Hey welcome back to the think bigger real estate show. I am your host Justin solder and absolutely thrilled to be back together with a good friend of mine. I had the privilege a few weeks ago to be in his office in Flower Mound, Texas and see behind the scenes of how he puts his clients first. For those that are curious to know who this man is. That’s got a got a smile and a southern hospitality that makes everybody smile. His name’s Jay marks Jay, thank you for coming on the show today. Super excited to spend more time with you today. You bet but where’s the barbecue? It’s in Texas. That’s what I learned. It’s not in Oregon or you know, we’re gonna have no even though we invented the Traeger. We have no idea how to barbecue compared to your friends that you took me to go see that was incredible.
Jay Marks
That was fun, wasn’t it?
Justin Stoddart
We had such a fun evening together. I was down for a big convention in Dallas, Texas had some time to spend with Jay in the evening and he he took me to the best barbecue place in Texas. It was it was truly amazing. I’ve still got thinking about how good that tasted?
Jay Marks
No, seriously. I’m a friend of mine owns a restaurant and as you know, because I do a lot of work with local and restaurants part of my business, and I went and told him, I said that this guy is from Oregon, I need to show him what’s going on. And he put together a plate literally three and a half pounds of meat of ribs, pork, chicken, turkey, brisket, it was just yeah,
Justin Stoddart
It was it was perfect for a guy who spends time around a lot of vegans right here in Oregon. We get vegetarians vegans. Not that nice. It compensated for all of that. Yeah. It’s so much fun. Let me just remind everybody that’s that’s tuning in. If this may be your first time listening to Think Bigger Real Estate Show, let me tell you what my mission is, which then tells you what the purpose of this show is my mission is to help is to wake people up to help them recognize the potential that’s inside of them. And then my mission is to inspire them and help them to live in pursuit of that mission. The show is an extension of that and I reach out purposefully to big thinkers, people who are doing amazing things in business and in real estate to help all of us think a little bit bigger and have a better chance of fulfilling our potential. So, Jay has been again, hand picked for that. Jay, you’ve been in the business for several decades now. 26 years ago, I had the opportunity to go behind the scenes at Jay’s office as I mentioned, he has an in house videographer tell us Jay, why is that important for you and for your customers?
Jay Marks
Well, first of all, marketing is a video first marketing concept. Now that is exactly what everyone expects. People want to be able to get on their smartphones or their iPads or their home computer and take a tour of a home. They want to be able to see and experience the the instrument sorry about a scene experience of property before they go look at it. And photographs will do it but video really does it. They say a picture’s worth 1000 words. I say a video is worth a novel.
Justin Stoddart
I love that.
Jay Marks
It’s so having our team videographer is a very important part of the staff. Yeah.
Justin Stoddart
And you guys have done something very cool as well, that really gives back to the community which is Foodie Friday. Right. Tell us a little bit about foodie Friday for those that might not know about it. And again, how does that help really your customers probably a nucleus of a lot of people, you actually drove me around the area and showed me how many companies had moved there specifically from California and other places, because Texas is very business friendly. And you’ve got all these people moving to Flower Mound, Texas to Dallas area, you know, Dallas Fort Worth, and you’ve put together an episode a weekly episode called Foodie Friday, that really helps people get familiar with the area. Right. Talk to us a little bit about that and maybe how that helps your customers.
Jay Marks
Well, first of all, we did as a part of our overall outreach, you know, every Monday morning we’ll do a Monday morning Monday market update. Tuesday’s we talked about something to do with the real estate market or what’s happening with man, I’m sorry, my nose is there. Hey, man. It’s your nose a live podcast before it met Wednesdays we talked about the community and, and and Friday we’re looking for a topic. Well, we’re at a restaurant six years ago and we want foodie Friday. So we look at local owned restaurants, we don’t go to your Chili’s and Applebee’s and Outback Steakhouse we don’t do any of the national chains whatsoever. We go to local owned businesses, and we do two things with that. Number one, we tell the story of the local owned restaurant and what they serve and what they’re about and what their concept is. And then we find out about the owner, tell us about your sacrifice. Tell us about what brought you here to inspire people to shop local, eat local and be a part of the community and you and I both know when you go out to eat, there’s nothing better than a local dive. You know throw the food’s really good or someone’s in the back kitchen has got their whole financial life on the line cooking like it matters. And those meals are phenomenal. You know, just to we do something else to we also talk about local charities. So how it helps our clients is this.
