Jeff Cohn
Hey, what’s up, you guys? This is Jeff Cohn with another episode of the team building podcast where we interview top team leaders, broker-owners, success managers and ops managers from across the country across brokerage brands to help teach you how to scale your business and stop working in your business today, we have a unique episode in that we’re gonna be doing two podcasts and one I have an awesome guest today, Justin Stoddart, and I’m his guests as well. So Justin, take it away.

Justin Stoddart
Dude, I really appreciate the opportunity, Jeff, been following you for a while I know you’re an influencer and big-time producer. So this is a total pleasure to be on your show and simultaneously on mine. So for those that are listening to the first time, I run the think bigger real estate show. Really, Jeff, as I’ve shared with you, my mission in my passion is to help real estate agents think bigger. We live in America for heaven’s sake. And we live in a time in an era where there’s endless amounts of opportunity. building that holds people back is the fact that they aren’t thinking big enough. So if I can be an instigator and a catalyst and putting people like you in front of an audience, it helps them think bigger and amazing thing happens. And here’s what it is their business starts to grow. And as their business starts to grow, their options in life, improve and increase, and then their impact increases. And I’m all about being a part of that. So fun to have you on the show today. For those that are meeting, Jeff for the first time. He’s been in the business for 12 years. And in 2011, he started a team went from 70 to 700 sales in six years. So really scaled up quickly, and has built an incredible, not just real estate business. He’s now the number one team in all of Berkshire Hathaway, Home Services just built really a monopoly. Since we’re talking about real estate. Now he’s also built, I was an insurance company, coaching company, virtual assistant, a company and an investment company. He’s the guy, he’s a leaders leader, he’s the guy that the top teams and leaders in your market are seeking out Jeff to get training on how to take their business to the next level. So this is pretty fun for me to have a chance to have a few minutes here with Jeff, and thanks for being on the show today. Just

Jeff Cohn
Hey, Justin, my pleasure. You know, what I have already loved about you is how fast you talk. Most people can’t keep up with me, I might have trouble keeping up with you. So we will warn all of our people listening, you might want to slow this down to a point five, I’ve been told people listen to podcasts at two x sometimes two and a half x people like me that are ADD. But I think on this one, they might be slowing it down. Also, I just want to give a heads up. We have this recorded on YouTube. So if you guys want to search this out, you can find it on my YouTube channel. If you go to elite real estate systems. com and click on podcasts. You’ll see YouTube as one of the options if you want to see our beautiful faces there right here for you. Otherwise, I know I’m on Stitcher and iTunes. Where are you guys, Justin?

Justin Stoddart
Yeah, perfect. Same places, you can find us on Vimeo on Facebook, just search think bigger real estate on all these YouTube as well, as I mentioned, and then again, on all the major podcast platforms including stitcher and Apple podcast, you think, search think bigger real estate. So

Jeff Cohn
I love the think bigger mindset. I know, one of my war cries has always been that leaders serve their followers. And the best way to do that is to teach your followers to be just like you. And so I go on stages in front of thousands of agents. And my provocative challenge is that those agents today need to stop selling real estate, and everyone gasps

and start focusing on building a business that you can then exit that will continue to grow without you being there without you being relative to that business. And you can then focus your time and energy on the other things that you love. You can build more businesses, you can go golfing, you can lay by the pool, do whatever you want, but at least put yourself in a position where you have that freedom.

Justin Stoddart
You know, it’s killer, Jeff, because I think every ship needs a captain. And all too often, ships only have crew, right, and you got nobody actually steering the ship. And what I hear you saying is that you’re a guy that’s teaching the crew to like, step up and be a captain because the rest of the crew and the people on board of your ship actually need somebody steering the thing?

Jeff Cohn
Absolutely. Everyone’s looking for that. And I think leaders today are scared to make decisions I’ve been, I guess I won’t throw anyone under the bus or ship in this analogy. But I’ve been in environments where the leadership lacked and people were scared to make decisions because they knew that the decision that they made was going to make somebody unhappy, and they didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Well, guess what? When people lack the ability to make decisions and the hard ones, it hurts my feelings. So when I see someone that it can’t make a decision for the life of them, even if it’s a bad decision on my part, I would be more happy to see that leader actually step up. And all of you that are listening know exactly what we’re talking about. So be the leader steps up makes our decisions even when it’s not popular.

