Justin Stoddart
Today’s episode will help you think bigger. Today’s guest is going to teach all about mentorship. He’s currently living in Thailand, because he’s a real estate investor, which affords him the ability to do that. I’m just going to I’m going to start with that. So before I fully introduce him, let me just remind you that a full show notes and a weekly summary can be found if you go to thinkbigger.realestate and encourage you to go there and get signed up. Just this past week, my episode with Grant Cardone went out and if you weren’t signed up, you missed it. But if you message me, I can be sure to send that to you or you’ll find it on the website thinkbigger.realestate. I’m so very excited about today’s episode. As you know, my passion is to help you think bigger. There’s no doubt that when I start to put you around individuals that are doing amazing things like today’s guest, it has an impact on you. And you start to think differently. You start to see the world differently. You start to see opportunities that have always been there, but now you’re recognizing them, your actions start to change, your results start to follow that and then pretty soon your impact follows and my passion is to help you live a life of tremendous impact. So let’s get into introducing today’s guest. His name is Matthew Baltzell. He’s a real estate analyst with Boardwalk Wealth and he currently has a portfolio of 100 plus units valued at over $14 million. You look awfully young looking gentlemen for such an impressive portfolio. And something that he’s even probably more proud of is that he and his beautiful wife, who are living in Thailand right now, building a home in Thailand, are expecting their first child in January. So Matthew, thank you for coming on the show today. And congratulations for the amazing life that you’re building.
Matthew Baltzell
Thank you very much for having me. I’m excited to be here.
Justin Stoddart
Yes, now it’s about 10pm is that right? 10pm.
Matthew Baltzell
Yeah. 10:23pm what we are recording this on whatever, Tuesday so it’s Tuesday night, my time Tuesday morning, your time?
Justin Stoddart
That’s right. What’s it like in the future man?
Matthew Baltzell
Thanks pretty good. You know, it’s funny that you said that. I was speaking to one of my mentors. Two days ago and she was like, hey, do you have a stock picks? For me? I was like, No, I don’t like the Asian markets are close. But like, I never really nobody’s ever asked me that, like you’re the second person. So maybe maybe I do know the future.
Justin Stoddart
That’s really funny. All right, let’s look, let’s get into really quickly something that is a passion of mine, which is family. I didn’t share this with you. Maybe you saw from my facebook profile, but my wife and I are blessed with six children. And being a father is is a legitimate part of my life, like legitimate part of my life. Whether I want it to be or not, no, I totally want it to be. But this show, again, is about helping people think bigger than really, it’s about helping people be have a life of impact because of real estate, right? We’re not all about like the nuts and bolts and this and that. Sure we’ll have some of that, but really to inspire people about what you know, an amazing career in the real estate industry. can do for them. So let’s, let’s talk a little bit about about family for you your your soon to be a dad, you met your beautiful bride in Thailand. You guys are now expecting a baby in January. What are you most nervous about? What are you most excited about being a new Dad?
Matthew Baltzell
I’m most nervous. I would say that I’m not gonna be a good dad. You know? Like, I think like, what if I’m not a good dad? You know, like, there’s, I don’t even know how many fathers are out there. Right? It’s like, you know, there are bad fathers. Like you’ve probably had a friend or an uncle. Right? And just like not not a good dad. And I don’t think people plan on being like, not a good dad, which I don’t think I will be but I’m like, What if I’m not like, what if one of these like things happen? Like, that’s like one of my fears? Right? Um, so yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of. What was the other part? What am I most excited about?
Justin Stoddart
That’s right. What are you most excited about being a dad?
Matthew Baltzell
I’m excited to see what my kid looks like. So my wife is Thai and so they call Westerners like white people, right? They call them for long. So I’m a full on. And in Asia, if you’re a half mixed baby, right, like you’re, if you’re half Thai and your half along, you are like, Oh, you can have such great skin. All the celebrities are like half English, half Thai. And so my wife has concocted our child as like a robot, like, I want him to have your eyes blue eyes. I want him to have my my hair. But I want them to have my cheeks and I want them to have your long legs. And like, I have no clue because every single time I see kids, right, they’re like, they’re like little monsters. I was born with black hair. Now I have like Sandy blond hair, right? It’s like, You’re like a fat marshmallow. Then you’re like a cute kid. And then you’re like, teenager, you’re like a rap star. So I have no clue. So I’m really good. excited to see what my kid’s gonna look like
Justin Stoddart
I’m sure he’s gonna be, is it he or a she, do you know yet?