We want people to come to J marks real estate calm and click on our blog or go to our Facebook page, and we want them to be able to have the full experience. Here’s where you can learn about your community. Here’s where you can find great restaurants, here’s local charities that are sponsoring things in the area and where you may be can volunteer your time or donate money. And you can see great real estate homes you can see houses and tours and find out what’s going on in the market.
Justin Stoddart
You know, really what I hear you saying Jay is it which I’m a strong proponent of is that oftentimes I think marketing in real estate is all about these little boxes that we all live in called houses. And at the end of the day, the box doesn’t matter as much as the lifestyle the life that you get to live by living inside that box and your your website and your approach seems to be a lot more about lifestyle about giving back about you know, the local food scene or you know, food scene. Again, I think you guys get it that for the customer. Again, it’s not about the box, the city you live in, but what how’s my life going to be better by living in that particular area?
Jay Marks
Yeah, exactly. And we also want to be known as local experts to I mean, if you call on us, we will say, hey tell you what? Justin, come visit me. And let me take you to a couple wonderful restaurants at the same time. Let me show you the area. And that’s why I did even though you and I are friends and I know you and I wanted to host you. What I did, honestly, was I took you on a first time buyer visit tour of the area, just like we do, all of our clients actually picked out a few houses. And if you remember, and then Jay told me those homes go for seven or 8 million I was like he not Yes, million.
Oh, that neighborhood yeah. Yeah, sorry. Yeah. Texas a little bit more affordable in other parts of the country. Yeah. There are a couple you had your eye on. It was we’re cruising through Highland Park. That part is like yeah, you can have one of those that was perfect.
Justin Stoddart
But no, that’s interesting. Jake’s I didn’t realize that but that’s really how you do real estate, isn’t it that it’s, again, it’s not about let’s go house to house, the house, the house. It’s let me really get you to fall in love with the area.
Let me know what your life would be like here and even introduce human I felt like a part of your network. Right, right. Everything from your spiritual network everything to your, you know, your Food Network, like I just got to know people, even your title company network we went in and we met friends and I think we were having this conversation offline that I believe that the future of well paid professionals in real estate, and there will be some, right, I think there’s this push that like I-buyers are gonna take over the world, I think they’re going to come in and take over the bad agents, the ones that don’t put their customers first, I think there’s going to rise up a very profitable niche of people who get real estate at a deeper level, they get the client at a deeper level, and that really come to serve them at a high level, not just about buying and selling a house or marketing a house like yes, that can be done by a lot of people, but by really being already integrated into the community. Right. And then being able to help integrate people, other people into the community. That’s where it starts to get powerful. Would you agree with that?
Jay Marks
Absolutely. You know, and, and how you know, the topic that you chose his make your clients a priority. We want every client to feel welcome, appreciated and cared for. And we do that through education through personal service, and then finding out what it is they need and then going and getting that need met.
Justin Stoddart
That’s powerful Jay.
Jay Marks
And if I do that, like you mentioned, I’ll always have a paycheck, you know, no matter the economy, no matter the economy, if I go and deliver, I will always have a paycheck, no matter what’s going on. I’ve been around through a couple of recessions. And I did that during the recession, and I do that during the good times. I deliver that that will make people see value in you and they’ll choose you. Yeah.
Justin Stoddart
You know, when you say make clients priority, you’ve talked about some of these things already. But let’s let’s even make a list of the things that that you found that your clients really want. We’ve talked about education, right, you’ve got, it sounds like a systematic routine in which you’re educating people on the market. You’re educating people on local charities, you’re educating people on, like local restaurants. Is there other other other forms of education that you’re offering? Or should we move on to the next thing that clients really care about?
Jay Marks
No, I that’s the three things we want them to know. Here’s your area. Here’s the real estate market. Here’s things you can do participate in. You know, I’ll tell you what, you know, we also have the greatest football team in America, the Dallas Cowboys, and the Dallas Mavericks, and all these great sports teams here. But no, just kidding. We also want to tell people where they can go for fun. And so we just want people to call us and here’s the cool part. Last night, I got a phone call from a client named Jeff. And Jeff had bought a house through agent x, and was not really inspired by his approach stumbled across one of our Facebook videos called us and just asked to interview I went over to interview him and agent x’s moving truck was in his driveway that he was using to move as a part of you buy a house for me, you could borrow my moving truck. But then he hired us to sell his house. And we’ve done three more deals since. And then last night, he called and said, You know, I’m going to refinance. Tell me the name of that lender, again, that you recommend to your buyers, I want to refinance my home. Three years later, he’s still calling us and asking us for referrals. And he’s referred us customers, all because of that very approach I was telling you about.
