Justin Stoddart
Welcome back to the Think Bigger Real Estate Show. Today’s episode is going to help you build your network and build your knowledge base so that your value proposition increases and so that people see you differently than the typical real estate agent. Now before I get into introducing today’s guest, and going into today’s topic, I want to remind anybody that may be listening from outside of the Portland Oregon market that I’ve got a network of amazing real estate agents that are big thinkers that treat their clients amazingly well. If you’re looking for one of those agents, I can be a great introduction for you to somebody who can help serve your clients here in this area. So, please keep that in mind.
Justin Stoddart
Also, I want to remind you that if you want to get regular show updates, I know we put out a lot of content on the Think Bigger Real Estate Show, there’s a great way for you to consume what matters to you. The format of this is not designed to confuse you or distract you from what is important to you, but to give you the best knowledge and the best network out there. But with that, if you go to thinkbigger.realestate, you can sign up for a weekly review of all the shows that happened this week so that you can handpick the ones that are most relevant to you. So with that being said, I think today is going to be one of those. Especially, I’m privileged to have somebody here from the Portland, Oregon market. He’s actually an attorney. And anybody that knows me knows that I believe that the future of well paid real estate agents is to act more like a high paid professional, like an attorney like a CPA, like a financial advisor, working at the highest level. Today’s guest again isn’t attorneys and asset protection lawyer, his name is Brian T. Bradley. He lives in Wilsonville. His website is BTB Brian t Bradley btblegal.com case you weren’t able to catch the whole episode. Today, we’re gonna be talking about asset protection protection for yourself and for your clients. Keep in mind that the concept of this is is number one, we’re helping you build something great. And secondly, that’s going to be expedited, the more you help your clients build something great. You are marketing, not just yourself, but your network, as Brian has shared with me before and so let’s let’s go ahead and welcome Brian on to the show. Thanks for taking a few minutes to share some really valuable insights about asset protection today with us, Brian.
Brian Bradley
Yeah, no problem. Thanks, Justin for having me on and putting this whole podcast together. And, you know, it really is a confusing topic and I hope I can add some value to your listeners and like you just mentioned, we were talking behind, you know, before we started recording is is not just a matter of what we can do for their clients, it’s also a matter that they’re trying to think big and grow their themselves professionally, asset protection is something they need to do for themselves also. So I think we’re going to cover a lot of the material and it’s something they can take for themselves. And also, you know, talk to your clients about.
Justin Stoddart
I love it. I love it. Let’s let’s start here again for to provide some context for those that need to understand kind of Brian’s breadth of knowledge. He was selected to be to the Lawyers of Distinction list and 2019 Super Lawyers Rising Star listen 2015 nominated to America’s top 100 hundred high stakes litigators list as well as the 2017 Law Firm, 500 Awards. You’re doing some great things. I know, Brian, like me, all of that pales in comparison to the work that you’re doing at home. You shared with me, you’ve got two young children one and three. Congratulations, you’re awake?
Brian Bradley
It’s tiring to two girls, two little princesses. And you know, it’s great.
Justin Stoddart
So part of the bigger real estate show is to help people think bigger than real estate, and realize where to you know, the true treasure in life is that. So I’d love to start with this question of what is your favorite part about being the dad of two little princesses?
Brian Bradley
Well, my favorite part is I am really actively involved in my girls lives. And so my wife works nights at a hospital. And so we missed the daycare ride, we didn’t realize we ever had a three year waiting list up here in Oregon. And so I just created my business structure of my day to where I can spend most of my time with my girls that have taken the dance gymnastics. So I get to spend a lot of time with the girls. And if you combine that with like an Uber dad basically just they’re obsessed with me and all the hugs and kisses and nail painting I can’t get enough of.
Justin Stoddart
It’s so funny. At this point, I’ve heard that it’s sometime at some point it stops. But as soon as my like the garage door opens, there’s like a full on sprint from my house to my car with little like blonde girls, Ryan to see who can give dad the first hug of the first kiss. And they say it first first kiss. And that there’s something about being a superhero to your own little girls. That’s that’s pretty magical. So that I can totally relate. Yeah. Let’s get into today’s topic, asset protection, what is a key point that you think real estate agents need to know to for their own business as well as advising their clients stepping in as a true advisor to their clients?