Matthew Baltzell
It’s a he and he’s gonna be Maximus Baltzell. Maximus the Great.
Justin Stoddart
That is a solid name my friend a solid name and I’m sure he’s gonna be a handsome handsome little guy.
Matthew Baltzell
Yeah hopefully
Justin Stoddart
so so here’s a little bit of word of wisdom of what I’ve learned about being a dad is that love like love is spelled TIME just given time the fact that you’re concerned about not being a good dad tells me that you’re going to be a good dad right? And and just time and attention right? Sometimes we can be given them time, but we’re looking at our phone or whatever just given them attention. Not only makes you a great dad, but it makes you enjoy fatherhood. Like when you get to play with them when you get down and like really like look at life through their eyes. There’s there’s nothing better you’re gonna love it and I can’t wait to keep in touch and hear about the journey for you. So
Matthew Baltzell
I love that advice.
Justin Stoddart
Let’s let’s get into this concept of mentorship right kind of ties into that as well. But obviously My passion, again is helping real estate agents. Number one, recognize that the world is changing very quickly, people didn’t used to have an option when it came to real estate agents like you just you just chose an agent. Now they have different options. They have different tech options, they have different low discounted options more than they’ve ever had before. And people I think I realized that they don’t necessarily have to use a real estate agent. Now, in my opinion, to get the best result you have to. But you have to prove that each and every real estate agent has to prove that to their clients, that, that it’s it’s not enough just to market and sell a home but you actually have to be connecting those clients to a better life connecting them to power. And I think this concept of mentorship plays in very well. Excuse me when it comes to you, being a mentor to your clients, which means you probably need to be mentors. So you’ve got you’ve got data and and and value to be able to extend to them. Talk to us about like what are your thoughts on mentoring people on this topic that you’ve become expert at which is really testing?
Matthew Baltzell
Yeah, yeah. So um, yeah, you know, I would say, to give you a little bit of background, so about me. So when I was living over in Thailand, right, I wanted to get involved. My prior experience, I had been involved with single family homes back in 2008. And my family, we had to basically liquidate our properties, because we were over leveraged. So when I left the United States, and I was living abroad, and I was thinking about coming back to United States and I’m thinking, Okay, like, what do I want to get involved with? Right, and I wanted to get involved with commercial real estate multifamily. And I basically, you know, had to quote on quote, think bigger, right? And so I’m living halfway around the world. I joined Bigger Pockets, which a lot of people are familiar with probably on your show, arm, and I basically created a digital meetup. And I, that was like my, like, think think big strategy at the time, right. And so I did that. And I had about six or eight people throughout the United States. And we went back and forth and we talked about, you know, just real estate goals can Stuff like that. And one thing led to another, and it connected me to where I’m currently at right now working at boardwalk wealth, and we specialize in taking down larger multifamily unit properties. But the thing is, if I wasn’t thinking big, right, I would have never got my foot in the door. And my, one of the ladies that reached out to me saw what I was doing and said, Hey, like, let me know, update me on your progress, right? update on your progress, and you know what you’re doing. So after I’ve had this meetup going for about three to four months, she put me in contact with Omar, which is the CEO. And one thing is led to another. And if I wasn’t thinking big, right, I never would have attracted my first real estate mentor. So I think it’s like, it’s ironic, right? That I’m on your show, talking about thinking big and like the concept of like, what I was trying to do at the time. So I think you know, when you’re thinking big, you’re in your wanting to be an agent and you’re wanting to, you know, go to the next level, and you’re wanting to seek mentorship, or, you know, you got to really think about these things as far as like adding value, right? Like, I was, like, I want to add value or create a thought leadership platform, like everybody has value. So if you’re a real estate agent, and you’re listening to this, like, you definitely have some value, maybe you know, your, your local market better than somebody else, and maybe you have more connections, or maybe you have access to more capital, you know, you got to really think what you want and kind of lead with value because if you’re able to do that, it’s going to set you apart from a lot of other people.