Justin Stoddart
Actually just heard a quote, I think I shared this with you prior to us going on the show here today, Jeff that imagine just for a second, that whatever you’re afraid of, you’re not afraid of even it’s just for a sec, what would be different? What would you be doing differently? And I think a lot of people like you’re saying, maybe don’t step into those roles, or don’t seek out training like you guys provided the lead, you know, elite levels attended, because they’re fearful of what of you know, of all these mice happens, right? And I think when we start to shed that and just say for a minute, my, In fact, this is what I’m kind of a process I’m going through right now, which is what if my 10-year plans had to become six-month plans, like what how am I deal with different? And I think I probably took that from Grant Cardone. But, you know, I think anytime you can start to shed some of those limiting beliefs or at least even just pretend that you’re sending them for a minute, get your reality quickly changes and you realize that like your reality is actually up here, that we’re in a set of circumstances that we’ve created for ourselves.

Jeff Cohn
And I believe our brains get programmed by social media, by TV on media in general, we set all of our own limitations. I’m totally with you on this that the Grant Cardone mindset is totally accurate. I mean, you can 10 x everything you really should strive to. And worst case scenario, you end up five x in what you thought was possible. I think you’ll look at yourself as a success. I think too often we don’t celebrate our successes, Justin, I think a lot of people are always had their head down and never good enough because comparing themselves to someone like for me, I did 630 sites last year and was disappointed because the year before I’d done 700 I wanted to hit 1630 sites. That’s ridiculous. We need to always be grateful for what we have and strive for more greatness.

Justin Stoddart
I love that.

Yeah. Can like grateful but not content, right? Yep. Let’s talk a little bit about, you know what, what you guys teach. Let me just start with this maybe provocative question that I’m sure a guy like you can defend easily. Do you believe that the real estate team model is good for the consumer, I think we live in a time in an era where the consumer is going to win. Right? Because reviews and there’s just more options than ever before. defend a little bit about what some people might say to the contrary that teams aren’t good for the real estate business. I don’t believe that. But I want you to defend that. Tell me why your team is good for our it’s a

Jeff Cohn
fun question. I’ve actually never gotten the question. From a consumer standpoint. It’s always agents asking me how is this good for an agent? How’s it good for the agent to make money? from a consumer standpoint? Oh, that’s the that’s in my opinion. That’s an easy one. So if you’re going to hire anyone to provide you with a service, would you want one individual or five individuals or 20 or 50? Or 100? sign them all up for me. So whatever service you want to say your massage therapy, a doctor, an attorney? Would you want to go see an attorney that is just a one-man show or one-woman show? Would you want the attorney that has nine other attorneys and paralegals and receptionist and admin, I want the one that has all of that because I would assume that when they have all of those additional pieces, they’re going to bring more value to my experience. So part of our presentation we share with the consumer, we have a 30-minute buyer presentation and a 30-minute listing presentation. We’re showing them the value we offer. The challenge has become Justin I think 95% of teams out there are running the Rainmaker model where the team leads doing over 50% of the team’s business, they probably don’t have the value necessary for the consumer to actually see why they should go with the team versus going with an individual. So if you’re thinking business, and you have your business hat on, you need to be thinking as you serve your followers, how can you help put them in a position to be the most successful when talking engaging and signing their consumers?

Justin Stoddart
Well it’s interesting that you say that that. Probably the team model breakdown breaks down like you’re saying when a team leader doesn’t actually learn how to let go of stuff and believe that customers come to them because of their standards, not because necessarily them right. You can actually teach and delegate and the customer will be well served. Is that what you mean by that?

Jeff Cohn
Absolutely. Yep. And you know it within our, I guess the way that our team was built in 2011, we launched in 2014. I exited. So I was there three months, three years, 36 months, working side by side running the Rainmaker model while trying to get into more of a CEO role where I could exit the day today. And my goal was to take everything I had ever learned I had done over 1000 deals and downloaded in the agents that were with me at that point. And then because of that we organically grew a training organization, within my real estate team, any success in the organization has to have a coaching and training and accountable component built within. And that is essentially what elite real estate systems became our coaching company, we said, this is great content, we have two hours of training a week, eight hours a month for $97 a month, of course, my agents get it for free. We’re like let’s broadcast this in group settings and make this available to the world. So if anyone wants more info on that, you can go out to elite real estate And just click on learn more. And you can learn all about our coaching product,

