The ONLY problem is that we often do not get enough of this type of business to satisfy our biggest goals.
So, what can we do to improve this? What can we do to get more repeat business and more referral business?
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Justin Stoddart 0:01
So the big question is this. How do we those of us in the real estate industry with crazy amounts of ambition? How do we think bigger than the building of our own empires? How do we simultaneously see success and significance, income and impact? My name is Justin Stoddart. And this is the Think bigger real estate Show. Welcome back to the Think bigger real estate Show. Today we’re going to talk about long term client retention. Folks, in years past, you might have been sad about missing out on a past client. But this year, it may be very detrimental. We don’t have the luxury to miss out on deals, especially when they’re repeat business, especially when they’re referrals. Today’s episode is going to talk all about how you be sure and close every gap, plug every hole and be sure you get every piece of business coming from past clients and referrals. Stay tuned with this is going to be awesome episode.
Justin Stoddart 1:08
Everybody super excited to be here with you. I have with us a very special guest, somebody who has made it their life’s passion, mission and career to help real estate agents and lenders, be sure that the holes in the voter plug that there are zero past clients and zero referrals that get missed out on because of the strategy that he has in place. We’re going to talk about first and foremost, the principles that you need to adhere to, to be sure that people don’t forget you. And then secondly, we’re going to talk a little bit about how he specifically does that. So today’s guests, his name is Matthew Hanson. Matthew, such a pleasure to have you on the show today. Thank you for being here, my friend.
Matthew Hansen 1:46
Thank you, Justin. It’s a pleasure.
Justin Stoddart 1:48
Yeah, you know, this is the long term of the making, I invited you to come on the show years ago. And we’re finally now just making it happen. Isn’t that great? I don’t know if it was COVID, or what, but today is a long anticipated long way today, you know, Matthew that my passion is helping real estate agents to scale a referral business, helping them to have both success and significance. And I feel like what you offer is very much aligned with what I teach and coach agents to do. So this is a kind of a cool moment to actually have you here and be able to pick your brain. You know, specifically you’ve done some incredible things in your industry, right which you live these principles. Talk to us quickly. I know you’re like in the Hall of Fame for sales for your company. Tell me some more a few key bullet points. There’s some impressive numbers that I haven’t memorized, I think would be helpful for the audience to really tune into here so that they understand that you’re a practitioner, that you’re in the sales game as well. You’re in the business of being sure that people do not miss out on any of of deals that otherwise should be theirs.
Matthew Hansen 2:43
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, a little bit more about me is I’ve been working with real tours, lenders, and builders and remodelers for about 15 years here in Oregon, and also like business expands outside of Oregon, especially since COVID made everything go virtuals. Crazy. But yeah, I really enjoy helping my clients, keep their clients, their clients for life, and then develop what we call raving fans, which you write about in your book. Well, so yeah, it’s an honor to love serving serving professionals that really care about the long game.
Justin Stoddart 3:15
Love it. How many? How much business? Have you sold? Like the numbers were impressive? I know I saw them earlier today. This, like, how much business have you sold, doing what you’re doing? Give us some context.
Matthew Hansen 3:30
It’s hard to translate for me in real tour the loan officer numbers because they’re like, What, but yeah, I’m in the top, you know, I think about top 50 of all time sales for my company in the in the 72 year history for the company. And what I’m really proud of is being able to scale my business at 20 to 25% growth compounding in these last five years all the way through the pandemic and everything. So yeah, that’s that’s my my claim to fame or what you know, what I’m happy to do and aim to continue to do is to scale and be able to serve more clients. So
Justin Stoddart 4:02
a lot, I know, you work with hundreds of realtors and loan officers, which is pretty cool. Let’s get into these principles, right folks are tuning in because they really want to understand how do I prevent any leakage? How do I be sure that I don’t miss out on these deals? Let’s talk through some of the principles that make for good retention. Right, what comes to mind when I say that when people are really trying to implement principles to be sure that they retain as many clients as possible are all the clients, what does it look like?