Brian Bradley
Yeah, so I think the key point at the end of the day is just what is asset protection. And the overall goal is just lifestyle preservation, creating peace of mind. And that comes down to just how to take risk off the table. So if you’re a real estate agent, and you’re going out on your own, you have a business, so you need to protect that business and that business interest and so that what you need to do is create asset protection asset protection system through your business entities, or as you grow as different types of asset protection, trust or jurisdictions, exemptions, and make sure that if something were to happen, whether it be professionally or in your personal life, that you can sleep well at night, knowing that you personally in your finances are protected. And so I think you know, what we’re going to talk about today is how to incorporate that into their business going forward, their life going forward, and their clients lives.
Justin Stoddart
I love it. So what are some key things that real estate agents need to be doing and are looking for in the lives of their clients?
Brian Bradley
Yeah, so I would say for themselves? No, I think that the conversation would be good for either, you know, they can use the same principle no matter what. And so I would say, the first thing is, as you’re building your empire or your business, is get on the phone with the lawyer and talk about and your CPA and say what business structure, what it does, and then he should I be using to protect myself and maximize my taxes on that would be number one, start building your network. And if you can start taking more hats off of your head, you’re going to free up more time and you’re going to start working more efficiently and effectively. On so the idea is just you know, if you want to go kind of like Robert Kiyosaki it, you know, Rich Dad, Poor Dad is you don’t want to be spending all your time doing everything yourself. So if you can start taking little pieces of the pie, you know, and giving them up the free up your time and using experts, do it, go get a good attorney, go get a good real estate attorney, go get a good asset protection attorney, go get good, you know, agents to work with, and then start freeing up your time, you know, to do what you’re good at. And the world. Yeah, if you want to break are some of these specific? You know, some of the tools in the toolbox we have we can go into that or
Justin Stoddart
Let’s do it. Let’s go, look, let’s go granular teach us some more tools in the toolbox.
Brian Bradley
Yeah, so I would say, you know, the first thing is, especially as you know, owning a business is maximizing exemptions. And so this is kind of where we start. And you can look at it as exemption planning is the main staple, because it’s illegal, right. And so if you own a business, or you’re owning real estate, you’re investing whatever it is, we first started maximize both state and federal exemptions. And the reason is, is because like I said, these are rights under the law, they’re automatically protected if they qualify. And so exemptions are going to vary state by state. I think a good place to start with this understanding would be like Florida homestead exemptions, just because I think everybody kind of understands what homestead exemptions are, especially in the real estate world. And so for example, in Florida, your home regardless of its value is going to be absolutely protected from creditors so long as it’s contained within one fourth of an acre. So that’s the basic concept of a homestead. And then different exemptions are going to vary state by state. For example, California has horrible exemption laws, Oregon, we have horrible exemption laws. But one of thing I really want to break down is a specific California exemption. And the reason I want to go into this is because California is just like a litigation hellhole. It’s rated the number one, you know, litigious state and helpful, I think, like five years in a row. And no one knows about this exemption, because it’s not taught much. And I think that all California residents should understand what they have in their own state to protect themselves. And so they have what’s called a private retirement plan. And this was codifies under CCP, Section seven a 4.115, way back to the 70s, as always been around for a long time over 40 years with 40 years of case law that’s really favorable for it. And what this does is all assets that qualified to be placed into this protection trust is then going to be deemed exempt. So when you’re talking about adding value for your listeners, with just exemption planning, for the last 24 months, by working with the trust administrators that we have been able to protect over 600 million in assets and save over 45 million in taxes. And so this is partly where the add value and return on investment of this comes from. And we can also protect business interests. So that was kind of like, you know, a good way to relate to your listeners of all right, you know, maybe I don’t have all these, you know, real estate investments myself, but you do have a business and that business has equity and is growing. And so we can actually even protect that future value of the business or future value of real estate investments that you have, these plans are tax neutral, so you can invest in whatever you want. If you have to live up cash flow, we can make these players and structure them for distributions that actually meet your current lifestyle. So they’re really flexible and how to use and they actually have a return value on.