Justin Stoddart
just kind of a side kind of testimonial from a very good friend of mine who produces at a very high level had the opportunity to go out, spend a couple of days with Jeff and his team shadowing them attending their workshop and came back and said it was absolutely game-changing. So

Jeff Cohn
cool. Appreciate that. Yeah, we’ve had, we’ve had thousands of people out. So we do the coaching, which is group coaching, we call modern coaching for the modern agent. And then we also offer events, it’s usually every month we’ll have a workshop, we do virtual workshops, we do regional workshops, we were in Miami last year, Charleston, South Carolina veg guess. And then we have a yearly event, which actually is going to happen, it’s probably already happened once you watch this episode. It’s the end of June every year in conjunction with the College World Series, we get about 100 plus people out, put that on your calendar for next year.

Justin Stoddart
Cool, man. Let’s talk a little bit about this role of being a team member on a team, right? A lot of people get into real estate because they want to work for themselves, right? I want unlimited income and freedom of schedule, right? And they get the business to realize like, Okay, this is a lot, this is a lot harder than I thought. And I’m going to put a lot more work. So then they, at times either they decide that I’m either going to go join a team where they start from day one and say it makes sense for me to get the reps that I need in order to actually get good at this business. I’m going to join a team. How does a team like how do you guys teach to retain good talent long term to where you don’t have this revolving door? I know, going back to maybe the some of the complaints that people have with the model is that you have new people coming in and out so fast that there are people never really learned the standards. So you have a lot of chefs in the kitchen and nobody’s talking to each other. And as a result, it’s not great, like, it’s not a great experience for the consumer, those teams that I have seen that have performed at a really high-level year after year are those that retain good talent? What do you teach teams, be able to create such a compelling value proposition that the people on the team don’t necessarily want to go start their own team?

Jeff Cohn
That’s a great question. I’m excited to answer it. I tell people, the three pillars to any successful organization. Number one is recruiting. Number two is continual training and accountability. And number three is retaining by offering value. So the same way you’re going to go recruit an agent, you’re going to show them the value offer, it’s the same pitch that you’re going to give to the consumer, why should they work with your value value value is what it always comes back to the challenges. A lot of teams out there have learned from the broker and the traditional broker hasn’t offered very much value. That’s why there are so many brokers today, not even really keeping much of a commission split off the agent because they don’t know how to retain those agents because they don’t have the value that agent seeks. So you asked a question earlier about the consumer and why they should work with the team rather than going to the individual, I’m going to give you a very long roundabout answer on this question because it’s a really good one. And I wanna make sure I hit it on every point. First, I want to draw the picture of an athlete. So if you knew you wanted to play professional level, and you were 18 years old, who would you want to train with? Would you train with middle school football players? Would you train with high school football players? Would you go to a D to college? Would you go to one college? Or would you want to go play with a pro team? And if you’re going to play with the protein, would you want to play with the team that came in 12th? The season before? Would you want to come to the team that won the Super Bowl? I know for me, I want the trainer of the team that won the Super Bowl, the nutritionist super the coach of the Super Bowl, the gym of the Super Bowl, I want to go to the top. But unfortunately, most people aren’t wired my way. why they’re not wired that way is they don’t want to lose in front of those people that perform at that level. And so they play in mediocrity. A lot of people listening to this are playing in mediocrity. If you want to be the best, I’d say join the best. Stay with them for 12 months and make the decision if by being with them, you’ll make more money in less time with less energy. And if the answer is that that’s not the case, then go build your own sandbox. And so back to your initial question of how do we retain, really retain and the reason that the consumer uses us over anyone else because we offer more than anyone else. So, on our team, you have Legion we have 50 leads a month per agent. We have accountability meetings with every agent every week for 20 minutes. We have dialers they get the plug in the Mojo dialer, Vulcan seven for expired physical cancel withdrawn data, we have a coaching company that they literally get for free, we have an investment company, they get to take advantage of for free and they can find us deals or fuel us deals and we’ll pay them finders fees. But the list just goes on admin, we take everything from contract to close, they never touch paperwork, they don’t generate leads, they get a CRM and Boomtown. They get their own personal website, they get their own review site for so people can leave reviews for them were the top rated on Zillow and every other website out there. We spend 10,000 a month and ads to generate leads. And we have speakers that come in every Monday we look at our team training and teaches them about different things pertinent to their business. So it’s like, endless value. So when someone comes on board, I say to them, you know, I give it 12 months, if it doesn’t work out, then we’re not a fit to help you realize your dream. And that’s okay. But if it doesn’t work out and stay with us, as long as it makes sense. And to me, what makes sense is that our business can become the vehicle that allows them to live and lead the life of their dreams. So we flip everything upside down. When someone comes into our group, we say, what do you want to accomplish over the next five years? And then we say how much money do you think you’d need to accomplish that your one year, two years, three year, you know, all the way to your five, and then we can tell them if you know you need to make six figures to realize your dreams over the next five years. We know on our team you need to do about 36 sales. And we know it takes about 150 outbound calls to get one sale. So we take 150 outbound calls times 36 sales divided over 52 weeks, and now we’ve established how many calls they need to make each week. And these aren’t literal calls. This could be an engagement in the opportunity you have with someone at a mastermind at a social event, an open house. So every week, every agent reports to a team meeting at 10am. In my office on Mondays, if you’re ever in Omaha, anyone listening is welcome to come attend the meeting. I’m not gonna recruit you just come to check it out, be a fly on our wall, the event that you referenced one of your friends who had been out part of that event as you get to spend a whole day in my office with my team, and you can see how we operate. At that meeting. Justin, every single person in the room stands up. They say they’re called 125 calls. They say how many calls they actually made, how many contacts they had, how many appointments, they went on, how many contracts they executed, how many listings they signed, how many hours they spent prospecting, if they don’t hit their call goal, I don’t get on their case, I simply asked one question. And this is the question that motivates all of us. And I asked them which item from their vision board do they want to remove since they didn’t hit their callable. I’m going to hit all my vision. I’m in my house right now. I live in a beautiful, very nice home and I’m on a brassica. I’ve got a lot of land, I’ve all the toys, I want to have all the trips I want. I have three beautiful kids beautiful wife, I’ve got my goal. So I’m hitting my vision goal I’m going to with or without the agent, I want my organization to be a vehicle that someone can plug into to realize their dreams. If someone’s struggling, I’m going to take responsibility. But a lot of times it’s because they’re not in the place they need to be and I’ll invite them to leave and I’ll let them know I don’t think my company’s the vehicle for you. I don’t think it’s going to help you get to where you need to be, you need to go find a different vehicle.

