Many of the best real estate agents and mortgage loan officers in the industry have built their business by being face to face in coffee meetings, lunches, business mixers, client events and through in-person pop-bys. So, in times of a global pandemic, when it may not be as welcomed or safe to be face to face with others, should an agent develop a new gameplan in getting business? 

Best-selling author of The Connector’s Way shares very important do’s and don’ts when it comes to times such as these. He teaches the art of empathy as well as the need to show up to give, not to get. Additionally he shared three very simple R’s of making an impact now:

  1. Reviews- give online reviews of those businesses that need your support.
  2. Recommendations- connect with all of your clients and referral partners on LinkedIn and go give recommendations to 
  3. Referrals- give referrals and introduce two people within your network to each other that would find benefit from knowing each other. 

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