Justin Stoddart
Because you are again, putting the clients first.
Jay Marks
You’re not a number to me, you’re an actual living breathing human being, you have a family, you have needs, you have a community you’re looking to accomplish or whatever it is, you matter as my client.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, you can feel that can’t ya?. So we talked about education. Let’s talk about like the relationship side of it because again, I experienced that firsthand, that it’s not a matter of just being finding people their box right finding people, they’re perfectly sized house. For you, it’s about really integrating them into these relationships, talk to maybe how that has come about for you. I mean, is that was that just natural for you? Did you have to learn to do that? I mean, it was it was an impressive experience for me. And now I’m just learning that this is what you do with your clients, right? Especially people that are moved from the area that don’t already have that network. You’re taking them around for me, you introduced me to, you know, to your title company professionals, which that’s my industry. And so it was very relevant to me, I’m assuming that you’re doing the same thing with people that are relevant to them. Is that true?
Jay Marks
Exactly. So once we find out what’s important to you that we key in on that, and then we make sure that we deliver along those lines, like I knew that you’re a top shelf marketing professional for a title company. So I said, Okay, great. And as we’re going around town, I was pointing out different title companies, and I introduced you to some of the people in that industry. And the cool part was, turns out you and I had mutual friends in the industry. But the reason why I did that is because
I wanted you to be inspired and to be, oh, no, I was like, Wow, he really, he really does know me, I wanted you to believe in your heart that I know you and then I’m trying to deliver something that would interest you.
Justin Stoddart
You know, it’s interesting. I was talking to a group yesterday talking to them about my unique value proposition. I said, you know, there’s a lot of tools, a lot of stuff that that large title company corporations pass down and say, Hey, this will be good for your clients. And I say, those are appropriate when you discover that they’re appropriate and helpful, not just it’s not a one size fits all. And I said, I think the most valuable thing that I can do for you, as my client is number one, bring you knowledge that helps you close more escrows and number two, bring you a network that does the same I think well, when I’m here you hear you describe here is there’s really two components, at least right that you’re offering, which is you’re offering people knowledge and you’re offering them a network, right? People and knowledge those are the things that really differentiate your value proposition and mine and allow you to put your clients first
Jay Marks
Right. So and I had big plans on Sunday. I’m traveling today to go out to go out of town. And I really needed my weekend. And I just want to tell you a story about this. It’s very important illustration. And we had a client who was in the weeds when it’s coming to her move, single lady just absolutely struggling period, the end. And we got up Sunday morning, my wife and I, we went, rented a moving truck from Penske, we drove her house I called some other friends. We went over there and helped her move out because she had to be out of her house Sunday night. That completely took away my day of what I had to have done in order for me to get things done so I can travel today. But I’m gonna tell you something. The cool part was when we finished that night, we’re sweeping the last part of the floor. She gave us all a hug. There was lots of tears, and then she called me again yesterday and said, I could not have done that without you. I will always refer you business. The thing is, you’re not just a realtor. I really believe you care about me. You really are my friend and we are
54% of our business last year Justin came from people just like her And just like that, that are the customers talking about. And the reason why is because I know that in order to be competitive in order to be have a value proposition, I want people to really believe it. But But here’s the thing, and I want to be really clear, if you don’t mind. I’m sorry if I’m talking too long.
Justin Stoddart
It’s awesome, man. Keep going.
Jay Marks
It’s real. It’s not fake. And yes, sometimes customers are more high maintenance than others. And sometimes we have that, okay, this customer is gonna be a challenge. But even our challenges, feel welcome, appreciated and cared for, because we do care about them. The Texas real estate commission is quite clear in the law, that we are to put the needs of the client ahead of our own. And that’s also good Christian principles. You know, to love your neighbor and serve your neighbor. That’s what you’re supposed to do.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, boy, that’s that’s on full display right and I know you have, like commitments on Sunday, right Sunday. Is it just a day for you to kick up and put your feet up? Right? I mean, you have like, church commitments, you’ve got spiritual commitments you like, you probably had assignments and stuff. And you, even though that’s like a serious renewal day for you, you put that on the altar, if you will, and said, Look, somebody needs my help, which is, again, probably a truer form of Christianity than anything else. And Texas hospitality the new house, right?
