We’ve all heard it said before that it’s not what you know, but who you know. Ali Wise of Wise Property Group has taken that to heart and partnered with one of the biggest names in business.

Tune in to hear what positioned Ali for this opportunity.

1:24 – The definition of expansion always in all ways
3:44 – What has changed by partnering with bigger names
8:18- Why you maybe shouldn’t be turned off by planes and helicopters
12:47- The risk of playing small
23:47- What Ali Wise does to continue to Think Bigger

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Justin Stoddart
Welcome back to The Think Bigger Real Estate Show. I’m your host Justin Stoddart. Today, I have a very special treat for you. Today, we’re going to talk all about partnerships.

Justin Stoddart
Your life is where it is because of the way you think and because of the people that you’re surrounded by. Today, we’re gonna interview somebody who has taken their life and business to the next level, through key strategic partnerships. We’re going to teach you how to do the same. Her name is Ali Wise.

Justin Stoddart
Before I fully fully introduce Ali, let me do this, let me remind you that inside of the Think Bigger Real Estate Group on Facebook, we continue the conversation. You can only learn so much by listening. You really start to learn when you when you engage, when you start to actually join into the conversation. And that’s exactly what that group allows you to do. So if you’re not yet a member of that, go do that.

Justin Stoddart
Now, today’s guest again, back to her. Her name is Ali Wise, she’s fantastic. I’ve been following her online, met her in person, I guess several years ago, and I’ve just seen her absolutely blossom and just recently just explode. So Ali, thank you for coming on the show today. We’re so interested in learning from you today. So and I know you’ve got so much going on, in a busy family life, a busy expanding business husband’s busy business, like you said, lots going on. So we were honored that you’re here to be with us today.

Ali Wise
Thank you. Thank you for having me. It’s a pleasure.

Justin Stoddart
pleasures all all mine. Okay, let’s get into this alley. You are your real estate business is in expansion mode. Right? You said something to start off like, like always expanding? What else? Did you say that you added something to that? That was super interesting.

Ali Wise
Expansion always, in all ways?

Justin Stoddart
Why is that? Cool? Tell me what what does that mean to you? I’ve got my own concepts. But what does that mean to you? Yeah,

Ali Wise
it’s just constantly growing, you know, constantly meeting people, nurturing relationships. I’m a huge believer in the power of relationships and the power of social media and how people can connect and help each other grow and help each other be successful, whatever that looks like.

Justin Stoddart
Yeah. So just yesterday, I had a conversation with with one of my key mentors. And he shared it this way. He said, me and my partner, now they own a big venture capital fund right now. He said, We typically go and we invest in businesses, and he said, I looked at this business, and he said, I know nothing about this business, I would never invest in it. Okay. And then he said, his partner nudged him and said, I will put down whatever amount of money it takes to be a part of that investment. And my, my mentors, like what he said, look at the list of other investors, and one of them was Elon Musk trust, like the family trust. So they found out like, Okay, how much does it take to be a part of this? They participated in that in order to gain access, right? And they said, not now they have this practice, of like, there’s a certain amount of money that they’re going to dedicate simply to partner, whether they believe in the business or not, but to build relationships to be around people that can grow you because it’s not always mean, the small minded person he said, looks at it as if, okay, how much money is this? And what’s going to be my return? And you can’t put it in those terms? Can you when you’re partnering in ways that you’re now partnering right with like Elena Cardone, right. And her family, which is one of the biggest names in business, and you can’t look at it to see like now what’s their brokerage fees versus my brokerage fees? Like if you went that route? What would you have missed out on?

Ali Wise
So much. I mean, it’s all about the opportunity here, right? It has nothing to do with the fees. It’s about, you know, the the opportunity for success and growth and partnership. And, you know, it’s kind of an upward snowball from there.

