As a real estate agents, YES, getting consistent results is as simple as doing the right activities consistently.

But if it is so simple, what gets in the way of us doing that?

I know and I’m excited to share 3 simple (and often missed) components of being consistent and getting consistent results.

As a student of remaining consistent myself, and a coach helping others to be more consistent in their businesses, I am constantly studying this topic. Here are three key principles I believe will help you keep the consistent routines and habits that lead to consistent results. 

Since we know it’s a little more than just the right activities, let’s ask ourselves: what causes us to sometimes not be able to accomplish this simple fact? What tools do we need to work around this human nature?


You have to be working toward something that is exciting enough to you that you’ll be willing to put forth the challenging effort more often than not. 

We follow the direction of our eyes physically, and in our planning. If your eyes are on survival, you’ll have a business that keeps you afloat. If you shift your gaze to “What is possible?” your business will follow this path instead.

Take out a journal and dream, putting pen to paper draft out the optimal coming one and five years with a clear vision. Use your morning routine to review and reflect over these things you plan to raise a celebratory fist in the air to one and five years from today. 

When you work for something bigger, your mountains become speed bumps, and you will have a better perspective of what you need to do.


A plan puts legs on your vision and allows it to move forward, giving your subconscious the framework by which to go to work. If you do not know how to do this – that’s what I’m here for! Send me a DM with the word “PLAN” and let me help you build legs for your dream to stand on.


Are your activities aligned with what you’d expect of a courier or a CEO? Do you spend your profit-producing time chasing social media rabbit holes and putting out fires over email? I would encourage you to start with YOUR plan, not in your inbox, and place your big rocks in the foundation of working on your business first and then move to serving the smaller demands that pop up around you.

You’ll need a better operating system for execution! For those working closely with me, we’ve curated something very special that wraps these three things into one tool. If you’d like to see what the Think Bigger Operating System can do for you at helping you become more consistent, please click the link below and schedule time with me! 

Above all, always GO THINK BIGGER! 

When you're ready, here are a few ways we at Think Bigger Real Estate can help you...

1. Get Your Personalized Referral Score™. Discover how much untapped commission dollars are available inside your sphere and professional network AND the first step you can take to capture this low-hanging fruit CLICK HERE

2. Join our free mastermind: Think Bigger Real Estate. Everyone wants to work by referral but what do you do when your goals outpace the number of your referrals received? To learn how to scale up your referral-based business CLICK HERE  

3. Schedule a conversation to explore what it looks like to work with us directly:
To get help becoming a top professional with a 7-Figure-Funded, Significant Life (growing a wildly successful enterprise without losing focus on what matters most (body, mind, heart and spirit) CLICK HERE