Consistent and Predictable Income for Real Estate Agents. Dan Rochon, author of Real Estate Evolution – The 10 Step Guide to C.P.I (Consistent and Predictable Income) shares how to reprogram your subconscious mind so that you actually believe that you can and deserve to be very successful, simple hacks that he utilizes to keep his calendar full of listing appointments, and how lead generation for your next client is one of the critical ways that you take care of your existing clients.
Some of the topics that we discussed were:
- The difference between your vision and affirmations
- The thing that sabotages your affirmations
- How to actually believe that your affirmations will work and what to do when you don’t believe. Hint, you actually have to do them and then you have to actually believe them once you do them.
- What your calendar should look like in order to have 3 listing appointments each week. Three hours of lead generation *with the intent of filling at least 3 of your 5 listing appointments.
- What are things that get in the way of you consistently generating new leads and what to do about it. Hint- you own the business so you get to control your own schedule.
- The worst thing you can do for your current clients is to not have any additional clients in the pipeline. You end up making decisions that benefit you instead of them.
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Book: Real Estate Evolution – The 10 Step Guide to C.P.I (Consistent and Predictable Income)