the links, we’re going to put an actual link to go sign up for this. And again, if you feel like your follow up game needs some help. And I would say all of our follow up games need help. This would be a great, great event to tie into I’ve got huge confidence in Robby, his resume is unmatched in this industry as far as helping people follow up. He’s got a great heart as well. He’s really about helping agents succeed at really high levels and help them serve the customer at a high level. So he’s the guy you want to learn from. So, Robby, thanks again for coming on the show today. But it’s always enjoying our time together. And a guy that always delivers and brings great energy at the same time. So I appreciate you.

Robby Trefethren 19:17
Thanks, brother. Appreciate the opportunity to share some of this knowledge.

Justin Stoddart 19:21
Of course. Sorry, everybody. Thanks for tuning in to this episode one request. If this has been valuable, please let us know. Put a comment down and share it with somebody else. And my last request is go think bigger your life and impact will benefit as a result. Thanks, everybody. Talk to you next time.