Background in Real Estate
If you need a little inspiration, you are going to eat up Matt Kirkegaard’s “rags to riches” story!
Matt is from Nashville, TN and now owns the fastest growing luxury group out of Nashville called Movement Property Group. He is a musician from Wyoming, and he started playing piano at the age of nine. He started studying music in Los Angeles and quickly moved on to Nashville to pursue an early career.
When financial destitution left him and his young bride homeless, he turned to a career in Real Estate to get back on his feet. He earned his license in less than one week, and within 6 months, he was one of the top-ten agents in the highest-volume office in the state. Real Estate became his means of provision and healing that leveraged his broken story back to a path in music.
If you are faced with a business that feels like you, too, have been unethically robbed of your riches by a shifting market, the psychology and tactics in today’s story are for you.
When there are no other options
When something has to work, it works. If you have a “Plan B”, you’ll likely take it. When it came to Matt’s story, he didn’t have any other option but to make it work, and he declares this is the mindset of greatness in any endeavor. If you’re going to pursue a career driven by your performance, adopt the mindset that you’re going to make it or die trying!
He also shared that success demands you not be risk-averse. Even the worst-case scenario isn’t that bad! If you aren’t accountable to yourself and your own goals, you’ll find yourself in another job being held accountable to someone else’s. You will likely find yourself starting back at your Plan A regretting abandoning it!
The caveat is this: you’re an entrepreneur! You may need to pursue other things (ie: a book of business in Real Estate) that allow you to pursue a true passion “Plan A”, the way Matt pursues music. You have to take responsibility for your performance to make it a reality.
What the Real Estate looks like
There is always an opportunity for business in Real Estate! No matter how interest rates change, or what the market looks like, people everywhere will have a need to buy, sell, rent or invest in Real Estate under all circumstances, rendering the source of business in this industry endless. This is the driving force and affirmation by which Matt conducts his business.
“I am wildly relational!”
Matt applied this tactic when he first started his business by walking into a local coffee shop and putting everyone’s coffee over the course of the next three hours on his credit card. He showed love and interest for the community in a space he was comfortable making these introductions. Listening to their deeper story, he found the solution to many pain points hidden in Real Estate. Matt’s proposition is to lead with value, and this opens doors to authentic relationships that yield a great business for him and can for you!
“People over profit – 100% of the time.”
“Can I buy you a cup of coffee?” started more Real Estate conversations for Matt than did questions like “Do you know anyone who wants to buy and sell a house?” He is willing to direct these conversations to the solution that is best for his clients, even if that means talking them out of doing business with him at the time – sometimes it means passing business to the right partners! The core of a good Real Estate business is the network of people and the systems they operate with from which you can add value beyond the transaction.
“Find yourself in space with people regularly”
Can you open your home? Connect in your community? Where can you place yourself at the center of the lives of others? Matt also holds a program where he reinvests back in his community and partners with his clients to do this as well. He has built strategic relationships with the best in the industry, and his service is evident. Take from his example, and let us know how we can support you in this journey!
When you're ready, here are a few ways we at Think Bigger Real Estate can help you...
1. Get Your Personalized Referral Score™. Discover how much untapped commission dollars are available inside your sphere and professional network AND the first step you can take to capture this low-hanging fruit CLICK HERE
2. Join our free mastermind: Think Bigger Real Estate. Everyone wants to work by referral but what do you do when your goals outpace the number of your referrals received? To learn how to scale up your referral-based business CLICK HERE
3. Schedule a conversation to explore what it looks like to work with us directly:
To get help becoming a top professional with a 7-Figure-Funded, Significant Life (growing a wildly successful enterprise without losing focus on what matters most (body, mind, heart and spirit) CLICK HERE