Matthew Hansen 4:29
Yeah, I mean, if you don’t mind, Justin, before we go into those principles, I’d like to just just be able to share a couple stats from NAR that I think bleed over into other industries like like for mortgage brokers for example, but but really strike at home for real tours and show that there’s a massive need in this area to really focus in on your strategy for your long term client retention and repeat referral business. So NAR has done lots of surveys but we pay attention to the ones that are relevant and they I found that only the 89% of home buyers and sellers said that they would use their agent again. But they also followed that same group, on average six years later for their next transaction. And what percentage of Realtors nationwide are gaining repeat business on the next transaction with their own client? So you know, you’ve had a great transaction. Flash forward six years from now they’re doing another deal. What percentage of agents are retaining their clients on their next deal?
Justin Stoddart 5:31
I’ve heard the stats, and I know it’s alarmingly low. But I’d love to hear the actual
Matthew Hansen 5:37
here. Yep. Last year, the stat was updated. It used to be 12%. And it’s grown to 18%. So even though nearly nine out of 10, home buyers and sellers said they would use their agent, again, less than 20% are 18%. To be precise. Another stat is from just a few years prior, is they interviewed home buyers and sellers two years after the transaction and asked simply what is the name of your agent? And guess what percentage can name their agent when asked
Justin Stoddart 6:05
on the spot? That’s a sad, I don’t know, what is it?
Matthew Hansen 6:10
It’s 9%. Right? So people do business with those that they know, like, and trust, right. And according to Patricia Fripp, who’s the keynote speaker for Toastmasters International, she says it’s not your clients job to remember you, it’s your obligation and responsibility to make sure they never even have a chance to forget you. So again, being known, liked and trusted, and I’d say liked really is admired. You know, especially in the social media world, you want to be someone who’s followed who’s who’s really thought of as a professional in your market. So real tours really need to distinguish themselves. So I’d love to dig into these principles a little bit and tell you like what I’ve found out through just countless really interviews, consultations with clients over the years. And they tell me what what’s working, I’m interviewing, you know, talking with top producers talking with brand new agents who are scrambling, and I they’ve told me really what works and what doesn’t, and what they’re doing to keep, you know, their clients, their clients for life. So
Justin Stoddart 7:13
can we hear that? Yeah. I just want to highlight really quickly. 89% of people say they want to use the same agent again, 18% actually do. The disconnect being is that people forget you, right. I mean, it’s one I don’t think we all have dementia, right? I mean, I think not to make light of that is a very serious issue. But but like the reality is, it’s a very noisy world. It’s a very noisy world. And people frankly, don’t have space for stuff they’re not currently using. That’s the key principle. People don’t have space in their brain for things they’re not using. If they’re not, if they’re only hearing from you, randomly, sporadically. Occasionally, that number is going to drop significantly, right? It goes from essentially 90% to 20%. There’s 70% Drop in people, seven out of 10 people who said yes, I want to use you end up not using you that’s that’s how
Matthew Hansen 8:06
we’re addressing. Yeah, they’re using another agent, which is, which is like, oh my gosh, that should make the hairs on your head stand up if you have so.
Justin Stoddart 8:17
So, I mean, the big the big question that we have to ask ourselves is okay, of would those seven deals matter to me right. Now, keep in mind, this is how I how I started off this episode, is in the years past, if you lost the past client, emotionally, like pricked your pride it hurt, right? And but the reality is the going was good enough that you could you could make up for that. Right? I think we would all agree that this year is not last year or the year before, it’s different. And we have now right now, more of a necessity to capture every possible opportunity out there. Right? It’s not as easy to recover, right, from a pride standpoint, but from a from a financial standpoint, if we’re consistently losing out on people that otherwise should be our so I love that. Matthew, let’s jump right into those principles. What would you say would be the first thing that people need to keep in mind to retain their clients?