Justin Stoddart
Jeff, reminds me of a conversation I had with my coach recently. in which he asked me what is it costing me on a regular basis to not be fulfilling my biggest dreams? Which was $1 amount, right? And and then when I got to that dollar amount, as I said, Okay, let’s take an amount for some arbitrary amount, like let’s say an amount, let’s say somebody $200,000 last year, and let’s say their dreams make a million dollars a year, every year that they’re not achieving that it’s costing them $800,000 a year to not be living to that level. And then the question that followed was what’s the cost of the cost? Like what is it actually like? What what are you having to say no, to every day, week, month year, because you are living that way and it taking that and applying it to what you’ve shared. It’s almost interesting. Let’s say somebody made 100 calls and said they’re gonna make 125 calls like those 25 calls didn’t happen for some reason that seemed either scary or inconvenient or whatever. Yeah, what’s the opportunity cost them not making those is it I still live in an apartment or I still live in a small house or me, another kid because we can’t afford it. Like all of a sudden calls. I

Jeff Cohn
get goosebumps on this conversation. I just got done. Every time I work out, I’ve been trying to lose 50 pounds is my weight loss goal this year. I did it last year, I needed to lose 100 total. So this year’s another 50. By the end of this year, I will be under 220 by 2020 is my goal. So I put it out there in the universe. And it happens, right? So as I work out, I didn’t listen to David Goggins book can’t hurt me. I love that book, talks about he goes to the gym, right? He knocks out, I don’t even know 997 pull-ups. But his goal was 1000. He goes home. Always like I gotta go back to the gym. He doesn’t go back and do three more. He goes back and does 1000. And I don’t remember the numbers on this particular workout. But as an example, he goes back does 1000 so I wonder if you’re willing to not hit the 25 calls to hit your dream board? Which is your life goal? What other things are you falling short on? Is it the workout? Is it the conversation you knew you needed to have with your dad and you never did? Before conversation, you need to have with your kids? You never will the social group you wanted to join but you never did? Like, what other areas are you letting yourself fall short in? And so I think that’s a great point. And like, what what’s the cost of the cost? I’d never heard that before. I really like it. I do want to save money gets talked about a lot on this podcast just so everyone out there. As you get to know me. I am a high di if you’re under if you know what the disk is an alpha. But I also love that fun. I only work for freedom. I did everything I’ve done up to this point so that I didn’t have to do anything. I’m not one of those people that’s going to work on 90 I want to be done in 10 years. And when I say done, I want to be in a position where I can be generating my dream income every single month. So everyone for themselves, ask yourself, What’s your dream income, but then not have to stop working. So I just want have the option to stop. And so when I challenge people to stop selling focus on building a business, I’m not saying don’t ever take a listing, I have listings right now I have a few luxury listings I took I’m just saying put yourself in a position where you could go to South Africa, which I just did for four weeks or an East Coast road trip for three weeks, which I just did literally three weeks ago, or Hawaii for Christmas for five weeks. I’ve been living this lifestyle. It’s like unbelievable because I put myself in this position. But it’s been a lot of work. 12 years later, right.

