Consider the lessons of riding a bike I took from my youngest: the faster she goes, the less she crashes!

If you are feeling discouraged by the last review, fallen-apart transaction, or other setback, it’s because you’re not thinking big enough. Momentum and many transactions helps you not get hung up on these small things.


    Every day, write your goals first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening 

    Write your goals immediately after a setback to reset your perspective to the future. You’re not staying here!

  • KNOW the DATA

    We are tempted away from our plan when we face a setback. You need to track your work habit and results! (Ie: ten phone calls/day should lead to 3 appointments and 1 transaction). Ask yourself: was it the model, or was it me not following my actual commitment?


    Time blocking could be the superior organizational tip you apply to stay on track. Guard your goals and your priorities by guarding your time! 

Momentum is the solution! 

When you're ready, here are a few ways we at Think Bigger Real Estate can help you...

1. Get Your Personalized Referral Score™. Discover how much untapped commission dollars are available inside your sphere and professional network AND the first step you can take to capture this low-hanging fruit CLICK HERE

2. Join our free mastermind: Think Bigger Real Estate. Everyone wants to work by referral but what do you do when your goals outpace the number of your referrals received? To learn how to scale up your referral-based business CLICK HERE  

3. Schedule a conversation to explore what it looks like to work with us directly:
To get help becoming a top professional with a 7-Figure-Funded, Significant Life (growing a wildly successful enterprise without losing focus on what matters most (body, mind, heart and spirit) CLICK HERE