Matthew Hansen 9:12
I’d say systemize your follow up, make it you know, in your schedule, that you’re going to reach out in certain specific ways and touch your past clients and not just ask Who do they know like, I mean, who who do they know that they that wants to buy or sell real estate because they they that gets used ad nauseam. So I was systematize your follow up? Make sure I mean, I can rattle off a few. A few quick strategies. That worked really well. I mean, remembering your clients birthdays, I wouldn’t put that as the number one. But if you’re doing that at all, you know, this morning actually, I was a little groggy but I still sent to Facebook private messages to to clients that were in video form wishing them a happy birthday. And that’s just that takes literally like 1015 seconds to do it. Easy to do easy not to do. But if you implement that one thing, just send a little video either by text or you know, Facebook Messenger, private message, little video from you, hey, wishing you a great birthday. And they just love that I got a few. My birthday was actually this month, and I got a couple of birthday videos from from associates. And it was just like, awesome. I mean, it really made my day it meant more to me than any card at all. So making like not forgetting those video touches on their birthdays is one little trick of the trade. But systematizing, your follow up, you should have one three and five year follow up touches. And that can be a handwritten thank you note that can be a pop by gift, pop, I guess are great, by the way, we just had our two year anniversary with our realtor and she popped by a little gift wasn’t much a little like few mixed nuts, and, you know, hand sanitizer, whatever. But it doesn’t have to be expensive. But it’s just like the fact that she took the time to stop by is huge, right? So yeah, being able to systemize your follow up and doing the little things they’re easy to do, and easy not to do. But doing them. Again, being involved with social media engagement with your clients also a big thing. And again, this is not blowing up their page with any kind of advertisement, it’s going on to their feed and liking, commenting, you know, engaging with your clients and social media in some format and making it about them. So yeah, those are a few quick things that we do.
Justin Stoddart 11:30
Let’s, let’s unpack that for a second here, Matthew, that if you rely upon what you remember to do on any given day, you will be inconsistent, and therefore your results will be inconsistent. Right? One thing that we teach inside of our coaching Plus Program, which for those who are unaware with coaching plus was that mean? It’s a fusion between the idea and the implementation. So we hire teammates that work together with you to apply the things that we coach, right. It’s kind of the next level coaching. And one of the things that we help agents to do is to implement five foundational referral systems. And the key word systems is exactly what you’re describing this Matthew is that there is a real disconnect in what people’s intentions are and what their activities are. And unless you create a system around that, and systematize something, and even put it in the hands of somebody else to some degree, right? That’s not always you, the person steering the ship is also trying to row the ship, I think we can all take a look at that metaphor and see, like how there’s a problem there, right when, when the captain who’s supposed to be steering, the ship has to run over and paddle now who’s now who’s steering us, right? Okay, now they’re back steering. Now who’s paddling. And it’s just this constant tug and pull it wears you out, makes your consistent your results and activities inconsistent and causes the boat to go in circles. Right. So I think your point there of choosing whatever it may be, whether it be what Matthew just described that he is adopted, right, which is reaching out in video format to people on their birthday, right? Whether it’s dropping off a little pop by event on their birthday, like whatever it is decide something and then put it in the hands of somebody that may not be you. Right, it may be some other person. So their system some other tool to where it does happen consistently. Not dependent upon your memory getting you
Matthew Hansen 13:18
there? Absolutely. Yep, I would say, you know, some of the top producers I work with do client appreciation parties, either by annually or annually. And those are really a hit. And those are natural places for referrals to just pop up and be given, right? The the law of reciprocation is very real. When you’re giving, giving giving, it just comes back to you. So client appreciation parties are awesome. I’m hoping to do one for my clients one time, but mine are kind of scattered. So I might have to do it within regions. So
Justin Stoddart 13:49
I love it. So good. That’s a system, right? And again, that kind of the first principle is systematize, your follow up, right? Whatever it is, whatever you decide to do, create a system out of it. Okay, awesome. Let’s talk about some more principles. Matthew, what what would you say, becomes a necessary principle that whatever system people choose to plug into, it needs to fit aligned with this principle, this principle of, of keeping clients right of client retention, what else comes to mind when I say that,
Matthew Hansen 14:19
I’d say that being genuinely interested in in the well being and success of your clients, and really placing them first and foremost, from the heart bleeds out in every interaction. So people can, you know, read others very, very well more than you think more than you give people credit. And so they can they can gauge intention. So if you’re just after it to get that referral out of, you know, a number that’s going to bleed through so really, this is more of a soul search thing really, but but coming from a place of heart, like I genuinely care for my clients, I genuinely want the best for them. And this and this is why I’m doing this that that motivation will bleed through in your interactions. So that’s a principle that, I’d say, you know, yeah, there’s lots of books you can read on this. But love is the killer app is an old school book that’s, that’s along those lines just coming from a place of love. So
Justin Stoddart 15:16