Justin Stoddart
First of all, I want to congratulate you on your weight loss goals. I was going to actually mentioned earlier as we’re getting ready to start the interview, I felt like I was in the octagon and I was facing like a bad an MMA fighter. Because you were going back and forth. You got cut like that pretty

Jeff Cohn
tough. If people watch me on YouTube, like I am bouncing around, I like to keep it going I stand you’re standing too, aren’t you? Yeah, the energy is way better. But I appreciate you saying that I that’s what I’m going for that intimidating.

Justin Stoddart
So Secondly, I love what you’ve talked about when it comes to you know that having the option, right when you dare to think bigger when you dare to like, push beyond where it’s comfortable and actually reach your goals actually reach your commitments. incredible things start to happen because most people stop. Like, you know, our friend, David Goggins talks about like most people, like, if it’s uncomfortable, like that’s actually absolutely where you need to double down because most people at that point, opt out, just know that that like the hurt starts to fade really quickly at that point, and like, pain is like a really great indicator because it’s like, that’s awesome that I’m feeling pain because that means it’s going to get slimmer and slimmer competition.

Jeff Cohn
It anyone listening right now you are in the 1% you are a rarity just listening to this podcast. This is one of the things I’ve discovered it I saw a study once that said parents that read children’s books, not children’s like how to help your kid What is that? Something toddler? I don’t even know what the name of the book is. But it’s like the one everyone reads when they have a new kid what to expect when you have a toddler? Yeah. But there was some study that said like parents that read books like to help their children grow better and you know, be better at reading writing all the basic skills. Pair instant-read books like that obviously ended up raising better kids. So it the question, though is, Is it because of the content that they read? Or is it because of the very fact that they were the type of person to go out and see the information which created self-actualization around them to then be a better parent? And I believe it’s not about the content as much as we want to think we’re special. And people that write books are special. It’s about the heart and the desire. And part of that is being willing to break through boundaries that no one else will Goggin says he wants to be rare, he end up getting into the seals and then realize he didn’t think the navy seals were working out hard enough. And then he’s like, I want to be rare amongst the seals. And then that wasn’t good enough. He’s like, I want to be a freak specimen across all the different branches. He tried out for Delta Force. He did a paratrooper rescue or whatever. The dude, the freak, and then he finds out he has a hole in his heart. Sorry to give that away. I think that’s chapter eight. And then he’s like, I’m afraid. And I think that’s cool. So like, how many of us are sitting here listening going? Well, I’m a freak, too. I grew up my whole life thinking I was crazy. And then I was unique, and that I was special, and that I deserve everything I wanted. I had no idea how to get there. And a lot of people listening to us. I know it’s Justin that listens to your podcast, they don’t know how to get there. They love your energy. They love mine, they feed off of it. That’s only going to last so long. You have to have your own winds that fuel you that feed you and you have to feel the pain. I started running again. We just got back from the East Coast road trip Sunday and I said I’m going to go four miles a day, six days, or sorry, five days a week until I hit under 220. Until then I go and I don’t usually run that much. I usually do like one or two miles and then I’ll lift for an hour. Now I’m flip-flopping on the lift for 15-20 minutes, then hit a little bit more cardio. And my feet hurt dude like I’m on day three. Day Three is nothing I like feel like I’ve been doing this for 30 days. I’m on day three. And so I think if you think about Goggins, this dude runs ultras, he’s done over 200 miles in one race. He’s done multiple races over 100 miles. But all the people listening they’re trying to overcome the different things in their lives. You’re going to feel pain don’t think Justin and I haven’t and don’t think anyone that’s successful didn’t I used to tell myself Well, they’re only successful because they were born into this family. And they have had this unique opportunity because they were in San Diego or whatever the thing was. The truth is they’re the people that succeed at a high level, they’ve gone through more crap than anybody else. They failed more. And because of that, they ended up winning bigger than anybody well, and