Justin Stoddart
Yeah. So your husband is partnered very closely with Brandon Dawson. Right, who’s partnered directly with Grant Cardone? Let’s see the cardones have entered into the residential real estate space. You’ve now partnered directly with Elena Cardone. Yeah. I mean, just recently,

Ali Wise
One big happy family

Justin Stoddart
has now that you’ve been in those conversations that you weren’t privy to previously, right. You were at different brokerages. You were building still a solid real estate practice getting great experience, offer great value to your customers. Now that you’re exposed to these bigger conversations, what’s changed for you?

Ali Wise
Oh, gosh, everything. Um, so I like kind of back to the whole relationship, social media thing. Yeah. Like you said, the Cardones have, they have a microphone in their hand and it’s a global one. And I mean, anything that they say, people follow people listen, it’s attractive, you know, they, they are successful people. Grant and Elena have worked very hard to build their empire to build their success. And you know, to show it off, you don’t just buy a plane for the heck of it like that’s, you know, Elena talks about like, the private plane and the helicopters that they own Now, those are their Super Bowl rings. Those are their awards, their achievements that they can say like, it’s we don’t just go buy those things because we’re rich enough to buy those things. We buy them because it helps us. You know, think about the time and money that you save, find privately Not having to sit in airports go through lines, check in, etc, do all that kind of stuff. So it’s one of those like, time is money, it’s a valuable thing, you can’t get it back. And so the relationships are huge. I mean, I’ve I’ve watched them do what they do on social media, everything that they push out on Instagram and Facebook and through their websites and through all the programs and trainings that they offer. And with my husband, being Chief Marketing Officer for Cardone ventures, I kind of have my own personal CMO, which is amazing and not something I take for granted, of course, but I’ve learned an immense amount of just being omnipresent is the word that Grant uses, you know, like, always have something online for people to see whether it’s, Hi, it’s Thursday, and the sun is shining. And I just wanted to say hello, and let me know how I can help you today. Or if it’s like, oh, here’s a cute picture of my kids or if it’s a scream it from the mountaintops, I just closed a million dollar deal or whatever it is, like just be omnipresent, right like have have something for somebody to see, no matter where it is they log in on social media.

Ali Wise
And through that, the things that I have learned from my husband brand and his fiance Natalie, they’re both at Cardone Ventures and then Grant and Elena iwth Cardone Capital in the Cardone family is to just be out there like and be yourself too. I mean, like, what what you see right here, this is what you get, I am the same person with my clients, my friends, my kids, my husband, so I am the same whether I’m being the mom, the wife, the boss, the real tour, whoever it is, and, and, and through those relationships, I have grown my business. So I mean, just last week, I had somebody reach out to me saying, hey, I want to join you, I put something out there said who wants to join my team, I’m looking to expand. And you don’t have to be in Oregon or Washington to grow with me, you can be anywhere in the world. And I always have a few people that reach out and they’re curious and they want to know more about what it is I’m building for myself. what it is I’m doing to partner with Elena Cardone and how I’m building my team alongside with her at eXp Realty. And so I happy to explain and say, you know, this is what I’m doing it, it’s exciting, we love to have you, you know, no pressure, let me know how I can even if you don’t join me, like, let me know how I can help you. I’m always available to help people. I love helping people.

Ali Wise
And so I now have a new agent that join my team last week in Texas. My Actually, my assistant just got licensed here in Washington, which is great. And then I’ve got a new member joining my team next week in Rhode Island, met her on Instagram. I’ve never seen her in person, but it’s the power of relationships and social media. And then I also have somebody who’s looking at me in I mean, we’re gonna see though, it’s crazy, you know, and I love meeting people. And if I get the opportunity to meet them in person, of course, I want to take that because it just, you know, adds fuel to the fire of growth and success.