Justin Stoddart
You know, it’s interesting you say that, I think all real estate agents would would be wise to take the advice that Gary Keller once shared, which was he sells the homes that he can’t buy himself. And I think when you come into any sort of real estate type business, you realize that I’m on the front lines of identifying where great opportunities are at. And I think when you when you realize that I’m I’m not here long term just to facilitate the buy and sell of other people’s properties. But I’m actually here to build long term passive income for myself, you start to think a little bit bigger, you start to think a little bit differently. And then you start to say, Okay, what is the infrastructure that I’m going to need in order to be able to be acquiring properties to the point to where at some point, I don’t have to work, I may continue to want to work, and they may continue to do that, but don’t have to work. And I appreciate what you’re saying. Because I think sometimes when people think small, right, they they never see themselves have actually been on the on the other side of the transaction repeatedly, they see them all, they see themselves only ever getting enough deals to get by or to build a business themselves not actually step into the quadrant of being an investor. And I think when you start to have conversations, like the one that you’re having to say, I’m going to be educated on what the exemptions are, what the best business structures are, and whether or not you want to build a massive real estate team, right, some do, some don’t, I think building a portfolio of real estate investment ought to be a priority of all of us, regardless of industry, and regardless of our station in life, that that being close to the real estate industry, as we all are, that’s one of the fringe benefits that we can, that we can not take advantage of if it if we’re if we’re not careful, right, that will miss if we’re not careful.
Brian Bradley
And the great thing about you know, investing in real estate is, you know, it’s always, you know, one of the safest investments even in economic time doubt, you’re going to have your ups and downs with it. But land is limited. So at the other day, there’s only so much of it. So that’s why it’s always I personally like, you know, real estate as investments. But you know, as we’re talking about quadrants, I think, whether you want to be small real estate agent or firm, or you want to grow and big and transition, and, you know, so you know, efficiency and self reliance, you got it, then, you know, if you’re switching quadrants, you got to then build a team of the network around you and stop just thinking about the next deal the next deal. And like you said, think larger, think bigger. But as you’re thinking larger and thinking bigger, you then also have to think, Oh, I’m opening up myself from liability and different angles of risk, I have to start managing my risk better, I have to start managing liability better. So, yeah, you want to transition, you know, quadrants from being an employee or self employed to a business owner, you know, an investor. And so as you’re doing that, you also need more. And so that’s comes into play on just how to build a business, and also how to manage clients and recognizing client, even before those clients know what those are.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, Think Big, Act Small. Think Big in the sense that you’re putting these things in place, educating yourself on the different exemptions on the different business structures, getting those the infrastructure in place that you need now yet, realizing that you can build and need to be prepared to build a bigger Empire. On top of that, I think what happens when agents start to think that way and start to associate with people like you and get educated on these things, even get their own business setup and, you know, properly as well as be aware of the you know, the exemptions, and all the different opportunities and risks that are out there is that the conversation when you sit down at a listing appointment is very, very different, rather than just saying, let’s look at your house, let’s look at comps, let’s look at your neighborhood, the conversation starts to go to tell me about your business. Tell me what you do for a living. And naturally, you’re going to be have more to offer that conversation. I think some people shy away from those conversation because they don’t know where it’s going to go. That’s nice, but that’s a nice place to work. And that’s where it ends. We’re as if they’ve been, you know, tuning into the think bigger real estate show, if they’ve been around people like you, Brian, some of the things that they can learn from someone like you will start to show up, as you know, you, you know, they might be able to say, you know, it’s interesting, I was I was listening just yesterday to an attorney, and it was his name’s Brian t Bradley. And he he helps people, you know, pursue their business and avoid risks and take advantage of the best exemptions. One that stood out to me is this inserting what you just shared with us. And all of a sudden that client said he said, the listing appointment and or even just the newsletters that you’re sending out, have a flair of being more than just a customer service representative or a salesperson there and help market sell your home, whichever.
Brian Bradley
Yeah, and what we like to do is the biggest thing for us is educating clients, but I’d look at it differently. And I forget where I read it from but if you look at it as a pie, you want to educate yourself one of the things you don’t know, I mean, everybody has not you don’t know what you don’t know, don’t know, but you know, know, I, you can go get that answer. And like I know, I don’t know x, y, z. So I can go ask that question. But what we try to do is educate clients on what they don’t know that they don’t even know yet. And because most people have the largest amount of their pie in that category, we don’t know what we don’t even know. So we try to shrink that part of the pie down and then limit the risk on that. And it’s amazing, like we said, like on exemptions, or, you know, we can go into, you know, false securities that people have, like everyone should have insurance, but you can’t just solely rely on insurance. And there’s reasons why, you know, and then how to pick jurisdictions to protect their trust. And you know, which would be other good tidbits on for listeners. But little things like that on I didn’t even know about that. And I didn’t even think about that. And so as we can shrink that part of the pie down, you can start making better decisions as you grow.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, love it. Talk to us. Let’s just take maybe a couple more tips, like you just said, Can offered up one of those one of those categories. And then we’ll we’ll wrap up and be sure people know how to get ahold of us so that they can continue to educate themselves.