Justin Stoddart
That’s awesome stuff. And I want I want to unpack a couple of things that what you said there is that before the mentor shows up, you have to start thinking bigger like there’s probably mentors all around us. lead us to a better business a better life, though you don’t like until we start thinking bigger the almost it’s almost as if they’re not there. Right. Yeah.
Matthew Baltzell
I don’t want to cut you off, but like, so people want to be around people that think big, right. And if you’re trying to get a mentor, they’re probably a person will say that’s elevated above you in some part of your profession or whatever you’re trying to seek that mentor for. Right? So in order to have access to them, you’re going to probably have to add value to get initially seen by them. Because if you say, hey, I want to buy you a cup of cup cup of coffee, what about your time? If you’re the mentor, you’re gonna be like, Listen, like I’m really busy. But if you can add value initially, right? You’re going to open that up. So thinking big of like, hey, how can I add value to this person, right to this to this mentor? Like how can I do this and really, you know, opening up your mind and thinking big and when you present your, your offer, you know, whether that’s, you know, hunting for deals or connecting people, right, like that guy on automatic or that that female whatever Right, they’re going to basically see like, Okay, this guy’s a big thinker. This is someone I could possibly work with. And you’re more likely susceptible to be started working relationship with that person and have them be a mentor for you. Yeah,
Justin Stoddart
I think that’s a really great point is that you, oftentimes people will reach out, I’m sure they’ve done it with you in a video with me, which is, Hey, can I can I spend some time with you, which I’m always willing to do? Like, there’s nothing more fun than being a little bit down the journey and somebody saying, Hey, will you teach me how you got to that point? And I think, however, it’s more compelling when somebody said, like, thanks, in advance of like, Hey, here’s how I think I might be able to help you. Again, I’m willing to help as many people as I can fit, you know, within our schedule. I think people that want to live like lives have impact and not looking for anything in return. Although it does pique your interest and grab your attention more when somebody is thoughtful enough to say, Hey, I have an idea that might be a benefit to you. It causes you to look at them differently, that this isn’t just a taker, this is a, this is a this is also a giver, you know? Yeah. And I think as we think about how we how we would want to be approached and how we would want our time respected, it gets easier to approach. mentors, right? Yeah.
Matthew Baltzell
Yeah, for sure. Yeah. And you know, you’re going to want to, you know, like, if you think about it, like, if you’re doing like reverse engineering, right, like, let’s say, you are the one looking for a mentor, right. And, you know, your clients are looking to you, uh, you’re going to want to present yourself in the most professional, professional manner to a mentor. Because if you’re not, you’re, you know, in the real estate industry, like your reputation is everything. So, if you don’t have a good website, if you don’t have a good business card, or if you don’t have, you know, all the other things, you’re Instagram’s like looking like mom and pop and things are not looking good, right? When you present yourself, you want to have all your ducks aligned in a row. So if you have a good website, if you have a good president What you’re pitching the guy or what, what you’re pitching the person on, as far as, hey, maybe I can source deals for you. Or maybe I can link you up with my friend who’s looking in this market, or you’re wanting to be in contact with another broker who knows bit more about this market. And then once you kind of do that, then you’re even taken more seriously. And that elevates you. astronomical amounts above a person who’s saying, hey, I want to borrow a cup of your time, like, I can buy my own coffee. I mean, I would love to hang out with you. If but if 10 people are asking me for 30 minutes of my time, you know, I gotta drive 20 minutes with me. Okay, we have a 30 minute coffee. Okay, so had that up out of the week. I mean, that’s five, seven hours and time is money, right? So you gotta kind of like, place value and always add value to people that you’re trying to get into their circle and have them mentor you.