Justin Stoddart
I love your answer. There’s a couple things I want to point out. One is, you talked about the planes and helicopters. And I think for some people, that can be a bit of a turnoff. Here’s what I here’s, here’s how I see it is that if you really want to impact a lot of people, you have to get their attention first, right? You cannot impact anybody who does not know you exist, period. And sometimes the way to go about that is you have to have the courage to be loud, you have to have the courage to be like some people are not going to like this. I don’t really like my mission isn’t about making everybody like me, my mission is about impacting and improving as many people as I can reach in airplane and a helicopter is what gets people’s attention so that I can then pour into them and help them, then that’s a different story, you know, then then Who cares what the haters think. Right?

Ali Wise

Ali Wise
And that’s Grant talks about that, too. He says, Listen, if you don’t have haters, you’re not doing something right. You you your problems are not big enough. And I think that’s huge. I mean, if you if you really think about that, your problems are not big enough, like what does that mean to everybody? Everybody’s got problems. And if it’s not something that can turn into something positive and successful in the end, it’s not a big enough problem, you know, and I some people totally take that the wrong way too. And that’s fine.

Ali Wise
But yeah, you’re exactly right. You You have to be you have to be loud. You have to be yourself. You have to really stand for what it is that you believe in and if that’s growth and success, then make it happen and don’t be afraid to scream it from the mountaintops. That’s one of the things Ryan Serhand o started Million Dollar Listing New York really hammers and I did a mentorship program with him last year and flew to New York City met with him and his team. And we’ve maintained a really pretty tight relationship with the president of the Serhant Brand. Kyle Scott, amazing guy worked as a producer for NBC for a long time. And that’s one of the things that they say is like, scream all your successes from the mountaintops, because if you don’t, no one’s gonna hear you. And it just it’s kind of like that adrenaline rush.

Ali Wise
Like even I remember back to becoming a Realtor for the very first time. My first transaction ever was to sell a first home like first time homebuyer to my brother and his wife. And it was it was perfect, because I got to kind of be the guinea pig and learn, you know, have a couple that that was willing to learn with me and know that I was brand new. And soon as we closed, I was just like, wow, that was so cool. I can’t wait to do it again. And again, and again. And again. And you know, and like I said, it just it snowballs upward from there. Because it that’s how it should be. And I’ll share something that Brandon speaks about often Branden Dawson, CEO of Cardone Ventures, he says, what you think is what you say, what you say is what you do, and what you do ultimately becomes your legacy. And I think that’s amazing. It’s such a concept. And if you think about it, and you apply it to literally everything in life, it makes sense. It really does.

Justin Stoddart
Such great tips, how often to hear like, kind of behind the curtain stuff that you’re learning from people that are worth 10s and hundreds of millions of dollars.

Ali Wise
So many millions. Yeah, it’s it’s a little overwhelming at times. And, you know, sometimes you just kind of like, Oh, I just, I’m just here in the corner doing my business. But, um, but yeah, no, it’s great. It’s like I said, it’s all about the opportunity. It’s not something I take for granted. Partnering with Alina and, you know, having kind of first hand knowledge into the life of the cardones. And the life of the Dawson’s or soon to be Dawson’s Brandon Miley are getting married later this fall. So they’re, yeah, they’re all 100%. My mentors, and, and now, family friends.

Justin Stoddart
So cool. Well, you mentioned something else about, you know, the Cardones have like a really a global microphone. And I think, whoever you choose to have as a mentor, right? There’s people that can just simply teach you great things, right, help you to be a better person. There’s other people that can actually help accelerate and pour fuel on your efforts, right?