it’s a classic, I actually quote that book in my book, it was so good, that’s a it’s a great one. I agree with you do it systematically, do it genuinely. Right. People realize, when you’re giving to get and when you’re giving, because you care about people. And I believe that those agents that are the most, most happy with their work with their career, they can they can better withstand the ups and the downs is that they really have a genuine love for what they do and the people that they do it for. And so if you found in your business, your life where there’s a bit of a disconnect, where it’s like you just feeling burnt out, like you don’t want to do that work, you’ve probably taken out some of the humanity, right, some of the I’m here to serve people component. Oftentimes, when you insert that back in, you’re really taking care of people and you kind of forget yourself and go to work. And you’re really there to give first, it really has a transformative effect upon I think, not just the results, right, and how people feel as you described, but also how you feel, you actually want to do it because you realize that you’re not being disingenuous or insincere. Because you’re there to get under the camouflage, I’m here to give no Like genuinely All I care about, you want to see how you’re doing. And I think all of these principles that you’re teaching Matthew, really go down to that principle of, of I’m, I really do care about people, I really do care about these people. I’m good at what I do, I’m good at helping people navigate the real estate process. And I genuinely care about you, and I want to serve you, I love that that’s a great principle that we all have to take a look at to make sure what we’re doing is aligned with this, this really make us feel like we’re genuinely take care of other people. Awesome.
Matthew Hansen 16:48
Everyone should rename their database their people base, because people like that we’re working with, right. Yeah. Super. Yeah, I think, you know, also just systematizing any area, if you’re especially a busy agent, like your closing gifts should be systematized, I just worked. That’s what I do for a living, by the way, but having gifts shipped on your behalf with a custom cover letter to your clients, that is a way to go to systematize, your closing gift world. Agents generally waste a lot of time running around gathering baskets and different things together, which they should not be doing, they should be perfect working on there.
Justin Stoddart 17:30
Let’s talk about that a little bit, right. So whatever the system is, it ought to be something that is easy to perform, right? That you don’t have to rethink it. Again, same thing, as I’ve seen, you describe his last minute, oh, my goodness, my clients have a closing, what am I gonna do, and they’re running from this store to that store. And it’s disconnected from who the people are. Right? I also see people that will go to the extremes and create these very highly customized gifts. They’ll have things made, that are so unique and so and so customized, that it’s hard to be really systematic about that. I’m not doubting that I think I my hat goes off the people that do that. And that may be part of your unique touch, if it is keep doing it. But again, if you’re not doing anything consistently, right now, I would probably recommend that you start with something that isn’t you happen to recreate the wheel with every new client and come up with a unique custom gift for every new client, because that just puts an added toll that might not be necessary that you might not be able to do consistently. Do you agree with that?
Matthew Hansen 18:29
Absolutely. Yeah, I think that agents and loan officers should be visiting their closing gifts about once a year, just looking at okay, we’ve done this over the course of the year this has been really effective was a little bit. But once a year is just fine. But every closing, not so much. You really don’t want that. And if you are not super busy in your business, hand, delivering the gift is great, but don’t give the gift at the close of escrow. Because that really is just one more thing they’re dealing with, where it’s what the gift is like, Oh, thanks. And they just like set it aside. It’s just one more thing you want it to be central, like a gift is kind of the extension of the giver and a connection connection point in the relationship. And so hand delivering that gift like three or four weeks after closing. That’s perfect. That’s like hey, they’re settled in they’re more relaxed, they don’t have to deal with those paperwork. And what better time then that to ask for a recommendation or you know, an online review. That’s my recommendation if you have the time if not shipping the gift people love getting things in the mail right? But make it special make it gift wrapped, you know, haven’t have that custom cover letter with the gift and the gift itself. I really am opposed to consumables, that’s really kind of what I find myself at war or with is I don’t want people people giving things that are just consumed forgotten or thrown in the trash really quick. I’m not against you know, beverages, good food, etc. But yeah, tchotchkes or something we really frown upon that
Justin Stoddart 20:00
So I think there’s a great principle in that, right? If you’re going to give, whether it be at a closing gift standpoint, or timeline, or whether it be after the fact meaning like, as whether it be a birthday, whether it be whatever, do something that’s going to last, I agree with you that when you focus on something that is that is either disposable, where it’s like, I just don’t need more of these things, right, people can actually throw it away and not be sick that they lost it. Or they get to the point where it’s, it’s, it’s something that they consume, like you said, I believe that at that point, you’ve kind of lost some of the magic of having this thing, perform a long term service for you is when you’re not in the house, the thing still is the thing is still reminding them of you. Right, I think that’s the beauty of the right gift, the right follow up system, is that you’re actually asking something to take the place of you and be a reminder when you’re not there present. And if it’s something that they consumed once a piece of chocolate in that good chocolate probably has its place in time. But if that’s the thing you’re doing, they’re not going to remember that forever, right? They’re just not it’s not going to be a constant reminder for them.