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, for sure. It really becomes apparent when you put it in those terms. How we should be approaching mentors and it’s it gets really clear when you you start to realize that Yeah, 30 minutes, I’m asking if someone else’s time. But you realize if if there’s a mentor and demand that a lot of people are going to be asking that and the cumulative effect of that is they just can’t say yes to everybody. They can’t give that attention, everybody without sacrificing something that already like their schedule is already full. Right? Yeah. Like for you, I think, you know, you are already in a really enviable spot, you’ve leveraged the power of real estate investing to live in Thailand. And, and really can live anywhere in the world. And there are many people that would want to learn that from you. And, and, and probably there’s going to be some some people from this show said, I’d like to connect with you, Matthew. And, you know, I would encourage all of us that as we seek mentors to think really clearly about what value can I give what like, how can I possibly give people value in exchange me part of the reason why this show was created is because I wanted to be in contact with the biggest thinkers in the world. And I realized he just sitting with them for 30 minutes or 15 minutes or whatever, is a little bit selfish. But if I could build a platform and have this be value to them in the sense that I’m giving them exposure, and at the same time, it’s it’s satisfying, you know what I’m hoping to do, which is pay it forward to those that are listening as well as grow myself, then that’s value exchange, I think, you know, I’m not saying everybody should start their own show or start their own podcast. It’s it’s more work than you think. But I do think that if you think intentionally about, how can I give something here getting men to show up even quicker or stay around longer? Maybe?
Matthew Baltzell
Yeah. And I mean, let’s Okay, take it back. So let’s say you’re not going to have a podcast, right? I mean, there’s plenty of other platforms. You can you can write blogs on your website. I mean, you could put out one one, let’s say you put out one blog every two weeks, right? At the end of the year, you’re going to have 24 blogs, and how we’re saying Think Big right? Things are moving away from like you’re saying the old school like now its algorithms and outsourcing and all this crazy stuff. You cannot fake your digital footprint. And what I mean by that is if you, let’s say you’ve done the 24 blog posts or you’ve had a podcast that has been going for 24 months, right? And you approach somebody, it’s so easy to say to them, hey, go online, like I have 200 episodes talking about, you know, realtors, like that cannot be made up over a day. 24 blog posts dated back on your website for one year cannot be made, be made up in one day. So when you’re presenting yourself, that’s your new resume, your podcast, you’re leveraging it. And that’s what real estate is, is is leverage. So if you’re sitting there thinking that you don’t have anything to offer, put something down on paper. Grab your phone, record yourself, like listen, this is day one, I have nothing to offer but like and then you know what people are going to say they’re going to resonate with your story and they’re going to Say, I thought I had enough nothing after I connect with this guy. Okay? Now you have something to offer because now you have like minded stories, and then you can build on that are like me and you were linking up because we are podcast, right? Like it’s leverage and that’s what it is. And when you learn, and you get Grant Cardone on your show, kudos, by the way, good job. So, you know, like, it’s leverage, like, that’s what it is. And when you learn leverage, it becomes that much easier and your job, finding mentorship and finding a mentor is becomes that much easier. It’s just a matter of getting in the game and realizing how it works.