Justin Stoddart
I think oftentimes, we don’t, we think that we’re being noble for playing small, right, and I’m probably stealing Maya Angelou’s famous quote here, like you don’t like you do not, you do not serve the world by playing small. And I think when we start to realize that there’s a lot of people out there, and I would say more all the time, that need leadership that need good people to say, Come with me, this is how you build a better life for you and for your family. And when we start to think less about us of like, Oh, I don’t want to be arrogant, I don’t want to be have this all about me. It’s not about you folks. Like if you play small, it actually is about you. Actually, you’re being very selfish, because you have a light that you are hiding under a bush, like you are not lighting up the world like you should be doing. And so I think it’s essential that that all of us get over our own ego. And it’s so often it’s, it’s Miss portrayed in the fact that, like, ego is what causes people to be loud. And it’s like, yeah, like, if your heart’s in the right place, it’s actually the opposite. Like, I have to be loud, because there’s people out there that are in the dark, that need help that need my leadership that needs stuff that I can offer to them. Therefore, I’m going to be louder, they’ll never find me, and I’ll never be able to help them. Right. And that’s what I see what you’ve done with by recognizing that Hey, there, here’s an opportunity for me to stand on the shoulders of giants and build a real estate brand. They’ve got people from all over the country popping up saying, Can I follow you? Can I follow you, right? who needed leadership who needed help, who wanted to be served and have a similar experience, like you’re having this mentorship at the highest level, they’re now able to access that through you? Where they couldn’t have before they would have been like remained in small thinking, right? And small impact and small income and just scarcity, scarcity, scarcity right now because you were willing to stand up partner with a bigger name. Now you’re able to reach people who never would have known about you before, right? I think it’s it’s awesome.

Ali Wise
Yeah, yeah. And back to the mentor thing, like it doesn’t have to be a global name like Grant Cardone or Tony Robbins, or if you’re specifically in real estate, Tom Ferry or or Ryan serhant. You know, there’s other people too, I mean, like, just speaking locally out of, you know, Portland, Oregon, like Justin harnish is the number one producing broker in Oregon for like the last 10 years and he’s a local mentor for me. I mean, we’ve had some great conversations. And he’s taught me quite a bit about the luxury real estate space, which is that’s huge. You know, that’s it’s unsolicited advice. It’s not, it’s something I asked for help with, obviously, but until you just reach out and make those connections, and just ingratiate, like, Hi, I, I’m newer to this game than you are, I would love to pick your brain, I’d love to ask you a couple questions. If you have 10 or 15 minutes to help me, you know, I’ve been following you, I see what you do, you’re obviously killing it, it, you know, it’s, so it doesn’t have to be some global big name with microphone. You know, and, and a lot of times, you know, you have to pay for those types of things at this stage in life, you know, you have to attend the conference, or whatever it is, but there can be mentors on on every level, every level, they can literally be in your own backyard.

Justin Stoddart
So two takeaways that I hope everybody that listens to this and gets out of this is number one, you have to think we have to stop thinking small, right? Yes, we have to stop thinking of like ROI on everything that we look at. And we have to be able to then, once we’re able to think bigger to say, okay, who can help me? Who’s what giant? Who can I stand on? Like, who’s already been there like a harnessed like you mentioned, right? Maybe a local or global, or just someone in the office, someone down the hall, like, stop trying to figure it all out yourself, realize you can’t do it all yourself, and then go ask for people’s help. I love that you said that. And then secondly, sometimes, like you said, you got to stroke a check, right? The fact that you have to, like my mentor said, like, one of the fastest ways to get to the people that can really help you the most is to let them know that you’re serious, you’re not there to just pick their brain, or can I can I, you know, you got a few minutes, like be willing to say, look, you know, I’d like to hire you for an hour, you know, to consult with me, right? And there are certain situations where that’s appropriate. Other ways you can do it, like you said, is by joining mentorship programs and coaching programs, right? Like, that’s actually a way that you let from all the masses of people that are consuming the free content that’s out there, you raise your hand saying I actually want it more enough to write a check to say, please help me more, I need the help.