Matthew Hansen 21:13
Yeah, and if you’re going for the beverage world, you know, it gets really tricky, right? You give a bottle of red wine to someone and they like white, you give me you know, you give them a six pack of IPAs, but they’re really you know, black Porter people so you’re just like or you know, worse yet they you know, have a friend who just was is recovering alcoholic and your like reminding them of this pain. So you don’t you want to be careful with with your gifts for sure. But personalizing it also every single time is very time consuming. So yeah, great point.
Justin Stoddart 21:42
Yeah. One of the principles that we miss in Matthew, have we kind of covered it all? Is there anything else that you would say?
Matthew Hansen 21:50
Well, not all, but there’s the one three and five year anniversary touches are really key. Because they’re, they’re so easy not to do. And if you do, then it really puts you in a different league of being remembered and liked. Right. So if you’re touching them at the 135 year, Mark, you know, right around the corner is their six year touch seven year touch, they’re ready to buy or sell again. So you’re you’re systematizing that, but it really takes some organization to do that. And you can get creative and give, you know, certain gifts that are that are fairly universal. I like you know, I like really high quality, you know, tumblers for my VIPs or, you know, give whatever you want to think about but make it permanent, make it high quality. I like cable or sport knives as a follow up touch gift. Those are really nice for VIPs. But if you’re giving a gift, you’ve been mailing a gift at 135, your touch, it’s a whole a whole new level. Very rare.
Justin Stoddart 22:51
Yeah, right. You think about the like the level of loyalty. I like to say that people want to know two things that they’re going to use you and refer you number one thing is that they know that you know what you’re talking about, you’re actually good at what you do, right. And I think our social media presence, our email campaigns are designed to illustrate the fact that hey, we’re in the game, I’m good at what I do. This is this is this is how I serve people at a high level. The second component, which is oftentimes missed, people only do the first one or the second, which is I know you right. So Matthew, I want you to know that I’m good at real estate, I serve people high level. And number one, I know the handsome family, I know where you’re at and know what you need. When you combine those two, it’s a very powerful one two punch of they know what they’re talking about. And they know us, right, there’s actually a relationship there. When you combine those things together, it creates a pretty unique situation, it makes it pretty hard for people to go, you know, to go elsewhere.
Matthew Hansen 23:48
Yep, I’d say take a deep dive to with with your your clients. If you don’t know them well enough, it’s okay to send them a GET TO KNOW you letter with just some certain questions on it. That is, you know, so you know that they have kids, you know, their kids like this, you know, you know things about them. And if that’s a very thoughtful gesture, mailing them all about you little letter, getting to know them, and then remembering that asking about that on your follow up calls with them. You should all be calling them quarterly. I’d say it’s not too much. But don’t depend on email campaigns at all. In my opinion, sorry. I’m not a huge fan of, you know, weekly emails that just everyone’s inundated.
Justin Stoddart 24:34
Yeah, I would agree with you. I think if that’s your only way of staying in contact with people, I think you’re you’re shortchanging yourself. Alright, Matthew, obviously, these principles are crucial for people to be remembered for them to close that gap between industry standard, which is 70% of the people who said they would use you again at closing are using a different real estate agent at the next closing 70%. Now I believe that our audience is better than that. Right that that’s industry standard. I believe ours is a lot higher. Yet, whatever it is, there is some gap there that we want to close. That’s the point of this episode is to help you to do that kind of with the unique knowledge of someone who’s built a business around doing that. That’s the let’s take just a second to talk about kind of how you specifically do that. Obviously, you’re known your company, you know, sharper retention. Specifically you do that around Cutco knives. Tell us kind of any any insight around how that product helps fulfill the principles that we just talked about?