Jay Marks
Yeah. So another friend of mine who brought his family over to, we were working together, we believe we believe that we were in church that day, we felt like it was a great Sabbath activity. Now, keep in mind, I’m not trying to be a minister here, because believe me, I’m not a minister. But the point I’m trying to make is that you have to absolutely do it. And now I recommend a book, by the way, please. It’s got kind of a crazy title. It’s called Mr. schmooze. It’s by a man named Richard Abraham. And it’s a business story but about demonstrate that you care about the client. And what I got out of that book was how he found out different things that mattered to the client and what he did to meet their needs. It says schmooze as a title. Because I guess in a way, it is schmoozing, if you will. But to me schmoozing is also not authentic. So I’ve taken it leveled it up and made it real.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, it really I mean, if you can put those principles with a real heart that cares behind it, right. Let me ask this question, Jay. If if you’re somebody who wants to be that way, but you, you have, I would say most real estate agents, the good ones, really generally care about their clients and that’s why they do what they do, right.
Otherwise, you would you would probably go crazy or one into another profession because you deal with so much. Is there some advice you would have if you start to feel like people are becoming a deep inconvenience in your business as opposed to the best part about business? Have you ever had that? And how did you get through that?
Jay Marks
Take the day off. Go do something for yourself. And I’m and by the way, and those are on my team that are watching this video, they’re all probably laughing right now because they know I don’t like to take the day off. But I’m discovering as of late, how important it is to take a break and to recenter or go do something for yourself, and then come back. Because no matter what, whether you have a headache, or you’re feeling wonderful, your clients deserve your best, period. And if you can’t deliver your best, take the day off and come back when you can, because your clients should not have to deal with a half hearted approach.
Justin Stoddart
Powerful man. I want you to share one more story one that you shared with me and if you’re if it’s too early, you can pass but I know that you went kind of head to head with a head to head but you’re you’ve got a really unique opportunity to market a really big piece of land. And you told me the story of how of what maybe another agent had done and what what you’re now doing to get that piece of property sold. You remember the story? And can you share that? Because that really exemplifies to me, like putting your clients first. And being the kind of realtor that again, deserves to be at the center of the transaction, deserves to be referred to deserves to be well paid to the point to where people would say, I need him in my transaction, and I need to pay him well, so that I get the best of him, you know, during this time that he’s serving me.
Jay Marks
So I have a client who we’ve done business with, who was asking me to refer them an agent, another part of the state for a large tract of land a very expensive tract of land. And I was putting that together, gave him some names, and they just weren’t impressed. And not only were they not impressed, but if the agent was telling them what they knew versus finding out what the client needed. Wanted. And sadly, one of the agents started presenting buyer opportunities, but were approaching it as if they’re representing the buyer versus representing the seller. Anyways, they came and talked to me and first of all in Texas, it’s illegal to give legal advice. It’s also illegal to comment on a contract. And so I told him, I said, You know what, I cannot really comment on this if you’re listed with him because we never listed. We’ve just been interviewing and interviewing. And I said, Really? You haven’t signed a listing agreement yet? And he goes, nope. Because I can’t find anybody like you.
And he goes, What’s it gonna take to have you be my agent? I said, that’s gonna require me flying down. There he goes, give airplane money. I said, Yeah, let’s go. So today, I’m flying to South Texas, and I’m going to help sell 2200 acres of Texas, Texas land.
Justin Stoddart
I love it man. Powerful and you would you share with me additionally, that how you were going to go about like you were going to tour the property have drone land on the property. I believe this might be what you’re up to today.
Jay Marks
Yep. That’s our marketing plan on if you could see that, but yeah, we have, we’re going to do aerial photography, we’ll do drones, we’ve already got a signed contractor down there, it’s going to be incredible. We’re also meeting with surveyors and people from the county we’re going to be getting, we’re putting together actual packages. So I believe this land can be broken up easily. So we’re going to offer the whole package we’re going to offer sub packages, and we’re going to market it and already know who I’m going to target for buyers and the realtors that I was networking with asking them to help my client I’ve reached out to them again, and I’ve asked them to partner with me with their buyers. So they still get an opportunity to sell the land so there’s that that’s the cool part was I preserved all those relationships? Because ready? Guess who else your customer is real estate agents out there in America? You ready? No. Here number one client should be other realtors. You want the other realtors to show your properties. You want the other realtors to get excited. When you bring them an offer on one of theirs, Oh good. I love working with this guy. Let’s see if we can’t make this deal work.