Ali Wise
Exactly. You, start…. Yeah, you have to start somewhere for everything in life, whether whether you want to 10 bar or be in the beauty industry, or, you know, get into construction or real estate, like everybody starts somewhere. I mean, even you know, you’ve got kids, I’ve got kids, they start their education, in preschool, like literally I’ve we’re all in this together, it does take a village. I mean, I could not do what I do on a daily basis, whether it’s for my business or for my personal life, without the people that I have helping me I took a big leap. Like I two years ago, it was horrible with delegation. Like I was kind of one of those like, super moms super wife, I want to do it all I want to I want to conquer everything by myself, not in a not in a like, well, kind of in a stubborn way, but not in a selfish way just in like, I know, I can do it. Why would I pay somebody to help me do it better? I’m just gonna, I’m just gonna keep pushing myself to do it better. And I got to a breaking point where I was like, Listen, I’m three kids, I have a husband who travels, I at the time was still working in corporate real estate, global corporate real estate, I was managing properties in 27 countries. And doing residential real estate on the side. This was several years back, but it got to a point where I was like, Okay, I got a I got to slow down, I got to focus. And I need to figure out what’s important to me. And I need to utilize, I need to delegate and utilize the people around me to help myself get bigger and grow and be successful. And so that’s, that’s, you know, a lot of people see grant and they’re like, what’s, what’s 10x? What is 10x mean? My first grader has like the best response to it. And he said, it means to 10 times your life, and 10 times your business so that you can 10 times your money. It’s really simple,

Justin Stoddart
is really simple. I got a lot of books on my shelf. But people often ask me like, what’s, what’s one of the biggest, you know, most impactful books and I say The 10X Rule.

Ali Wise
I’ve got them over here? Yep.

Justin Stoddart
Yeah, go back to it often, right? Because I mean, it’s at the core, it’s the operating system for for high octane right for achieving at a high level. I love it.

Unknown Speaker
It’s one seller be sold as a good one, and be obsessed or be average. And then also, Elena wrote how to Build an Empire which is also amazing. He talks about talks about their struggles and everything which resonated with me too, because seven and a half years ago, brought my brought my first child into the world with my husband, and we were both collecting unemployment. Wow, like both completely unemployed in between jobs had just moved back from out of state back home to Oregon. And I was on a contract with with Nike. That contract ended like six weeks before our son was born. And he was in the process of transitioning out of owning his own agency into a local Portland agency. And so, yeah, it’s kind of for us. It’s one of those like, Look at us now, but not in an egotistical manner in in like a real life sense. Like we were both legit collecting unemployment, brought a baby into the world had no clue what we were doing, as parents as, as employees, hopeful employees for our next endeavors. And then it’s just you know, it’s all about making those relationships, you go go to work every day, whatever it is, meet people shake, well, I mean, shake hands, if you’re comfortable fist, bump, elbow, whatever, you know, whatever it is, and this this day and age with COVID, however, you’re comfortable meeting people, hand out business cards, get a digital business card that you can hold up your phone, and say here, scan this QR code, and here’s all my info, here’s my name, my phone number, my email, let’s talk whatever it is, because you never know what type of relationship might suffer from that. I mean, my, my assistant, for example, she’s amazing. Like I said, she just got licensed she in the state of Washington. So now I have an additional team member on my team here in Washington that can help on you know, fully on the real estate side of things. Six months ago, I mean, I’ve been mentoring her and coaching her on all aspects of real estate transaction coordination, marketing myself, promote, promote, promote myself, my business, etc. And like teaching her all those kinds of things. But before that, she was going to school to be a dentist. And it wasn’t a I converted her and changed her mind. Like she did all of that on her own. But it was through the power of relationships, and her seeing what I was building for her to be like, you know what, I would rather be a part of that, then do what I’m currently doing. And I’ve had a couple people go that route, you know, people, even if they don’t, like I said, even if they don’t join me, if they don’t join the eXp, totally fine. They’re just like, Hey, you know, I’m, I think I’m following the same footsteps as what you did, during the whole corporate thing transitioning into real estate. How do I do both? How do I continue to be a wife and a mom at the same time? And, and and how do I get it all done in one day? Well, we all are given the same amount of time. So it’s all about how you use it. Time is money. And relationships are huge.

