If we are going to make great use of our social media algorithms in our Real Estate business, then we must understand how to “feed the algorithm.”

Join me and my expert friend, Karen Liz Albert to better understand the information necessary to help your content be seen, remembered and valued.

Doing so will allow you to nurture existing relationships, create new ones and add significant value all through social media.

Have an Authentic Social Media Presence with your Real Estate business

To go beyond fame and into relationship and recognition with your social media presence, we have interviewed Karen Liz Albert, who has worked with thousands of agents over the past decade to do just that. Here are two things to boil down to:

  1. Have a plan
  2. Have tactical steps to implement your plan

Feed the Algorithm

You know you need to have a presence, but you don’t have a strategy, and this makes social media in your Real Estate business either daunting or a time consuming rat-wheel. Let’s get organized. Your primary aim is to get in front of these two markets by feeding the algorithm:

  1. The market that knows you
  2. The market that doesn’t know you

First, let’s understand how the algorithm works. The primary goal is to create a positive experience for users, and this is done by curating information that is in alignment with the users interests. This means the user dictates the content they get to see. This is known as “predictive behavior analytics” and is a large portion of funding from social media platform founders. Here are five things to keep in mind to catch the attention of this backend monitoring:

  1. Who you are
  2. What you do
  3. How you do it
  4. Who you do it for
  5. Where you do it 

These are the categories that should inform your keywords in your bio, your hashtags, and your captions to keep your content clear and available to your intended audience.

If someone you know catches your content, it should be clear to them what you do. You first must be clear who you are intending to attract. Next, use the five questions to filter your bio and your content to meet this audience. 

When choosing your location, consider the image of a dart board to refine your geographical focus. This will help you narrow down who your audience is based on the demographics of who lives and exists in that area. Your brand is likely going to come out of your passions.

Connection happens in conversation

 The algorithm will favor users who appear to clearly be engaged with others. We recommend your plan includes spending less time talking into the megaphone of social media and more time focused on creating conversation in Direct Messages. Here are some tips to create this type of engagement:

  1. Value based content 
  2. Use their content to listen to them, engage and comment on their stories 
  3. Engage in conversation with them 

Get Clear on Who You Serve 

Finally, this allows you to connect with the other professionals that cater to the same intended audience that you can begin to serve and share business with. (Example: if your audience is pet-lovers,  your network might extend to vet clinics, pet walking and grooming services, etc). To determine who is right for you, try the following exercises: 

  1. Ask yourself and your sphere this question: what am I known for? What do people say when my name comes up?
  2. Write the names of your top ten clients, and compare the demographics and hobbies within this list. 
  3. Who fills my bank account? 
  4. Who fills my heart?

Marketing campaigns are written with the direct consumer in mind. If you know who you serve, you’ll know what they want to hear and content becomes easy!

 If you’d like to connect with Karen and get some help getting clear on your purpose online, head to Behindyourcurtain.com and schedule a free consultation! 

Remember what your hours are worth – and if you don’t know this exact dollar amount, schedule a conversation with me – and stop scrolling and start connecting! 



When you're ready, here are a few ways we at Think Bigger Real Estate can help you...

1. Get Your Personalized Referral Score™. Discover how much untapped commission dollars are available inside your sphere and professional network AND the first step you can take to capture this low-hanging fruit CLICK HERE

2. Join our free mastermind: Think Bigger Real Estate. Everyone wants to work by referral but what do you do when your goals outpace the number of your referrals received? To learn how to scale up your referral-based business CLICK HERE  

3. Schedule a conversation to explore what it looks like to work with us directly:
To get help becoming a top professional with a 7-Figure-Funded, Significant Life (growing a wildly successful enterprise without losing focus on what matters most (body, mind, heart and spirit) CLICK HERE