Justin Stoddart
they seek out discomfort. So here’s a great story. My stepdad just retired from a company that was sold, ended up like very well doesn’t need to work another day in his life. His very first summer off, he decides to hike the Pacific Crest Trail, which is a five-month hike, like these like drinking water out of like swamps, filtered, right. So it’s okay. But like, for five months, he’s on a trail and I’m like, okay, you could like to afford about anything right now. And you’re, you’re choosing to do this. And I thought like, Is he crazy? Does he not like my mom, like, What’s going on here? And it’s like, no, the guy’s just wired. He’s always had this goal. And he realizes that now’s a window of time and he’s going to do it. It’s like, you know, people that are high achievers, they don’t necessarily seek out comfort. They don’t do what always just feels good. David Goggins like no part of his book or his story looks sound uncomfortable at all.

Jeff Cohn
It sounds horrible. Paul talks about minds. He’s like a student of the mind. He says that once you think you have to stop like that point where you have to stop, you still have 60% left. And I would say for me, I think I succeeded beyond most because I went an extra 5% I will not get on here and say I went the hundred percent I killed it. Everyone else is lazy. I think I just went a little bit further than everybody else. And that’s the key is like, you don’t have to go a ton further push beyond everyone else, like quit compare, I guess what they would say what I believe is don’t compare to anyone else. When he said he would race to us to try to beat people, then he’s like, I’m still being myself. push against yourself. So like when my agents have the hundred and 25 callable make hundred and 50 calls. If you have a goal to run for miles run four and a half, always push 5% harder, 10% harder and great things will happen.

Justin Stoddart
It typically the people around you are a good standard for success. I mean, part of the reason why I invented this show, think the real estate show is to be able to spend time with people like you they otherwise wouldn’t be in my own market. Right? I wouldn’t have access to. with that. I know you’ve got a kind of a hard stop. for time sake. This has been a blast, man, by the way. Thank you. It’s been really fun. I want to ask you this question. You’re the perfect guy to ask this question to, which is the signature question of the show, which is, you’re a big thinker, right? This TV back here stands for think bigger. What is it that you do on a regular basis to ensure that you stay that way? So where you don’t get content to where you’re constantly… everyone

Jeff Cohn
I’ve thought about this, too.

Justin Stoddart
Expand your possibilities? What does it look like? So

Jeff Cohn
I read MRT so I read so how much time do I have? Let me take five minutes on this one and we’ll wrap for those listening. By the way, if you’ve loved Justin’s podcast, if you’ve loved my podcast, please go out and review us. I would prefer reviews on iTunes. give a shout out to Justin If you guys liked this podcast episode make sure to give us five stars. I’m trying to bust out of 100 reviews by the end of this year. What about you Justin? Where can I leave reviews for you know what? That’d be awesome for me as well. I’ve got some great reviews, but I need more of them. So I love that just while you’re on iTunes go find me as well. Give me a review. I love it. It’s just Think Bigger Real Estate. Perfect. Do that. Then for Justin as well, you guys if you wouldn’t mind. So I started this practice in college. I was interning making pretty good money in a position where I could have made 60 grand here in Omaha back when I’m 22 recently married brand new baby. It’s like the cliche story $50,000 in student loan and credit debt living in a studio apartment. Okay, this is where I started middle class. I had an undergrad degree in business. I speak several languages. I lived in Brazil for two years. So I have a pretty good solid foundation. That’s

Justin Stoddart
for two years time to like the stereo

Jeff Cohn
male Jose Momo.

Justin Stoddart
No, it was so so good to go.

Jeff Cohn
We both missions in Brazil. Yeah. Small world. Good. So anyway, so you have your visionary. Where are you at real quick. Where are you as a Florianopolis?