Brian Bradley
Yeah, so I would say one of the biggest misconceptions is about insurance. And so it’s a very big hot topic. And I think insurance is a great place to start, you know, business insurance, real estate, insurance, rental insurance, all of it. But it’s not the end, you can’t stop there. And I see a lot of clients that have this false sense of security thinking, Oh, if I get sued, I can just magically rely on my insurance to cover everything and all the damages. And this is not the case. But I do recommend, like I said, Every single person to get insurance, have it get as much as you can, maybe even an umbrella policy. But read your insurance policy, read the fine print. And I always ask everybody, like if I’m in a group of conference like in person, everybody raise your hand who read the fine print of your insurance policy, no one’s going to raise their hand. And so no one’s ever going to understand what’s not covered and what the actual claim limit is. And so a good place to start is to actually just first understand that, you know, real estate law is the most heavily litigated area of law that there is other there’s so many different ways to get CM as well as owning a business. And so it’s not a matter of when but it’s a matter of what condition you’re going to be in to defend yourself when a lawsuit comes your way. And that’s really what we’re talking about with asset protection. And business in general is being proactive and being prepared before anything comes your way. So just keep in mind that insurance companies, they’re not going to cover you for fraud or punitive damages or intentional wrongdoings, and they don’t pay claims that are going to be the direct results of unlawful acts. And so what really your listeners on this topic need to walk away with is just what insurance defense actually is on. And it’s that you can be sued if your business or likely going to happen. Or if you’re owning real estate and renting is probably going to happen. And from the very first statement or communication that you ever made or email that you sent at any point in time. Those are not going to be deemed as intentional acts because their statements. And so the courts are going to say that email that statement, even though it had nothing to do with you know, a pending litigation or lawsuit is now going to be an intentional act. And the way this plays out with insurance is that they’re going to say, Okay, well now, we’re not going to cover you for a potential wrongdoings effort from intentional acts. And if you think we’re wrong, go ahead and sue us. And so that’s how that game is played, and how they have built in wiggle rooms and ways out of payment, large claims. And so just understand insurance helps, but it’s just not going to be good enough. So the next thing you need to do is create protection systems. You know, if the money’s tight, start with an LLC, as you grow, you’re going to need more start maximizing exemptions. As you start growing even more than you’re going to get into what we’re you know, like to quickly cover is picking a jurisdiction to set up asset protection trust, if you want to jump into that. Yeah, let’s do it. Yeah, so that’s the next big topic is nor the next big step is all right. started out small, I had my LLC, I outgrew that I have too much for I’m growing really fast. I don’t want to accelerating multiple LLC, because it’s just going to become, you know, a management nightmare.
Justin Stoddart
At what point would somebody outgrow an LLC? Is there dollar figure, or….?
Justin Stoddart
Great Yes, a great question. And I would say um, it’s really state dependent. Like if you’re in California, for example, I always say about $1 million, because then you need to divvy up and spread out the risk into another LLC. In California, that would never work, though, because it’s so expensive. I mean, most of properties are more than $1 million. So you can’t, you know, just say I’m going to put it one property into one LLC, one or one business in one business, it’s just going to be too expensive. But the rule of thumb, generally I go with is 1 million, we need to start having the conversation, when you get $3M to $3.5 million, you’re at that level to where one lawsuit can completely wipe you out. And it’s going to be really hard to recover from it, it took you a very long time to get to that point. So we need to start talking about what I do is, you know, offer a higher level of protection, strategic planning and start maximizing exemptions, creating new bubble, you know, buckets and re characterizing assets into different buckets.