Justin Stoddart
You know, you really bring up an interesting point, you know, when you think about real estate. Right now, there’s a battle that many that few people know about, which is the real estate space on the internet. Right that that, like you said, having content that is evergreen, right that people can go back and look to over and over again. You can’t fake that right. You can’t when it is your personal journey, your experience in your area that’s very specific to the needs and wants of your customers. And you can begin to catalog that and have that available for people. That really is an enviable piece of real estate on the web to own. You know, there’s all kinds of services and companies out there that will like a do it for you done for you. But if it’s not in your voice, why would they just Google it, but if it’s your voice, then you get credit for that and you become the person behind it, you become the brand behind that you become the expert that people want to work with. because number one, you can go and point people to that. But number two, you become something in that process. I think about, you know, since I really dug in January 2 of this year and turn this into a daily show, it’s amazing how much I’ve grown. You know, speaking about the episode of grant people, like Were you nervous, and I was like, Yeah, I won’t. I absolutely won’t say that. I wasn’t nervous. But I would have been way more nervous. Had I done a show a month, the fact that I’ve been doing them with great consistency. gave me the ability to feel actually pretty comfortable with grant, you know. And I think that there’s a lesson for me and for all of us that you’ve got to dig your well before you’re thirsty, that you’ve got to like, put in the, like pay the price of practice and boot camps or whatever you want to call it long before game time. Because once game time comes, and people want to see if you’re either somebody that can mentor them, or if your mentor trouble, right, meaning people can, like you’re worth point into. If you’re just starting your journey, then you’re at a great disadvantage over somebody who started a year ago with no plan in sight to actually do anything with that. It’s just I want to, I want to, I want to committed to be mentored. I’m committed to mentor. Therefore, I’m going to start documenting my journey and what I’m learning and sharing with other people at some point that’s going to become way more valuable than you think. When you have it, you know,
Matthew Baltzell
And I think a lot of things like what you’re saying, you know, piggyback off that a lot of people are afraid to get started. You know, they don’t want to look stupid, right? I mean, go listen to my earlier podcast episodes go listen to like three weeks ago. I mean, I still say I’m make mistakes, right? Like, I can’t even tell you but the thing is, your your victories outweigh your mistakes, right? And little battles win the war, and you’re not going to win every battle. So you got to just keep fighting and then you’ll next thing you know, how long is your Shogun running, by the way?
Justin Stoddart
So I started the podcast about three years ago, okay. And then this year, I pivoted to really hone in on on it went from being called a think bigger mastermind to being the think bigger real estate show. So really, January 2 of this year is when when kind of chapter two, right or Season Two started with it with a with a very specific focus in mind.
Matthew Baltzell
Yeah, yeah, that’s beautiful. You know, it’s like it took you three years. doing reps to find your niche or what your you know, your alley, your Avenue, your lane, whatever you want to call it, but people don’t understand is you’re not going to develop an investing strategy. You’re not going to develop skills to speak with other brokers or investors or other clients or people selling homes, but you got to realize you are going to fumble, you are going to stumble. But unless you do that, you’re never going to develop your oratorical skills, or you’re never going to be able to feel more comfortable in front of Grant Cardone. But until you start, you know, you’ll never really know. And if you look at it, like I was telling my wife the other day, if two people are on the same path, right, two parallel lines, one person’s, you know, one degree or two degrees separate, right? At the end of five years. They’re going to be you know, in Canada, and you’re going to be on a straight path towards like Tennessee, right? Like it’s going to separate so you got to think long term game as opposed to the short term game.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, and I think there’s one thing that we’ve discussed, I guess we’ve hit both these. But just to reiterate, there’s what you’re creating when it comes to, whether it be blog, whether it be podcasts, whether it be your news, like like, whatever that looks like put it someplace where you own it, right? Put it, put it on your own website, where you can catalog it, and share with other people later. But I think that’s only half of I think the future belongs to leaders, people that can lead. Sales is leadership. And I think just by you going through that process of doing that, you’re going to become a leader, right? You’re speaking out, you’re having a voice, you’re sharing that voice with other people. I think that’s where the people that are unafraid to do that even when they suck at it, right. I listened some way and initial videos even listen to some of our frequents and I’m like, what was I going with that? You know, and it’s, that’s okay, the reality is, we’re on a journey to get better. Yeah. And until we stick our neck out there, then we’re not going to get better, right? If we’re always comfortable, we’re not going to get any better.
Matthew Baltzell
Yeah, I mean, there’s the old saying like calm seas never made for a good sailor. And you want to be going into battle with somebody or you want to go out to sea with somebody who’s had 50 podcast episodes, who has closed on 2000 plus homes in a year who has been through a recession who has had some bad ones, like, that’s my guy. That’s my guy. That’s my podcaster that’s Justin. That’s my real estate agent. You know, like, I trust this guy. And that’s how you become quote unquote, a thought leader or how you can leverage yourself to basically have access to greater mentors, real tours, investors, team members, family members, you know, like us, it’s all about leverage and basically elevating yourself and holding yourself accountable and goals and everything added going off on a tangent right now.