Justin Stoddart
So good. If we that’s again, a key takeaway is that at the end of day relationships, whether they be with right highly influential leaders, or just somebody that you’re going to pour into right, kind of like going the other direction, helping helping. One of my mentors said, once you get to the, to the upper level, you got to send the elevator back down.

Ali Wise
There you go. I love that. That’s amazing.

Justin Stoddart
Yeah. And I feel like that’s, you know, you’ve had the privilege, right to be able to rub shoulders with get mentored by some of the top people in the world. And now you’re sending the elevator back down by saying, hey, look, if if I can help you, anyway, let me know. Right? Here’s a couple options. Three ways to check I know, absolutely. Rich, I can help you. So it’s great stuff. Allie. I’m gonna I’m gonna end with this final question, which is our signature question. By the way, this has been so fun. What is it you do to continue to be a big thinker to continue to expand? Ali wises possibilities? How do you like we do to continue to grow?

Ali Wise
That’s a great question. My husband and I have this thing where we wake up every morning, and we ask each other, what are you going to do today? And it could be so simple as I’m going to tackle all my calls, and I’m going to make sure I manage my time. Or it could be something big like, I’m going to, like I for me, in my real estate business. I don’t, I don’t cold call. It’s just not something I’m good at. I can do it. I am not successful at it. But I’m pushing myself to do more things like that. So what are you going to do today to help better yourself, and whatever it is, whether it’s, you know what, I’m going to do 10 extra pushups than I did yesterday, or I’m going to run an extra half a mile than I did yesterday. So we’re always pushing ourselves to be to be better parents to be better spouses to be better employers to be better mentors and coaches. And and then at the end of the day, we asked each other, how do you feel? You feel tired, you feel happy? Do you feel productive? Do you feel successful? So that’s something that we’ve implemented into our lives just on a personal To the level, but I really feel like it’s helped us both as individuals, as a team in our marriage as parents, you know, and what we do in our own separate professional lives. So, yeah, professionally, personally and financially, it’s, it’s important to us to ask each other and ourselves those questions every day to continue to push ourselves.

Justin Stoddart
It creates two things, right, some accountability, and also some alignment. But now you the person is most important to you on this planet. You’re lying, right? You know, what’s most important to you for that day, or to each other from that day, it’s good stuff. Now event for your pleasure. Thank you so much for all you’ve contributed. And I’m excited to continue to watch your rise as people want to follow you. They want to learn from you. What’s the best way for them to do so? I know you’ve got a YouTube channel. That’s fantastic. How do they get to that?

Unknown Speaker
Yeah, if you just search Ali Wise Realtor in the search bar on YouTube, you’ll it’ll come up I might have much longer hair. I just chopped my hair off pretty short back in January and but still have still have some videos with with the short hair. I am on Instagram @Aliwiserealtor, facebook.com/aliwiserealtor. And then my website is wisepropertygroup.com

Justin Stoddart
I love it. I love it so good. And if people want to get like have a conversation with you, maybe through Instagram messages, that may be the best way to do that.

Ali Wise
Absolutely send me a message I will respond. It’s not a team of anybody. It’s actually me. I’m not that big. I’m not. I’m not anything big. I’m just a local mom, wife, realtor human. But yes, absolutely. I’m happy to I’m happy to talk and help anyone with any.

Justin Stoddart
That’s such a pleasure, my friend. Thank you so much for everything you’ve poured in to us. Want to thank those that have listened? Who found value here, please give us a review. Whether you’re watching us on Facebook, just let us know that this was helpful. If you’re watching this on YouTube, same thing or via the podcast, give us a review. That’s always helpful for us to be a little bit more loud and help more people. So with that, and my final request of everybody listening here today are these three simple words and they are go think bigger. Thank you, Ali for helping us do that today. My friend.

Ali Wise
You are welcome.