Justin Stoddart
And then from there, once you get to about that, you know, 5 million beyond mark or there’s something that can’t be exempt called access planning. That’s when we start going into picking jurisdictions. So from the reason also is because once you get to about $5 million, you’re not going to most likely be in an accredited investor, you’re going to have more, you’re going to be a larger mark, you’re going to be investing in, you know probably some syndications or deals that other people just don’t get access to, right. And so now you’re going to accelerate your wealth a lot faster and at a higher rate. So you actually need a system that can actually grow with you, and not just be passive. And so that’s the other reason why I wanted. Yeah. And so after maxing out executive, like I was saying, picking a jurisdiction to set your protection system up in is going to be the next big issue, no matter you know what state you live in, or no matter what, you know, if you’re a business owner or a real estate investor, or both on and what jurisdiction means is that the laws and the rules that govern you and trust, and business entities are going to be different from one jurisdiction to another, from one state to another one country to another. And so you really have two options, when you when you were looking at picking a jurisdiction to create asset protection trust, and you can create them domestically in the US, for example, like in Nevada, or you can set them up offshore. Another point for like the Cook Islands, I personally prefer the power of just going offshore, if there was ever needed. And it’s simply because it’s the best home court advantage that you can have. It makes losses go away very fast or quickly, it gets cases of settle for pennies on the dollar. And even against what we call super predators, like the government, the IRS, the SEC, the man who ever implement money, when they try to go after you in the Cook Islands, they are going to come to negotiating table really fast. And that’s because of the power of going offshore. And so the power of the Cook Islands is they have what’s called statutory non recognition of another jurisdictional for borders. So they’re just going to go tell any you know, court order here in the US that you’re trying to enforce them to put violence or just gonna say we don’t care go down Sam. And they’re going to have to retry that whole case and the Cook Islands, which is exceptionally hard to do, like they’d have to prove a case by the murder standard beyond a reasonable doubt it at the front, all the court costs and fly in and judge from New Zealand, if you know, whoever loses pays. And so trying to prove that civil case beyond a reasonable doubt, no good luck. So they’re going to angle legal fees. And there’s a statute of limitations of only one year. And so the top before they even realize they had to sue you in the Cook Islands is most likely already ran and they missed their chance to swing the ball. And, you know, there’s pros and cons to this, though, the pros is definitely non recognition, I mean, five out of five stars, you can’t get better than that. But there’s other three factors that you have to take into consideration, cost control and compliance. And so when you go offshore, those you know, the control, you’re going to give up to a third party trust administrator in the Cook Islands on the costs are going to be a lot higher to be purely for and the compliance, you’re going to have to file additional disclosures with the IRS, we only do have about 5% of our clients that actually need to go this extreme. For most people, it’s just going to be overkill. And if we walk it back and compare this domestically, you know, domestic asset protection trust, they’re going to be cheaper, all costs are going to be easier to maintain. So they’ll be less expensive, but they fail on effectiveness. And they fail because of what the foundation of asset protection really is. It’s really about not recognizing another jurisdictional court orders. But the hallmark of the US legal system is the Constitution, we have the full faith and credit clause. So this means like in the US, you just can’t hide from judgments. And you shouldn’t have to run and hide from fair judgments. But a lot of lawsuits are predatory, or just completely excess, damaged, damaged judgments. And so when you’re weighing this out, you know, okay, what do I pick which way do I go the weakness of domestic power and strength and expensive offshore, I say for the you know, 95% of you who don’t have to go purely offshore, you pick neither, we use what’s called a bridge trust. And it’s really a hybrid of a domestic and foreign asset protection trust. And we’re just combining combining the best of both worlds. It was created 30 years ago. So it’s not something that’s new. We just use the word bridge to demonstrate how we’re using a foreign trust, and then connecting two countries together with a bridge. And then we just crossed the bridge the safety of the Cook Islands in one you’re ever under attack. And then when the attack is over, we move the assets back. So probably your high level, you know, like real estate investors, people like to know a little bit of the detail about it, the British trust is a brand for trust. And so this means that you the person creating it to create or have a settler, you know, you retain some of the power. And then like all asset protection, trust or self settled spendthrift trusts, meaning they’re so settled by you for you as your own beneficiary. And then the Win Win or value add for using this system. For the purpose of the IRS reporting and disclosures, your bridge trust is actually going to be considered domestic and not for it. And that’s because we drafted to meet a specific requirement under USC section 7071, the court test and control test. And we care about this because of IRS tax purposes and violence, you don’t have to file those foreign disclosures. But then for protection purposes, now you have the strength of the Cook Islands in your back pocket. So you get the benefit of both the ease and simplicity domestic with the power strength of the islands at a more affordable cost.