Justin Stoddart
I love your tangents there. They’re great. Let’s let’s talk let’s kind of pivot a little bit now towards becoming a real estate investor. Obviously you are mentor work The meaning you have you’ve paid the price to build a portfolio that’s freed you up to live where you want to live work when you want to work. What would you What advice would you give to a residential real estate agent who either wants to do that or either wants to help their clients do that? How would one get started? Like what’s what’s a kind of a foundation that they need to build in order to kind of go down that path to have that kind of freedom?
Matthew Baltzell
I would say be clear on what you want. Because if you’re not clear on what you want, it’s going to muddle the waters with everything else. So example being let’s say, you want to have more freedom, right? But if you’re trying to tie yourself down to bigger deals or you know, jobs and bigger projects, right, you’re probably not going to have more freedom. So when you are clear on what you want, as far as with your career path, and your own personal lifestyle, you know, that basically allows Clarity for your goals which should be in alignment with your lifestyle. And then when you approach a person, they can basically say like, Okay, this guy’s I’m just making this up, but this guy’s about freedom. I’m about nose to the grind 70 hours a week like we don’t really match up. So when you know when you’re clear about what you want, as far as goals, clarity, lifestyle, that will basically be your North Star. And people will align with that and that should attract the right people, or people will veer away from that, but at least you know who you are and what you’re about what you represent. And you can change people so that’s what I kind of recommend having clarity, have a vision, know what you’re about, and go from there.
Justin Stoddart
I love it. So once you’ve got clarity, I would say probably not everybody. Like for me living in Thailand, although I did live in Brazil for two years but not with six kids. Like I love life in the US. I love to travel to Thailand. My wife is nudging me saying when you go to Bora Bora that’s that’s going to be always up. But, you know, I think not everybody wants to live in Thailand, I think some of the show like I would live in Thailand, right. Once you’ve got clarity, then what’s the next step?
Matthew Baltzell
So I would say, once you have clarity, you know, so if you’re, if you’re asking as far as having clarity as far as like a broker wanting to, to was to help investors.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, yeah. either help investors or become an investor.
Matthew Baltzell
Hmm. So I think we’ve maybe touched on this a little bit, but there’s, there’s millions of ways to work out right. So there’s millions of ways you can do p90x, you can run marathons, you can run on the treadmill, you can run outside. You know, I don’t know, there’s millions of different ways to work out. Yeah. But you’re not going to develop your own strategy until you get in the game. And you Justin could be like, I love fixing and flipping homes. And you know, like, I see It’s great. It’s on YouTube, like that’s for me. I know it is. But until you actually fix and flip your first home, you might be like, actually don’t really like that. Okay, check, you know, now you’re moving on. But if it goes back to your waiting to get started, you’ll never get started. There never is a right time. So once you kind of already and have clarity, there’s nothing wrong with having your vision or your goals change because you don’t know until you get into the game. So, you know, if you’re like, I want to approach this person and you know, you have like high hopes as far as this mentor, and maybe join their mastermind or their programming like listen. I thought this guy was cool, but he works 80 hours a week and I didn’t realize this and like I don’t want that lifestyle. Okay, like I don’t want I don’t want to be the number one broker at the southeastern branch of REMAX or whatever right? So once you have clarity, you know basically being able to Being able to pivot and change your goals is not a bad thing.
Justin Stoddart
And so what I hear you saying is, number one, get clarity. Yeah. Number two, look for a mentor kind of back to our original topic of somebody who has what you want. And it’s okay. If in the process, you realize, like, this actually isn’t what I want. I didn’t realize that to get what he had, I had to sacrifice my family. And I’m not willing to do that. So let me pick a different mentor, or even slightly adjust my end goal. And then find the mentor. Right. Yeah. And then at that point, like, Is it just dig in and do whatever they tell you to do?
