Right now the world is being forced to slow down and stay home. Most activities that used to occupy our time have been canceled. Most of our business activities have had to adapt and change to this new reality. In addition to the inconveniences of this new reality, we are also finding some silver linings. We are finding more time to be with those we love. We’re finding more time to do activities together for which before we’d all been too busy.
The same is true in our businesses. We now have the time and added need to reach out and connect with people to genuinely see if they are okay, if they need anything, and what it is that we can do to help me.
The questions that Ben and I answer are: What is happening in our lives, in our homes, in our businesses, and in our communities that we love because of all of these new changes? What can we do now to start to re-engineer our lives so that once this is behind us, we keep the good changes that we’ve made?