Justin Stoddart
It’s powerful stuff, Brian, I’m sure you could go on for days. And we probably all be super impressed by by how much you know, and how well you’re able to help your clients protect themselves. It’s, I would encourage anybody who’s listening to this to either a go back and listen again, or maybe even forward this to an effect all about you to do this, after this show. On on my website, think bigger real estate, on the video section, there will be a transcription of everything that Brian’s saying here. And this stuff is going to I would, I would encourage you to review some of the things that he’s talking about here. Because again, as you move from sales representative, or, you know, sales person, customer representative to advisor, having somebody like Brian in your network is powerful, but it’s difficult to even know how and when to introduce someone like Brian, unless you can have a few talking points about how people can purchase protect themselves. And so having, again, a few of these talking points, you can copy and paste from my website, and memorize yourself, and to where you know what to look for when you’re working with high net worth individuals. Even if they already have these things in place, you being able to kind of run in that race is going to elevate your status in their eyes, it’s going to elevate the value proposition that you can bring to them.
Unknown Speaker
Question for them on that point is if they already have this in place, do you have a trusted administrator. That’s another good question for them to ask. And we can talk about that.
Justin Stoddart
I love that. I love that. That’s a great lead in. Do you have a trust administrator? If they say yes or no, what’s a great way to get them back to you, Brian? Is there some way that if they say yes, then what is the real estate agent say?
Brian Bradley
Well, that’s great. If they don’t need it, I just want to make sure that if you have an asset protection trust, some people just think that they can manage it themselves. Don’t manage it themselves. Trust administrators do the annual compliance, they make sure that you you’re finding missing dollars mixing Miss tax benefits Miss tax returns. So that’s how you get to add value back into the system, they pay for themselves.
Justin Stoddart
I love it. I love it. And that’s how the wealthy continue to get wealthy is by knowing by having superior knowledge to be able to properly protect themselves, and take advantage of the legal. You know the ins and outs of our loss. So I appreciate you sharing and helping all of us elevate our conversation help us to think bigger. Final question of the show, Brian, which is obviously your big thing here you help some people solve some pretty important problems and prevent important problems from even ever showing their face. What does a guy like you continue to do to be a big thinker continue to do to expand your own possibilities.
Unknown Speaker
I am a nerd. I love reading. And I try to create coming from the courtroom, I’m always busy. So I really got you know, once I had my girls like I need to free up time. So I realized I have to be a business owner, senior managing partner, my practice, I can’t just be I’m pounding nails, you know, I have to give up some of the ego I guess, of having to always be the one doing everything and I created a system. And I think that’s one of the biggest takeaways I would say, as you’re growing as you’re thinking big, you’re used to doing it all yourself. Don’t you’re going to collapse. If you’re going to do it all yourself, you’ll fail early bad, you’re going to make bad decisions. Create a team get a system going systemized your business, you know, go pick up Rich Dad Poor Dad and Cashflow Quadrant, you know, pretty good read on how to do that. Just principles-wise, create a system manager system, spend more time with your family and still make money.
Justin Stoddart
I love it. Yeah, one of my favorite parts of that book, that’s really been a driver to me helping real estate agents improve their value proposition is a text readings that have a team around them, they need to have a real estate professional, they need to have a CPA, they need to have a tax advisor, they need to have an attorney, multiple attorneys. And so I think what you’re saying there is is an absolute way for somebody to elevate their own game I saying every one of my clients that comes to me, I’m gonna evaluate to see who’s missing on their team. And I’ve got my team in place to help fill those gaps when needed.
Unknown Speaker
And so you know we do the same thing. You know, that’s where it comes in, you’re missing this, you’re not maximizing value, and you’re not maximizing your time to do what you’re good at.
Justin Stoddart
Yeah, I love it. Great stuff, man. I want to thank you, Brian, for pouring into our show today and end with this final charge to everybody listening, which Brian has helped us to do through his superior knowledge and generosity and really sharing so freely. But hold on, before I do that, Brian, I want to put up your website here on the show. It is btblegal.com and I want to put that up on the screen for any that are watching.
Unknown Speaker
We have a free diagnostic on there takes about five minutes to fill out. And I do free consultations with that diagnostic because I’d rather have people just have access to the information and do what you want with it. I love it.
Justin Stoddart
I love it. Truly a generous man, which is a great sign of truly being a big thinker. So with that again, I want to give this final charge to everybody, they are three simple words: Go Think Bigger. Thank you, Brian, so much for joining us today and for being so valuable to all of us.
Brian Bradley
Yeah, thank you for having me.