Justin Stoddart
I love a man as opposed to going head to head and trying to step on other people and make yourself look making other people look bad.
Jay Marks
So years ago, I was at a basketball game one of my kids. And by the way, it’s so hard for me to watch my kids compete in sports because I get a little into it. And I was yelling something and a lady a couple rows down, looked at me goes, Jay, don’t you have a real estate company in town? Why would you yell like that if you want people to respect you in the business?
Yep. She hired me in the way to sell her house about a year later. But that taught me a lesson.
Justin Stoddart
Lesson learned. Yeah, yeah, put your clients first right kind of back to the same topic and same theme. Something else I was just reminded of, you had mentioned that once you have that property listed this the efforts you’re going to go and all the surrounding areas in order to target prospective buyers. Trying to really find out who might be buying this. And and and have a presentation not just put it on the MLS, right? But really go hand to hand combat to who are the likely parties? And how do I get this, this information in front of them and ever essentially make them an offer of what this land could be for them. Right. So also I have a list of all the landowners within 50 miles. And so we’re also approaching every one of those guys. So it’s going to be a pretty big piece of land. It’s pretty expensive. I don’t want to talk about the price, if you don’t mind. But I am going to put a full throated effort. It’s going to be a pretty expensive marketing approach, but I believe it’ll be sold within 12 months.
Powerful stuff, Javed. All of this, again alludes itself back to the original thought, which is the customer, the client has to be first Right, right. If it didn’t point it’s they’re not, then why would they want you in the center of their transaction? Right, right does not make sense. If I’m a client and here’s interesting thing about my position because I’m not a licensed real estate agent myself. People will come to me and asked me questions about is hiring a real estate agent still a good idea? Or is it old fashion? And I think what’s happening there? What’s penetrating into their minds are these major tech portals that are trying to control the conversation to to cause the consumer to think that regardless of what agent you use, as long as the technology sound, that you’ll be fine. Right? And I think that’s counter to the reality is that the agent actually matters a great deal if you get a great agent that actually puts the client first period.
Jay Marks
You know what, there’s all these. There’s a company called Car Max, I don’t know if you have that on the west coast, or Max, or max. That’s a discount car dealership that buys a car and sells you a used car. And they thought that was going to destroy the car industry. Guess what it didn’t it just became a part of it. The I-buyers and institutional buyers and the investors are just a part of my industry now. And there’s one company here that buys 150 homes a month. It’s a local company. It’s not a national firm at all. And I’ve dealt with them a couple of times, I’ve had properties that you know what this will be great for them, I’ll contact one of their buyers. It’s just a part of the business. But one thing that I’d like if I were to say, I know what I’m gonna say, dear realtors of America, unless your competition is in your training meetings with you going over your plan for the day? Don’t worry about your competition. Yeah, unless your competition is at your dining table at night in your house, or tucking you into bed at night. Don’t worry about your competition, because they’re not really a part of your life. Just follow your plan and do your part be the greatest you can be. That’s what I say.
Justin Stoddart
And focus on the client, right? I mean, at the end of the day, if if if you’re focused on your competition, then that’s taking space in your brain that you could be focused on your client, right?
Jay Marks
If Walmart was so awesome, then why is there still a Nordstrom? You know, what I’m saying if all these discount stores were so amazing the Why are there Neiman Marcus? So why are there Why is there a high end shopping mall 15 miles from here, where I could buy a pair of shoes for $800, which I would never do. But my point is, why are they why do they exist? Because there’s a market for it. And people want to do that. Well guess what they also want to be cared for. They want to absolutely know that this agent knows his stuff. Absolutely cares is willing to go to the bat for me all the way.
Justin Stoddart
And the thing that I love about great agents is that it becomes less about just a higher fee, but it’s a higher rate of return. Right? It’s a higher, yes, they make a greater investment into a full service agent. Yet there’s a return on that investment right in the in the form of some of the things we’ve discussed, the knowledge, the network, even just an overall better net margin. Once the you know, once the transaction is complete, and I think that’s what sometimes people miss is that they focus on the future.
As opposed to really focusing on like what’s what’s the ROI of this right what’s right what’s the value that I’m going to get by working with this person over just going through you know one of these big volume shops right?