Matthew Hansen 25:29
Absolutely. So, yeah, so Cutco gifts, and they come in a variety of forms. I mean, it’s for those of you not familiar with Cutco, they’re us made high end cutlery that we brand. Let’s see if I can do this right. We brand your information there. So if you can see the branding there that can be branded with your information that can also be branded with your clients name. It you know made especially for Sally and Joe, for example. But it’s a way to permanently keep top of mind with your clients and their guests. Because the gifts themselves are placed centrally in the kitchen. They’re branded, either again, with your information or with the clients names. Either way, they’re going to remember where it came from Forever. The gifts themselves are permanent, so they aligned with that lifelong relationship that you want. With the client, you’re getting a lifelong quality gift. And for those of you who are maybe not familiar with Condor, why I chose to work with Cutco versus every other gift out there is because of the longevity, the history, it’s been around for 72 years now, everything is guaranteed forever. So you’re giving a extension of the quality of the relationship that you wish. So it really aligns super well with everything that we spoke about. It’s not the be all end all. But it’s an area that gets overlooked most gifts out there 90% That I find before I’m working with the client are consumed and forgotten in a very short amount of time. And the other 10% are generally tossed aside somewhere in the corner or under the feet like a doormat something that’s kind of just passive, not active. But if you’re putting something in your clients hands that they’re using in front of their guests, and every party, barbecue, etc. There’s a lot of soft marketing touches involved with just giving a gift of lifetime quality that’s that useful. So that’s kind of a nutshell and if you brand it your information on any gift for that matter becomes illegal right off under marketing. So you’re not limited to that $25 IRS deduction that the IRS stuck on real tours in the 1950s So that’s the nutshell.
Justin Stoddart 27:24
I love it. Let’s let’s how do people get a hold of you? Like if they’re like, Look, I need a better client retention strategy around my closing gifts. Shoot me your your cell number right now. Matthew, I’m gonna put it here in the chat. I know that’s how you want people to reach out to you. What is
Matthew Hansen 27:39
my direct line is 50387403958 A perfect meeting that again?
Justin Stoddart 27:50
Nope, we got it. All right.
Matthew Hansen 27:53
Yeah, sharp has pricing information testimonials, some of our raving fans are on there in video format. So you’ll recognize those names for sure. Darren Hardy’s have all gone
Justin Stoddart 28:05
inside of the show notes everybody. So please take a look at that. That’s where you can get a hold of Matthew directly to say hey, let’s chat about this what this looks like, it also gives the ability to go in and take a look at some of the products and see how this might interface with being a long term presence in people’s homes. Right, which ideally isn’t that where we want to be is a long term presence in their home so that when they go to change that home, they think of you again whether this particular product is the right fit for you and occurs you go back and review the principles that allow you to be that to be that agent that closes the gap be that agent that is that is kind of ever present in their lives and someone to whom they will not only use again but refer so appreciate all the insight Matthew there’s some great things that we’ve learned here just some some kind of principles as well as some unique strategies that you’ve employed to better retain clients both of your product as well as just some other great tips appreciate you sharing that. Thanks everybody for tuning in today. And that actually one more request Matthew, what do you do to continue to be a big thinker what’s something that Matthew Hansen does to get you to continue to expand his his personal possibilities?
Matthew Hansen 29:08
I read wonderful books, including this one, which I highly recommend to every agent on this call. So yeah, I read books on personal development and keep sharp you know, in my mind my heart, recommend meditation and really starting your day out right so
Justin Stoddart 29:25
good stuff Matthew didn’t even expect nor ask for the plug. For those that are just listen to the podcast, he held up a copy of the upstream model which if you’re interested, go to think bigger R Ford slash book and you can get a free plus shipping. copy for yourself there again. Thank you, Matthew. Thanks, everybody for tuning in today. And my final requests everybody here is go think bigger. appreciate you helping us do that today my friend.
Matthew Hansen 29:48
Absolutely. Justin, thank you.
Justin Stoddart 29:52
If you enjoy this episode that I have a very special invitation for you. I have created a private Facebook community called successful real estate agents where the focus is going beyond success having both a successful business and a significant life if you’re not yet a member go sign up now!