Matthew Baltzell
No, I would say that you have to basically take what they’re saying. And does it align with what you’re basically about right? And you will formulate your own strategy. So I could say to you, Justin, you should record every every every other day and you’re going to knock it out of the park. Blah, blah, blah, blah. You don’t like I appreciate the advice, but I’m gonna try every day. And then now works for you, right? So somebody could say like, Hey, you know, you should really like, for example, people say that you should start with single family homes, start with single family homes right and maybe work from one Institute as a triplex to duplex, then go to 10 units, 20 years like that there’s not really any rules, it’s think big, right? So if you want to think as big as possible, and your mentor, or somebody else in your family is saying, like, you should do this path, like, they’re basically just putting their ideals and their views on to you, that doesn’t mean it’s necessarily possible. So even though you know, your mother might have your best interest, doesn’t mean she’s right. And if you, you know, want to listen to your mentor, you could take 90% of what they say. And you could apply that to maybe a different market that they aren’t familiar with, or, you know, you could basically go different out Avenue so I would say yes, yes, dig in, but at the same time I would also recommend, you know, having a brain and thinking for yourself and doing what’s right for yourself.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah. Interesting. I was listening to actually Cardone last night. And he was talking about same thing of like choose a mentor. But it doesn’t mean you need to do everything with the mentor, like one of his mentors is Buffett, but Cardone isn’t like investing in the market. So he said, I take the principles that I love from Buffett, but I apply them to real estate as opposed to businesses and or as opposed to the market like Buffett does. And I thought, that’s good advice. Sometimes people say pick a mentor are following blindly. But if it’s, I think you having some wisdom about not we’re actually probably more intelligent than we give ourselves as long as we’re not giving ourselves away out. But we’re adapting it to our passions and what we do love which again, goes back to something that I heard you you allude to earlier, which is get very clear on what you love to do. If it’s if it’s flipping homes, great if it’s multifamily great, like what actually fires you up, and I I think there’s a deep lesson in that for all of us is that, like, we’re all creatures of comfort and of habit, you know, find something that gets us to where we want to go that we actually really enjoy. It’s not going to be such a struggle, it’s not gonna be such an energy energy expenditure to do that thing. If it’s like, man, I love to go look at multifamily properties, right, I would imagine that you, as an analyst actually love looking at the numbers. Well, that sounds terrible. I mean, honestly, if you said to get where I am at, you’ve got to become an analyst. Like shoot me now. Like I’m just like, that’s not the way I’m wired. I would love to be partnered with someone that is an analyst right? And and I bring other strengths to the table. But I think it’s it’s good for kind of what you’re saying is is custom tailor their mentorship to actually finding what you love to do what you’ll get up and do every single day, in fact, oftentimes give us advice real estate agents. They’re like, Well, you know, what do you recommend I should do in order to generate leads for my business. I’ll say, really what are like, as you said, there’s there’s 100 different ways fit. It’s what will you actually get up and do every day of the week? Because they’ll all work as long as you work right? As long as you are consistent enough to put them to work and do the work. They will. And so I think part of being a good mentee, as well as as well as good at mentoring others has a lot to do with finding something that you’ll actually get up and do every day and not complain about it and be excited about it. For sure.
Matthew Baltzell
Yeah, I mean, there’s a million different ways to do everything right. Like you can have a baseball coach tell you this is how you throw fastball, right? But at the end of the day, like everybody’s fibers are different in their arms. Everybody throws it, you might throw 98 I might throw 75 like this how you throw football like okay, like I’m three quarters you’re over the top I’m throw more sidearm like your lefty I’m ready. There’s no and I guess that’s where the beauty that lies, right like there’s not like I can never duplicate your podcast. I can never duplicate your investment strategy. I can never duplicate your kids, I can never duplicate you. And you as an individual, you know, that’s what makes you beautiful. And that’s what makes you as an investor. And I think a lot of people are afraid to stand out from the pack. Because when you stand up, stand apart from the pack, right? There’s too many Indians, not enough chiefs. And when you become a chief, then you become a thought leader. And when you become a thought leader, you become a person of action. And awesome people like how did you be? How did you do that? It’s like, I liked it myself. It was like, really? Oh, wow. Awesome. Great. will follow you.