Jay Marks
Well you know what Justin, they’re always going to be big volume shops but you just need to wake up and decide to be your best and you need to know the contract. I taught a class once when I belong to a larger firm now I have my own company and I remember telling this group of new agents said is your absolute chops know your contract cold, you should be reading it once a week for your first six months in the business you should read it cover to cover at least two or three times a year for the rest of your career. You need to know the contract and you also need to know the market but people always walk up to a realtor “Hey, how’s the market” you need to build a say you know that neighborhood around the corner Bridalwood, let me tell you about a property coming on the markets can be really cool and no, you need to build say, yeah, this dude development coming in by Highland Homes is offering the following. You need to be able to say that and then lastly, you need about a show. them by asking questions about them. So tell me, what is it important about moving right now? What’s important about moving right now for you? How can you see yourself in a new home versus an older home? Do you mind sharing that with me, please? And let them talk.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, that I think the difference that maybe is kind of the final point that I want to make here is that in order for you to put the client first you have to know your client. Right? Again, just the experience that I had with you. Let me believe that you were really learning to know who I am, right? Even though I’m not a client moving to Flower Mound, I got the feel that you genuinely cared about getting know me. And it’s hard to give people a customized experience if you don’t know who they are. Right,
Jay Marks
Right. Well, I remember asking you, how much time do we have those first thing I asked you because we were going to get together. Well, I have time to go to dinner. I’d like to go to the temple. I’d like to see a little bit about your market. We made all three happen. You know, we made all three And it was so it was a great experience. I’d like to tell everyone who’s listening, Justin’s incredible. And you said something to me. It wasn’t just about coming to my title company and doing escrows is trying to get the escrow experience. You’re trying to help them build their business so they can have more escrow experiences. And I think your approach to real estate agents, your area is awesome. I almost wish I was a real estate agent in your area, just so I be able to be surrounded by people of your caliber, you’re doing a good job, and you’re a blessing to this industry. So I just wanted to tell you, I think you’re doing great.
Justin Stoddart
Thanks, Jay. Really appreciate that man coming from you. That means a lot to you. Let’s end with our signature question of the show. Which is that you’re a big thinker, right? That’s why you’re on the think bigger real estate show. Tell us what do you do on a regular basis to continue to think even bigger, to continue to expand your own possibilities. Teach us
Jay Marks
I want to be a legacy to my grandchildren. I want my grandchildren constantly talking about their granddad, they call me grandpa dude, by the way, that’s my name to them. I want to inspire them and lift them up. And I want people at my funeral to say, he helped me I want. I want people to line up to talk to my kids, and tell stories to them on how I bless their life, or I help them. I want people to walk up to my wife and tell them that, you know, hey, this guy mattered. He did this for me. That’s what I want. I want there to be a line of people telling my children that I help them because I want them to go and do the same thing behind me you’ll see a painting of my mother. She died when I was eight years old. And I’ve told you the story before. She was in the top 10 Tupperware sales, sales people in America and 1976 our garage was stacked to the ceiling with Tupperware but she was also my Cub Scout den mother. And she sings solos in church and she was an artist.
And she was amazing. But at night, she would always tell me that I could do anything I wanted to Dream, Dream Dream, and I will never forget that advice. And her painting is right behind me next to my, my Darth Vader helmet, but that’s somewhere else. But that’s that’s how I live.
Justin Stoddart
That’s powerful. Man. I had goosebumps when you were saying that because I was once asked a similar question, I think I’d forgotten my answer. And you’ve rekindled and re inspired it within me that what a greater I can’t think of a better life than to have, again, when the life’s over to have countless people come up and tell your children of how you are blessing to them. So what I want, Jay, I’ll be one of those people.
Jay Marks
So I hope I don’t die soon but if so thenso come on down. They’ll be barbecue at the funeral, I promise.
Justin Stoddart
in 40 years from now. I’ll be one of those people. I like that. Very good. Jay, thank you so much for everything that you’re doing to be a benefit to the industry. Thank you for coming out and contributing to the Think Bigger Real Estate Show, always such a pleasure to spend time with you. And I want to finish with this final charge to everybody listening today that Jay has helped us to do with additional ease, which is to GO THINK BIGGER! Thank you, Jay. Appreciate your buddy. Thanks, everybody for tuning in today, and that will catch you on the next episode. Thank you, Justin.