Justin Stoddart
Dude, you want to know my brother? My brother was young at that time. Anyway,

Jeff Cohn
thousand one 2003. So anyway, so I get home, I have this like a strong foundation, right? And I have all these things I want to accomplish. And I’m like, I don’t know everything. I was finally smart enough after spending time abroad to realize like, wow, I’m like, insignificant. So I decided before accepting a job after my internship with this company that would have made me miserable. I’d go interview 20 of the smartest people I knew at that time, with the 22-year-old Jeff Cohn Bry almost twice a life ago. And in that those meetings, those people knew me pretty well. They all said do not work for any of these companies, you will never have a boss that you’ll listen to, you will never have a job that challenges you enough. Go and be on your own. They said go Do you know to start a business here to be an entrepreneur here but like don’t have a ceiling. So that told me don’t go into corporate America end up starting my own business. I still didn’t know what to start. When I did decide to land on real estate. I did the same exercise went to 20 people in Omaha. Hey, if you were back in the game at 22, what would you do differently? None of them had to that great of advice from a lead gen Sam but I gotta talk to your sphere. But everyone said to invest in real estate. I was like, You sell real estate like what are you talking about? And that’s really that was the solution. I needed money to pay off debt. And they’re like, go buy houses. I’m like, I have nothing. How am I gonna buy houses? So flash forward? Now? I’m buying tons of houses. I have about 80 doors today? So to answer your very simple question, it’s not a simple answer. I started surrounding people, I started surrounding myself with people that were achieving animation higher level than myself based on my perception. So somebody that I thought was a great athlete, I’d say Hey, can I chat with you once a week? Can I call you can you can we be accountability partners? Can I come visit you in San Diego, and spend two days learning about your workouts. I’ve done the same for my spirituality, I’ve done the same for my business, the jobs that I have within my businesses, pretty much in any area of my life that I wanted to become better. I just found someone that was better than me and asked him if I could be their friend. And if I could learn from them. Of course podcaster, there was a sentence I’ve heard read in the book once is that the difference between you and me are the podcasts we listened to the books that we read, and the people we meet. So I have gotten to gotten to this point where like, I can grab so much more when I go and visit with someone or have a call with someone because then I get to choose the questions rather than listening to someone else’s question. If you listen to a podcast before we were like, I want to ask the next question I want to ask you,

Justin Stoddart
Of course, I’m here, man. That’s why I’m here. Exactly. Right.

Jeff Cohn
So anyway, that’s my long, long answer to a very simple short question. Do you want to succeed the high level surround yourself by high-level thinkers, high-level workers, people that have actually succeeded that don’t talk about succeeding, I get so sick of this whole story of like, what you’re gonna do, tell me what you did. And then we can talk about where you want to go. I love getting jacked up about it. But show me where you went first, you can learn a lot about a person and where they come from. Usually, there’s a trajectory there. I also heard the sentence before if you take like your five closest friends, your network will typically be the average of your five closest friends, your three closest friends so maybe change up who your friends are, help them generate more wealth.

Justin Stoddart
I love it. Man, such a powerful answer from a guy who is an achiever. And it sounds like all areas of life everything from business to family to spiritual life to physical fitness, and I’m fired up for you. Just good stuff. This has been a total pleasure want to thank you for being a part of the bigger real estate show and allowed me to be a part of the team building podcast man,

Jeff Cohn
thank you for interviewing me too. And I think my listeners will get a lot out of this as I hope yours do as well. Justin and I am humbled for the opportunity. I came to the show with a lot of energy. Hope you guys enjoyed it. And we did talk super fast. So you might have to slow this one down.

Justin Stoddart
We’re all about we got to we got too much to do until little time we can be talking slow. That’s right.

Jeff Cohn
Yeah. For anyone else in your network. Justin, my head might people hear this all the time. But if you want more info on us our events and our upcoming, you know different things that we have going in addition to coaching and our podcast, just go out to the elite real estate systems. com You can also follow that on Facebook, you want to hit me up ever. You just go find Jeff Cohn online or elite real estate systems, you can message us and we’ll respond right away.

Justin Stoddart
Good stuff, man. I’ll let the audience know as well just get ready to release in an E-book that will soon to be a book on helping real estate agents transition from salesperson to consultants and drive a whole new referral stream from professional sources so excited to share that ebook will be out next week. So go to think bigger dot real estate. Let’s have you hear this. And that will be available as well. So

Jeff Cohn
Awesome. Good stuff. Thanks again, Justin.

Justin Stoddart
Thanks, man. Great talking to catch up soon later, bro.