Justin Stoddart
Right? Back to leadership, right? I mean, that someone’s having the courage to go, go pursue it and stand up. And yeah, take good advice from good mentors. But But go out and make it your own. And I think, you know, one of my quests in life is this pursuit of human potential. I think all of us have more potential than we can even fathom that I think all people do. It’s there’s so much so much untapped potential there, that when we start to actually have confidence in ourself to do things, And to and to seek out mentors we realize how powerful we really are and how much good we can actually do. And I think everybody can be a leader you don’t have to have like you can like I so I work for a large company right now and I’m you know the title and escrow industry and people say like, What’s your plan? Are you like, do you want to be sales manager? Do you want to be regional? And I’m like, No, I actually love where I’m at. Right and I got the freedom to lead where I’m at I don’t need a title like I’m super comfortable. I say comfortable like super happy building big impact and audience and and reach and impact from from where I sit. And I think it it’s, it’s healthy for all of us realize we don’t have to pursue the path that other people pursue. It can be our own our own although we ought to again, have great mentors guiding us along the way.
Matthew Baltzell
For sure. Couldn’t agree 100%
Justin Stoddart
Man, I’m super. I’m super grateful for you. poured into us teaching us about mentorship. Again, you’re you’re in a really enviable spot, essentially You’ve created a great portfolio that gives you a lot of freedom. I want to put up here on the screen. how people can can follow you and track you. Matthew ballz elle.com that’s where you’re putting your journey, right, your messages, the things that you’re learning. Again, all is a part of boardwalk wealth. Is that is that correct? boardwalk wealth calm is the website. We encourage people to go look at and see what this amazing, amazing team of investors are doing. And I also got to give a shout out to our friend, Dr. Ray, who I Rayleigh, a huge fan of this guy. He’s given you a shout out to raise the man. Anyway, we’re both big fans of you now, apparently. So I want to ask this, which is the signature question of the show. Matthew. You’re a big thinker, right? That’s why you’ve been invited to come on. You’re doing some great things. What is a guy like you who is a big thinker, what do you do to continue to be a big thinker continue to expand your own possibilities.
Matthew Baltzell
I am really excited about the future. I mean as far as like on a, on a business world economic kind of front. And I think when you I don’t know, I think maybe for myself since I have traveled a lot, and I’ve lived abroad, I think that like it’s allowed me to, like think more broad and more open. And I think that, you know, as far as like the business aspect is concerned, like, like blockchain is really exciting. And, you know, the economics, the world economics and learning about geopolitics, that stuff’s really excited me right now.
Justin Stoddart
Very cool. So you expand your thinking, one, you have a general optimism about the future, and you’re learning things that aren’t necessarily just real estate specific. It sounds like
Matthew Baltzell
Yeah, and I think when I think when you think like bigger picture, right, like bigger Picture like if you’re like, Okay, not just like my market or the US, or where does the US tie into the global economy? Okay, well, why Why? What’s up with GDP here? What’s up with this? Like? How do the yields work? Okay, well, you realize like, the world is more of a connected place and once you kind of start learning about investments in world politics, I don’t know for me, it’s very fascinating. And I’m really enjoying diving in and just learning as much as possible right now.
Justin Stoddart
That’s cool that I love it. Always educating, always being curious, that’s the sign of a true big thinker. So I thank you for your time. And and what you’ve poured into me and the Think Bigger Real Estate audience. Again, I want, encourage everybody to, like become a mentor. That’s what your clients need. That’s what they’re going to expect if they’re going to choose you. And the best way to become a mentor is to become a great mentee, to seek out great people lead with value. And hopefully that’s some of the takeaways from today’s episode, I know they are for me. And my final request of everybody listening today are three simple words that have deep deep meaning for me and hopefully they do for you as well which are GO THINK BIGGER. Thank you so much again, Matthew. It’s been a total pleasure having you on the show, and I look forward to staying in touch.
Matthew Baltzell
Thank you very much.